Boku no Toraburu

Chapter 57

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"So? You decided to visit my room again?"

Rito woke up only to find his hands over Tatsumaki's plump butt once again as she gazed at him with a dead gaze.

Still in her cotton top with thin straps that almost fell off her shoulders while wearing pink hotpants, she had her hands wrapped around his other arm.

And the most awkward thing was that they both woke up at the same time.


A grin emerged on his face while Tatsumaki's face turned more impassive.

"Chibi, I understand your impulse of running your hand all over my body... but, it's my job to do that!"

Rito already knew his fate in the next five minutes. His fault or not, he would get beaten up by Tatsumaki because she is stronger than him and also more embarrassed than him.

What do you think will happen if someone stronger than you is embarrassed by your comeback and is left speechless? Of course, a punch straight to your face.

Since it was given, Rito also decided to have a payback of his own right now.

After saying and embarrassing Tatsumaki, his hand slowly moved and—



The moment he spanked her cute little butt, he found himself crashing into the wall.

Just like this, Rito stood up as his [Pain Killer] became active once again and started repairing his injuries while the red-faced Tatsumaki floated mid-air gazing at him with cold eyes.

Rito, of course, ignored her and started to get ready.

"H-h-how dare you?!"

Tatsumaki immediately shouted and the bed started to vibrate slightly.

"Hmm? You said you are an adult, right?"

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Rito frowned and opened the door to his new magical wardrobe cum room.

It turned out that they didn't need their newly constructed room at all. After all, Tatsumaki somehow managed to crawl in his bed while Lala slept in her own scientific room attached to his wardrobe.

"Yeah! I am the eldest one in this room!"

"Then this is the adult's way of waking up. I am simply abiding by the social conventions, deal with it."

He spoke in an indifferent manner while he still felt an illusion of touching her soft butt once again.

'For a small body, she sure has a plump one, huh.'

He walked inside the room, leaving the stunned Tatsumaki out by herself.

'Adult's way?'

'Why is it that I am hearing this for the first time?'

She fell thoughtful and sat back on the bed while Rito had a strange expression as he looked at Lala.

After all, she was up and ready.

By ready, he meant, school uniform ready.

Yes, she was wearing his school's uniform while a dark pink tail moved behind her back sideways excitedly.

He kept on gazing at her silently while he got dressed, meanwhile, Lala kept on grinning quietly and remained standing in front of Rito without caring about him changing in front of her.

"I should be welcoming you to the school, right?"

Rito wore his socks and looked at Lala.

"Yes! Since I am also a citizen of this nation, I have my own identity certificate and allowed to join educational institutions based on my knowledge."

Lala laughed while Peke, who was in the form of hairpin placed on Lala's hair spoke out.

"I have been studying about the various cultures of the schooling system on Earth and I am confused by one of the popular cultures of mating with one another inside the classroom. Why? There are even pictorial depictions about such acts.

Isn't school considered as the temple of education, why would humans commit such acts?

In the academies of our planet, such acts would've been punished and even judged by a court."

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No matter how open-minded Lala was, hearing such things while wearing a school uniform for the first time in her life caused dizziness in her head while smoke started to flow out of her ears.

Meanwhile, Rito was also speechless about the bluntness of Peke.

'Wait... first of all, where the hell did you even find such 'pictorial' depictions?!'

Rito screamed and immediately looked at Peke. Such behaviour cannot be tolerated, after all, his baby sister still lived here.

"Listen up Peke, when you went through these websites, did you find a notice about being 18 or above?"

"Yes, why?"

"Are you 18 or above?"

"No, but why are you asking all this, Rito?"

"Listen up Peke, those types of images... should only be accessed by those above 18 years in age."

Meanwhile, Peke in her hairpin form continued.

"Then shouldn't they lock these websites and demand the verification of age?"

"No, this is a trick to understand the moral knowledge of a person."

"I am not a person."

"You are created by one."

"That's right... but how do you have such information about these sites? After all, you are not 18."

This time, even Lala looked at Rito curiously.

Seeing their confusion, Rito simply smiled gently and pointed at his heart with his right thumb.

"In my heart, I am already 18 years old."

Seeing him pose in such a cool manner, Lala's eyes sparkled and she immediately copied him.

"Then, I am also 18—"

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"No, you are still 13 years old!"

Rito cut her statement and poured a bucketful of cold water over her head, of course, figuratively.

With the situation calmed down, Rito walked outside his wardrobe only to find that Tatsumaki wasn't in the room while the window was open.

Meanwhile, her clothes were still thrown unceremoniously on his bed and her black dress, that was on HIS room's floor was also gone.

'Really, we should just make the other room an arcade.'

While making his plans, he went down and ate his breakfast alongside Mikan and Lala and quickly packed his lunch.


"Rito-kun, good mor—"

Ochaco's grin froze and her greeting was cut short when she saw a beautiful pink-haired girl walking out with Rito from his house.

'Who is she?'

'How does she know Rito?'

'No, no, the main thing is pink hair? and a tail?'

'A quirk?'

'A foreigner?'

With all her questions piling up, Rito walked up to her with a smile and waved at her.

"Good morning, this is Lala Satalin, a friend of mine—"

"Hello, I am Lala! What's your name? Ah! This is Peke!"

Lala immediately started to grin and talk with the stunned Ochaco who was surprised to find someone with the same level of hype as her's.

Meanwhile, Mikan felt slightly relieved by the fact that Ochaco wouldn't be able to pinch her cheeks.

"Hello, I am Uraraka Ochaco, nice to meet you."

"Uraraka Ochaco.... what a cute name!"

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Lala's words immediately caused a blush to form on her natural blushed cheeks and she immediately waved her hands.

"No, no, it's quite normal."

"As expected of Master, she can immediately befriend anyone."

In front of her stunned eyes, the hairpin spoke out.

Ochaco's mind immediately felt dizzy.

"A quirk?!"

"Quirk? No, it's Peke!"

Lala smiled once again and looked at the Yuuki duo.

"Let's go!"

Only now did Ochaco notice the school uniform on her body and immediately looked at Rito.

"Rito-kun, is she a transfer student?"


"Is that hairpin a transfer student, too."

Till now, Ochaco still thought that the hairpin was a strange person with a very 'exotic' quirk.

"No, she is Peke."

Ochaco felt confused as she followed the group.


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