Boku no Toraburu

Chapter 64

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"Play... rewind... play... rewind..."

Kana kept on muttering under her breath while her face was still beet red. She sat in front of her computer and kept on going through the same CCTV footage again and again.

She snuck a glance at Rito, who was looking at her with a wry expression and immediately felt her face heat up and quickly averted her gaze.

"Um, Ah, fine. Seeing that you really wanted to stop my fall, I will forgive you for using your quirk inside the school."

She stammered as she quickly deleted the footage of both of them kissing. She didn't even dare to speak about the incident out loud and tried to bury it.

"Yes, thank you for your consideration, Ma'am. May I leave?"

Rito sighed and asked politely. This was the best case scenario.

'Really now, this quirk is even more dangerous than strength types in particular situations.'

Rito also thought about his quirk but did not have any way to control and tame his own strange ability.

Kana nodded and excused him as she had some serious stuff to take care of and because of the previous incident, she didn't even think about her headache anymore. So, silver lining.

After leaving, Rito gazed at the school ground as various students practiced with their club members. The football club, the athletics club, they all jogged around the field as they chatted with their friends.

Sighing lightly, he went out of the school building and quickly left the school gates.

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Before Rito could walk far, he perceived someone's gaze on his back causing him to slow down momentarily but he immediately continued with his steady gait.

Before he could leave quickly and bait the person following him in the shadows, a burly man with a light green costume and a mechanical arm blocked Rito's path with a small group of youths following him.

"You are Yuuki Rito, right? I came here to check on your health!"

The man spoke while his mechanical hand scratched the back of his head.

Meanwhile, the youths wearing different costumes of varying sizes and colours spoke out with sparkling eyes.

"So you were also saved by Rocket Hand-san?"

"How lucky for you?! He is an A-Class Hero, after all!"

"No kidding, I remember this boy. He tried to commit suicide by entering the jungle but Rocket Hand was quick enough to save his life!"

"Ah, he is that guy? Studies in middle school sure have increased in its difficulty, making a student commit suicide!"

Exclaimed a young woman in disbelief.

Hearing them, Rito's face twitched as he looked at the A-Class Hero, Rocket Hand that saved him on time.

Before he could greet them, he perceived a killer intent directed towards him, causing his neck to secrete cold sweat while he inwardly guarded against any surprise attacks.

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"Hmm? Kid, you don't look well. You still have any injuries on your body?"

Rocket Hand looked at Rito and asked with a kind smile.

"No, it's nothing. I am tired after attending all the classes."

He shook his head and replied meanwhile the youths behind Rocket Hand nodded thoughtfully and encouraged Rito.

"Don't worry, dude! The studies will pass like a gust of wind and you won't even notice them. Just try not to give into pressure next time!"

"Yeah! If someone bullies you, go ahead and ask for our help! We will definitely save anyone in need."

"And why waste such a cute face! You should find yourself a girlfriend!"

Rito had already ignored the young woman once again.

"Thank you for saving me back then! I will try and stay out of trouble."

Rito bowed lightly and expressed his gratitude while Rocket Hand finally nodded. His expression turned kind and he patted Rito's shoulder.

"Don't worry, just fulfilling my responsibility."

He smiled and finally walked off with his group.

As they left, Rito changed his direction and moved slightly closer to the border of the city.

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In reality, every city had an area of a well-developed state of the countries. It could be said that their residence, including the various schools and other facilities, was slightly closer to the western border of B-City as it is the safest place of all.

In other regions of the city, the monster breakout was frequent and there was even a rumour of a group of villains hiding in their base inside the city.

Even with such conditions, B-City is known to be one of the safest cities of all!

Without further ado, Rito quickly found a dark alley right next to a grocery store and quickly entered the grocery store.

After purchasing a celebrity's magazine, he quickly walked inside the dark alley and waited for his prized stalker to follow him again.


"Fuck! How... why does he get a quirk?! Why did brother have to save him?! It's fucking unfair!"

Using his experience in stealth, the Green-Eyed Lizardman hid and kept his eyes on the school gates for a long time.

When he walked his target enter the school, he almost jumped out!

But all his years of hunting acted as a restraint to his impulse and held him back from doing something stupid.

After waiting for hours, the school bell rang and students started to return back to their homes. He even saw his target talking with some other students.

Lizardman had a deep hatred for Rito!

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After all, he was his last successful hunt that had managed to increase the prestige of his brother.

After him, his successive hunts ended up as failures while one of the had a super strong, sentient quirk and the other one was actually saved by that very person!

Not only that, but he also got an amazing and flashy quirk!

After waiting for the kid to get out of the school, he prepared to strike only to see his own Brother interacting with him as a smile hung on his face.

"Brother... you never smiled at me and only hit me and used me for your own purpose.... hehehe, I will enjoy hunting this body.... kakaka!"

His expression started to distort and his eyes glowed with piercing intent.

Slowly, he followed his target and his opportunity came by when he saw Rito walking inside a dark alley with a magazine!

"I'll get you this time... kid. I will enjoy your pained and desperate expression as monsters tear into your body and slowly chew you to death... huahahah!"


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