Boku no Toraburu

Chapter 8

After some time, Saibai had to leave because he was on a clock since the deadline for his manga was approaching. After patting Rito's shoulder one last time and consoling him with encouraging words, Saibai left.

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The moment he left, Tearju entered once again with a small smile on her face.

"Was that your dad?"

She asked as she brought a bowl of porridge for Rito. Since he had almost died in the hospital, the superiors had already written off the cost of the treatment provided and also ordered the nurse responsible, Tearju, to nurse him back to health properly.

In a way, this was also the last chance given by the hospital to redeem her mistake and show that she was still efficient and useful to the hospital.

"Oh, Tearju-san! Yeah, he is my dad!"

Rito smiled as he simply allowed her to feed him porridge once again. He would have been out of his mind if he stopped Tearju's action and asked her to stop her actions and acted all in a gentlemanly manner.

Who cares about being a gentleman? Rito would rather be fed by a beautiful and mature girl like Tearju as she held a gentle smile on her face.

"By the way, Rito-kun, why did you apologise to me back then?"

Seeing that she had changed to his first name when she mentioned his name, Rito had a slight tingling feeling inside his chest.

He knew that he was overreacting to such a simple change, but when he looked into her beautiful emerald green eyes as she spoke his name, he felt slightly flustered and he fell into a daze.

Since Tearju was facing towards Rito, she was able to capture his expression and felt confused slightly.

"It's okay if you don't want to answer me."

She smiled and spoke softly. Her eyes squinted as she brought another spoonful of porridge to his mouth.

"Wha-? Aaaaummmmm! Oh, that, yeah, I wanted to apologise for my actions yesterday."

He broke out of his dazed state and ate the porridge and replied in an equally soft voice.

"Your actions?"

She cocked her head to the side and blinked innocently. This was whole another level of charm and cuteness.

Rito felt that his troubled heart wouldn't be able to handle the stress and a part of him wanted to tell her that her actions had a 'certain' kind of dangers towards young blood like him.

But he felt that if he really did tell her and caused Tearju to stop acting like that, he would be the sinner to the whole community of cultured men from his previous world.

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Calming his heart, he looked at Tearju and hesitated before speaking.

"Um... it's that you know... last night... when we fell, things happened and my left hand acted inappropriately. So that is why I wanted to apologise to you first thing."

Since his head was bowed, he couldn't see Tearju's expression. Seeing that she hadn't replied or made any sound at all, he looked up curiously and almost had a nosebleed.

Her eyes were open wide and her green eyes had already turned watery, her face was completely red and the blush even reached her neck. But unlike any other expression previously, she had a very peculiar smile. It felt like she wanted to say something, but tried to convey it through her beautiful smile.

Her lips had a formed a mixture of a cheerful and gentle smile. Her beautiful pink lips, similar to flower petals enhanced her whole charm and demeanor.

Even though she felt extremely embarrassed when she thought about the previous night's incident, she was also very happy that Rito was such a considerate boy that he placed her own body's dignity above his critical situation.

After all, nobody likes to get groped by strangers, although there are some exceptions when the mentality of the victim is slightly skewed, Tearju wasn't one of their kind.

She was a beautiful and smart woman that showed her kind and gentle side to the world. But she was also a respectable woman and felt that a woman's dignity shouldn't be compromised easily.

But she was also helpless regarding the previous night's situation and solely blamed herself for Rito's worsening injuries. She didn't have the heart to reprimand him for touching her body inappropriately.

Now, seeing that Rito felt guilty himself and even apologised to her, Tearju saw him in a completely different light.

Her whole life, she had been a little self-conscious regarding her own body. After all, even if she was clumsy, she wasn't stupid. She was extremely perceptive to the 'unkind' gazes whenever she walked in public. But what could she do except for accepting all this humiliation silently?

She couldn't fight the world to just stop looking at her!

But looking at the young and cute boy who had actually touched and groped her maiden body, Tearju felt no feeling of repulse but a warm feeling bloomed inside her heart.

She wanted to thank him and tell him that he wasn't at the fault, but she felt that if she opened her mouth now, she would breakdown slightly and wouldn't be able to stop herself from pouring out all her grievances to such a young boy.

So, she could only smile as she stopped the tears threatening to fall out.

"Um.. Tearju-san, are you okay?"

He looked at her with slight concern.

Seeing him still showing unnecessary concern, Tearju couldn't help but hug him as she wanted to hide her crying face.

