Boku no Toraburu

Chapter 56: Patients deserves consideration,

"So? Is she awake?"

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Completely drenched, Rito looked at All Might.

The other patients and visitors kept on staring at the duo. While one of them was known as the Symbol of Peace across the globe, the other boy was simply too conspicuous.

Completely drenched clothes while his shirt and sweatpants were torn from different regions.

Fortunately, Rito took a dip inside the fountain outside the hospital, giving All Might a sigh of relief.

After all, his smell wouldn't have been good for the patients in the hospital.

From the room, a police officer came out and he nodded at All Might.

"The statement has been recorded and she was likely affected by a quirk of a villain. If this young man didn't step up then she might have ended up like that boy you guys brought in yesterday."

The police officer placed his arm on Rito's shoulder and encouraged him.

"You have done awesome, little guy! You're going to be a great hero someday."

Rito nodded politely while All Might thanked the police officer for removing most of the complicated procedure on his account.

Walking inside the ward, they saw Megumi sitting with her back against a pillow while she talked to someone on her smartphone.

As she saw both of them coming, she quickly told her location and ended the call.

"Thank you for saving me, All Might!"

She immediately looked at All Might with a shining gaze.

After all, her assumption was indeed normal.

If you were to be rescued, who would you expect your hero to be?

A burly man with a well-chiselled face, strong muscles and skin-tight costume that should actually be worn by a woman or a plain looking guy in drenched clothes that were torn from different regions.

"Well, young girl, this boy, Young Rito is the one to save you."

All Might immediately patted Rito's back and pushed him forward.

"This guy?"

Megumi revealed a doubtful look and she observed Rito's body with great scrutiny.

'Well, he does have a good body.'

Megumi was also involved in physical exercise and could immediately see his lightly buffed up forearm alongside his exposed vascular system due to intense training.

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Seeing her doubtful look, Rito immediately felt slightly displeased. He narrowed his eyes and smiled gently.

"You are Amano Megumi-san, right? I am from Sainan Middle School, too. Yuuki Rito, Class 1-A."

Rito's words caused her to look at him once again. Even though her beauty caused her to be highly popular, she herself held very small interest in such matters and devoted herself to her club activities.

"Yuuki... Rito? Aren't you the stupid boy from news who walked outside the city border?"

She immediately recognised him by his name.

As if finally offended by her words, Rito spoke out once again but his statement caused both All Might and Megumi to feel stunned.

"You have a really nice quirk, I assume it is somehow related to blades, right? Well, do you feel pain in your belly region?

I am the one who punched you unconscious."

All Might immediately opened his mouth wide.

'Young Rito! You can't say that to a girl who is in a hospital.'

Meanwhile, Megumi, who took great pride in her skills as a fighter and her extraordinary quirk immediately felt offended. Before she could refute his statement, Rito continued.

"And there's another news for you, girl. Just like me, you were going to be a stupid girl who would've made the front page.

After all, we were attacked by the same maniac."


She was truly surprised this time.

"You mean you didn't enter the forest on your own accord?"

She looked at him suspiciously.

'This girl has a few screws loose.'

Rito's lips twitched while All Might attended a call.

"Would you enter the forest on your own accord?"


"Then why would I?"

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Rito asked again, making her look at him attentively once again.


"Don't complete your sentence, Megumi-san. You have been warned."

Rito smiled gently while he crackled his knuckles.

Even though she was suspicious about her being defeated by Rito, she still quietened down. After all, she was an injured girl and from the looks of it, Rito didn't seem to be the kind of guy to go gentle on a girl because of her condition.

"Good, now then, tell me where you got attacked by that maniac."

Rito brought a chair from the side and sat in front of Megumi.

"I don't remember."

She frowned as she tried to recollect her memories when suddenly her eyes widened and she looked at Rito once again.

"Why should I even tell you?"

Rito thought carefully and answered with a polite smile.

"It's called sharing of intelligence. You tell me about your experience and I will tell you mine's."

Since he is the one asking for her assistance, he didn't mind being polite to her. Even though his wounds had recovered but the small scars on his knuckles still itched.

No matter how carefree and airhead of a girl she shows herself to be, her skills were real and her technique of utilising her quirk gave her a high advantage.

Megumi finally nodded and started to explain her situation.

"After attending the club—"

"Wait, wait, wait."

Rito immediately stopped her, making her snort in impatience.

"At least let me finish!"

She frowned at Rito, to which he simply shrugged.

"I don't want to hear your day, Megumi-san. I just want to know your last location before you almost victim to the Villain's quirk."

Megumi nodded.

"I was at the Green Hut Groceries."

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"Green Hut Groceries... Thank you. I hope you can get better by tomorrow."

Rito nodded and stood up.


Megumi hurriedly stopped him as she almost stood up.

"Hmm? What is it?"

Rito turned back.

"Did you really defeat me?"

She asked once again and Rito shook his head with a slight smile.

"A defeat would be considered if there is a fight. For you, I just knocked you out cold."

He lied through his teeth. After all, his tattered clothes were the evidence of the trouble he faced while fighting Megumi.

Even Megumi also understood this point and looked at his clothes suspiciously.

"Don't get me wrong, I am a poor schmuck who only has this pair of training clothes."

He waved his hands and opened the door.

"Oh, right! Have you called your parents or do you want me to drop you off?"

He turned back and asked Megumi.

"Eh? Y-yeah! I have already called my mother."

"Well then, see you at school!"

He closed the door.

Meanwhile, Megumi couldn't figure out why Rito would show such a considerate gesture.

This time, it wasn't her fault neither Rito's. After all, his opening statement was about him punching her unconsciousness because he was irritated by her actions.

Meanwhile, he asked her once again before going out because he knew that it wasn't safe for going outside alone so late even when he was doing the same.

Such irony!

"Yes, I am coming right away!"

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All Might ended the call and... Rito didn't want to know where he kept his smartphone while he wore such skin-tight costume.

"Young Rito, I will give you a visit tomorrow. I have to provide back up to the heroes as some strong monsters have appeared."

"Sure thing. Goodbye."

He didn't keep All Might waiting and let him do his job while he returned back home.

'I think it's enough training for today!'

But of course, his sister and beautiful house guests would definitely raise their eyebrows when they will see his condition.


"You Idiot!"


A large hand slapped the Lizardman as he flew backwards with a trail of blood flowing from his mouth.

"I told you didn't I? Don't cause any more troubles! Fuck! Do you not understand by the words that a frikkin All Might is still in the city?"

The man asked coldly.

"I am sorry!"

The Lizardman spoke out sincerely while he hung his head low. But the man failed to notice the dilated pupils of his younger brother.

Listening to his apology, the man's heart finally softened and he let him go.

"Don't cause any more troubles. I am sure All Might won't be here for long."

"Yes, Brother!"


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