Boku no Toraburu

Chapter 7

After opening up to each other, Tearju and Rito started chatting happily as she fed him with a gentle smile on her face. She also admitted that she had called for a pro-hero to heal his body, but surprisingly, the hero commented on Rito's own recovery speed and spoke that he did not require much of his quirk to heal him, but since the hero was already brought here, he decided to fix him up completely!

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Rito nodded thoughtfully and opened his mouth and with 'aaaaaa' sound and ate another serving of breakfast.

The feeling of being fed by Tearju was completely different. He felt that he was wrapped by a warm aura that kept on comforting his troubled heart.

Honestly, he was surprised to find her here. Since he had only seen her in the manga and not in real life, he did not recognise her previously. After all, according to Manga, she shouldn't be here until the first series of the manga is completed, that is to say, this body shouldn't have met her at least before he met the beautiful princess- Lala Satalin Deviluke.

But he did feel comfortable around her and felt his troubles vanishing into thin air.

"Um... Lunatique-san, when did you start working here?"

Rito slipped the question casually. He knew that she wouldn't mind telling him about the duration of her job in this hospital.

"Me? It's only been two months. And please call me by my first name, after all, hearing 'Lunatique-san' again and again is somewhat troubling."

She cocked her head to the side and smiled as her eyes squinted.

Such a simple gesture caused Rito's heart to skip a beat.

He gulped the non-existent saliva in his mouth and calmed his emotions once again. During his chat with Tearju, he had already gone through similar feeling lots of time and he was somewhat practiced to keep his calm.

He pondered for a little while as Tearju started to clean up. Even though she liked chatting with Rito, she also needed to perform her job diligently.

"Lunatique.... Tearju-san, seeing your blonde hair and beautiful green eyes, I can at least tell this much that you aren't a local. Why did you move here?"

Since he knew that he wouldn't get the answer regarding the place she used to live in, Rito simply asked for the reason to move here. After all, she should still be looking for her own biological clone.

As she heard Rito's words, her cheeks blushed slightly.

'He thinks my eyes are beautiful!'

She very well understood that Rito was only a teenager, but she had been going through emotional turmoil since yesterday and she was still feeling awkward in her heart. So, light compliments on her worked very well at the moment.

Even Rito did not know about this and only spoke his mind.

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He had seen many green-eyed girls in animation and paper, but it was his first time meeting someone with such beautiful eyes in reality and he had to admit that he was already hooked on her eyes.

"Hmmm? I moved here to find someone close to me."

She stated with a slight smile and continued her work.

Rito also stopped asking anymore and closed his eyes to rest. He felt that prying too much would make her feel uncomfortable as her past wasn't normal and she did end up getting hurt emotionally.

Seeing that Rito did not extend his questions about the person she was looking for, Tearju sighed in relief.

She was grateful for Rito's sensibility and quickly left the room when she saw him closing his eyes.

As she left, Rito opened his eyes once again. Even though he really wished to help Tearju in her life, right now, he had different priorities and still needed to focus on himself.

After all, even if he was healed, his body was still weak because of the artificial healing. He needed to reinforce his body. Even though he was quirkless in the eyes of others, he knew that he could accomplish greater things with the system.

Right now, he was simply waiting for some time before the system truly activated.

Just as this thought crossed his mind, a small window popped open in front of his eyes, causing him to smile widely.


System Initiated; Beginner's Package Received.


Seeing the dialogue box, Rito wanted to laugh out loud. Until now, the system wasn't fully initiated and he could only utilise the most basic shop function. But now, he could finally use the system in all its glory.

He thought for a while and finally called out for inventory.

"System, show me the inventory."


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Beginner's Package x1


He then started to go through the other known functions of the system. He could use the map to find the locations of important items and people, he could also view a log book that kept records of his chats with other people and lastly, he could use the equipment function to change his clothes instantaneously.

After going through the system, he finally used the Beginner's Package.

"Open Beginner's Package!"

He spoke with much excitement. Since his inventory was unlocked, all the items received from the package would go to the inventory.

After the package was opened, all the rewards had been shifted inside the inventory.