But in her anxiety, she failed to notice the hot porridge once again as it was flipped over on Rito's body.

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But before he could shout in pain, the back of his head was pushed towards a soft cushion and his nostrils were rushed by a pleasant fragrance.

He wanted to tap her back and get her to clean up the mess she created once again, but he suddenly heard slight sobbing sounds and the soft cushion where his head was buried also rose up and fell back in a frequent interval.

'Is she crying?'

For a moment, he forgot all about his pain and couldn't help but wrap his hands around her back and slowly rub his hand to help her calm down.

But the pain came back as quickly as it was forgotten.

Rito could only clench his fist and grit his teeth as he suffered silently.

"Is this what Femme Fatale means?"

He thought silently and kept on running her back without saying anything.

Meanwhile, Tearju cried silently. She felt that she did not have many inhibitions against Rito. It was quite strange when one thought properly. He had just met her yesterday, but she was already quite open to him.

Of course, one also had to account for different drastic scenarios happening again and again.

Rito had violated her dignity indirectly, and even if it isn't his fault completely, there was no denying that their relationship had changed completely after that. Meanwhile, Tearju had almost killed him accidentally and had cried in front of him two times already.

Their relationship is no longer that of an acquaintance, but something more.

After calming down, Tearju could finally smile naturally. She also felt a warmth spreading out from her abdomen and felt that this is a natural reaction of her body since she is feeling extremely refreshed and carefree.

Alas, she was too sentimental.




When Rito felt that her heartbeats had calmed down, he quickly started to tap on her back. Even when it didn't hurt anymore, he needed to have his condition checked up once again immediately.

Tearju also felt slightly embarrassed but quickly let go of Rito, only to find out that the area of his gown covering his abdomen was damp and the bowl containing the porridge was flipped over to the side.

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Her expression paled and she immediately started to clean things up.

"I am sorry Rito-kun, are you hurt?"

She immediately wanted to lift his gown and check on his skin.

Seeing her pale and frightened expression, Rito felt bitter and quickly held her hand weakly. Since his lower body was still covered by a blanket, she had wanted to remove his gown from above.

She looked at Rito in a questioning manner, to which he could only grin.

'Damn, I already know now that in this world, if I really die once again, it would be because of some girl.'

"I am fine Tearju-san, the porridge wasn't even hot anymore."

He didn't lie as the porridge was only hot during the first three minutes.

"That is fine but we still have to clean you up!"

She shook her head and looked at him seriously and went for his gown again.

"Please don't do that!"

He quickly spoke out!

"You don't want me to take care of you anymore?" She felt slightly sad at his reaction and some part of her felt that this reaction was natural.

Even if she had open up to Rito, it did not mean that the opposite was also true.

Seeing her crestfallen expression, he quickly replied with an awkward expression.

"It's not that... it's um... when you hugged me... my body reacted naturally because you are a very beautiful woman!"

He blurted out!

Tearju had a stunned expression as tear stains still covered her face and she slowly digested the information.

"Rito-kun complimented me again... no... this isn't the issue, does he mean that he got an ere- erec..."

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She immediately stood up and bowed her head before rushing out of the room. But this time, she did not forget to give him a hand towel with a red face to clean himself up.

"Huff... This is going to hurt...."

He removed the blanket when Tearju left and pulled up his gown only to see that the skin covering his abdomen was completely red and the region around the navel was already slightly blue.

Meanwhile, there were some notifications in his system. After he cleaned his body carefully, he put his gown on his body and opened the notification.


Skill Gained: Pain Tolerance (B)

During the situation where the user is afflicted with immense pain, the skill will be able to allow the user to keep his rationale and make calm decisions.

Caution: This skill has a limited effect against an extremely painful situation, the skill won't be activated. To counter this problem, the user is advised to slowly develop this skill into a higher rank.



Congratulations, the hidden quest has been completed!

Quest: Gain one skill with your own efforts!

Reward: Skill Upgrade Scrollx1, 500 KP

Completion Rank: B

Extra Rewards: 400 KP


Rito released an exhausted sigh as this was the first time he was facing such a situation. He wasn't aware of the existence of [Hidden Quests] in his past life.

But this was a fortunate encounter.

With the suddenly supply of Karma Points, he felt that he had a chance to recover in a more efficient manner.

But he couldn't do anything right now and only waited for the night to descend.

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