Boku no Toraburu

Chapter 54: Each Step Counts

After dinner, Rito didn't take bath and quickly wore his shoes once again. His hair was still pushed back or else it would get stuck on his head due to all the sweat from his workout.

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"Where are you going?"

Mikan came by his side and looked at him curiously.

"Me? Going out for running."

He spoke without giving it much thought.

"At night?"

She asked once again.

"Hmm? Something wrong, Mikan?"

Rito looked back only to see her worried face.

'Oh, that's it.'

He stood up and patted her head with a smile.

"Don't worry, that incident won't happen again. I am just running around the block to burn some calories."

Of course, he lied. Well, exercising was one of the reason but he really wanted to catch the bastard that put him into the mouth of Monsters and do the same thing to him or her, depending on the assailant's gender.

Pacifying Mikan, he went out of the House as he equipped himself with new weight bands.


Gravity Band: Increase the gravitational pull on the object with the gravity band.

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Gravity Band x4

Price: 16000 KP


Spending 16000 KP, Rito purchased four gravity bands and set them on one time the gravity of Earth. Even though its effect was way better than the weight bands, but it wasn't the best.

The gravitational pull had a direct effect on his limbs that indirectly affected his body.

Even though it was a good training item for the increase of the speed of the body, it was still way far off from the ideal training item.

Even then, Rito could barely move.

The effect of increasing the gravitational pull on his limbs by one time wasn't an additive effect but multiplicative one. After all, he needed to put his own back in every step and also had to keep his body from sinking constantly.

Every time he moved his legs, his thigh muscles to his shoulders were all in a motion to prevent himself from falling. This became increasingly difficult because of the two light blue bands on his wrist.

Even his chest region and abdomen muscles were used to walk straight.

Of course, he could simply walk with his back slouched and make it easier on himself but what is the benefit of that?

If you are going to do something, do it right!

Just like that, Rito started to exhaust himself for moving step by step while the trio took their bath... together.

Of course, it was all Lala's idea.

After all, the other two weren't that intent in bonding with each other just yet. But who was Lala? She was the stubborn princess of the galaxy.

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If she decided on bathing together with Tatsumaki and Mikan, then nobody would be able to stop her unless they know her weak points.

Being a natural airhead, she, of course, didn't mind her remarks and actually spoke that both Tatsumaki and Mikan looked like her younger sisters.

Of course, Mikan was fine with the comment but how could Tatsumaki take it lying down?

Meanwhile, a Lizardman hid behind a bush with a menacing smile.

"Hehe, that brat was the strange one. This time, I will feast my eyes with blood. Hehehehe."

His green eyes kept on observing the visitors of the grocery store and licked his scaly lips with his long and thin tongue.

His face had a bruise mark that was still in the process of healing. Whenever his face stung, he would remember his brother's raving face while his hatred for that crow bastard only grew bigger.

All he knew was that his brother had already forbidden him from hunting for a while but he still couldn't stop. He wanted to go to the hospital and rip that boy into shreds with his own hands but he was being protected by a Pro-hero.

With no choice left, he could only calm himself by hunting as he remained hidden in the bushes with an expectant heart.

As always, patience brought him benefits and he found a delicious target.

Coming out of the grocery store with a smile, the black-haired girl had a carefree grin as she held a plastic bag filled with candies in her hand.

"Hmm hmm, sweet sweet candy! Captain forbids me and even then I will eat it♪♪

I am slim, so I can eat!~

Hmm hmm hmm!"

The girl kept on humming her own little tune as she skipped outside the store happily.

"Ah~ Kendo Club really takes everything out of you~!"

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She laughed and walked towards her home as she had another thought.

"Hmm? Maa-kun is studying even more seriously. He even started preparing for the High School exams even though he is two years early."

She kept on thinking about her childhood friend when suddenly, a green light flashed in front of her eyes and the plastic bag fell from her hands.


"Good Greif! Tatsumaki-chan isn't responding to the calls of the association and others have left for their own cities."

All Might patrolled around the borders as he recalled how other S-Class Heroes moved out of the city within an hour after the whole situation about the alien Princess was handled.

Sweet Mask had a world tour of his new album and quickly flew off to Western Countries while Zombieman went back to Z-City.

Meanwhile, Eraser Head was just too lazy to even perform his task as a hero. His words were:

"All Might, I am a teacher now. Always remember, when one becomes a teacher in the profession they used to excel at, it is the life's way of saying that it's retirement time."

He still remembered Aizawa's eyes filled with sleep as he covered himself with his bandages akin to a mummy and slept right there and then.

"And now, there is young Rito. Really, how can he simply keep the princess of the whole galaxy as a house guest? If not for that Silver-haired Guards negotiation, the government would've taken the matters in their own hand and the association wouldn't be able to help him at all."

As he thought till here, he once again thought back at his report and really felt surprised that the boy was able to awaken a super strength quirk because of a single encounter with Tatsumaki.

He shook his head as he started to patrol the area. It could be said that amongst other Heroes, only All Might took his job as a responsibility.

Well, it isn't surprising. After all, most of the heroes are way past their young passionate self and can truly see the reality of the world.


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"Huff... huff... Fuck! How did those monster train in 200 times the gravity much less 20?"

Rito cursed as he felt his body break down after increasing the gravity by one time.

Right now, his passive skills were working together at the same time, creating a virtuous cycle.

[Agony Lover] reduced the feeling of pain, allowing him to continue his tortuous jogging cum walking while [Body Furnace] rotated regularly and increased the quality of the body fuelled by the internal wear and tear of his muscles.

To avoid any kind of permanent trauma, his other passive skill came into play.

[Pain Killer] kept on healing the damages pf his muscles and tendons by a little amount.

His body was covered in sweat and a layer of filth was slowly gathering over his body.

This time, he was truly getting stronger after taking each step.


Bonus chapter


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