Skill Scroll x2, Basic Martial Arts Manual (F)


"Use the Skill Scrolls."

Rito commanded naturally. He was very excited to know the skills he would gain. In his previous life, he didn't get the skills but got another function of the system. That is also one of the reasons that he wasn't able to protect himself during his demise.


Limit Breaker (SS), Mind Reading (B)

Limit Breaker (SS): This skill allows the user to break free from the shackles placed on the body by mother nature. The skill is dependent on the potential of the body and the only limit to this skill is the body of the user itself.

Current Progress: 0%

Caution: As the user progressively breakthrough its limits, the user also needs to accommodate the strength by training the body or it will create adverse side-effects.

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Mind Reading (B): Allows the user to read the active thoughts of the target. This skill doesn't work on opponents with higher mental ability and opponents with active mental defence.


As he read through the two skills, he couldn't help but feel bitter. Even though the skill [Limit Breaker] looks awesome, he understood that he needed to keep on training and go through a lot of hard situations to break the limits placed on his body. But as he read through the explanation of [Mind Reading], he felt happy. After all, this skill has too many uses.

"Now then!"

He looked at the [Basic Martial Arts Manual] in his inventory and stared it for a moment with the intention of learning it and the manual disappeared from his inventory as a rush of information entered his brain.

He was informed about the stances of various Martial Arts, legends regarding the origin of martial arts, basic theories, diagrams, the meaning of various Martial Arts logo, the basic info of the human body and the parts that, when attacked, can lead to fatal damage.

The whole process took a hour and Rito's mind was completely exhausted. He even thought that he wouldn't have been able to hold on if it wasn't the information on basic Martial Arts, but Advance Martial Arts.

After digesting all the information, Rito decided to sit up and clear his head. There was still a lot of time before Mikan and others could visit him.

But the moment he sat up, a visitor, that should have arrived yesterday, came to check up on him.

Sporting long and messy black hair alongside big eyebrows and golden brown eyes similar to Rito's, the man with a nice jawline and a goofy smile entered the room.

He was Saibai Yuuki, Rito's father.

Seeing him enter, Rito did not know how to feel at the moment. Through the original Rito's memories, he knew that his parents loved him and Mikan with all their heart, but he also understood that they both were pursuing their dreams and careers to make a living and provide a good future to their children.

"How are you feeling now?"

Saibai had a deep voice, and Rito felt that it was quite unfortunate that he only got his eyes from his father. He touched his jaws and sighed as he replied.

"I have gotten better, at least, I can walk."

Saibai smiled at his response and sat near Rito with a grin.

"Good! A young man like you should be out there, living your life!"

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He patted his head gently and pointed outside the window.

Feeling his father's big hand, he felt comforted. Rito knew that this was a special situation or else, he wouldn't try to comfort him too much.

Saibai looked at his son and spoke lightly.

"Even though you don't have a quirk, there are many ways to enjoy life. Don't always feel so stressed."

Yes! In the eyes of the public, he was still considered as quirkless. After all, identifying a quirk like Luck Fall is very hard.

Rito didn't mind his words and did not bother to correct him because he felt that it may simply raise more complications.

To his encouragement, Rito simply nodded with a smile.

"Sure, if I can't find anything interesting, I will become a mangaka, just like you."

Hearing his words, Saibai couldn't help but laugh.

"You brat, I am able to get popular in the world of manga because of my quirk. If you did become a mangaka, I won't go easy on you!"

Hearing his words, Rito also grinned and nodded.

"I wouldn't expect anything less!"

Just like that, father and son duo started to chat.

Saibai told him that his mother wasn't informed so as to let her concentrate on her work and not cause any unnecessary worry. He also told that Mikan was the one who cooked for him today before going for school and how she was still sobbing lightly before sleeping.

Hearing his words, Rito only felt that he had to grow stronger to stop making his family worried about him. Even though he wanted to protect his family, he knew that pointlessly saying such words is quite stupid and this kind of conviction can only be communicated through actions.

Of course, the very first step would still remain to gain enough strength to stop his family for worrying about him all the time.

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