Boku no Toraburu

Chapter 65

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"Keke... reading magazines, are we?... too bad... hehehe!"

The moment Rito opened the magazine and flipped one of the pages, a creepy voice sounded from the entrance of the alley.

But even after hearing the strange voice, Rito only frowned lightly and kept his attention on the magazine.

"Kakaka... scared? Ne... tell me, why did you get such power... brother told me to stay away from you... why... why does he have to talk to you with such a kind smile...? Blame him for saving you the first time..."

The voice got closer as the sound of footsteps became clearer.

"If you weren't saved the first time... you wouldn't go through the experience of getting chewed on the second time.... kekeke.... scared stiff, now?"

Rito's expression became dark but he still didn't dare to turn back and look into the eyes of the enemy.

All this time, Rito has been thinking about the quirk of the enemy that put him in the hospital.

By the looks of it, the quirk should have been a mind-control or hypnosis related type but there is a need of medium through which the quirk can be utilised on others.

Just like his own quirk— Luck Fall, the other quirks also requires some conditions and restrictions to be satisfied before they can show their might.

After all the thinking, Rito recalled the suspicious sets of glowing green eyes that made him unconscious.


With this thought process, he had already added the eye-contact with the target as one of the restrictions of using the quirk alongside having the ability to move.

After all, this person wasn't able to control Megumi after he had defeated her in the combat last night.

"Your brother? I don't know who you are talking about?"

Rito flipped another page as he looked at the list of top ten beautiful actresses that were also Pro-Heroes.

"Kekeke... you don't get it, kid... ne, ne, if I throw you in front of Monsters and remove my mind control, maybe you can give me an even better expression, right?"

Hearing his voice getting dangerously close, Rito closed the book and his perception started to spread throughout the alley. His reflexes started to tingle with the feeling of danger right behind his back and he slowly stood up.

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He only had one shot at this.

"Why do you even want to harm innocent students?"

The Lizardman stopped in his tracks as his body shuddered when he recalled the image of the boy he hated getting eaten by a monster alive.

They both used to fight all day long until they awakened their quirks.

While the Lizardman got a mind control ability that was forbidden to be shown to the outsiders by his brother, his competitor started to bully him with his flashy quirk.

Then one day, he saw that very boy holding hands with his crush, kissing each other gently.

At that very point, he lost it!

And that very day, he controlled his competitor and put him in front of a monster, relishing the sight of him getting eaten alive.

After realising what he had done, he couldn't stop himself anymore. To him, attacking other students wasn't personal. He just started enjoying the scenes of students getting crushed inside the mouth of the beasts.

"I... I just enjoy—"


Rito's image immediately flashed and his full powered fist smashed into the face of Lizardman, knocking him unconscious.

"It was a trick question, you bastard. The correct answer was to never answer the question and keep your guards up."

Rito muttered slightly as he finally saw the appearance of his assailant.

A man with the head of a lizard and a thin body covered in dark grey jumpsuit.

"Dude, you look as fucked as you sound."

Rito snorted. If this was heard by others that were transformed by their quirks, they would immediately fight it out with Rito!

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He started thinking about the ways to handle this situation.

Never once did he think of going to the heroes. If Rito hands this guy over to the heroes then he had no doubt that all this guy would get is life imprisonment.

And he didn't want that!

There was even a chance that this guy might be rescued by his own brother— Rocket Hand.

It doesn't take a genius to solve this puzzle.

Rocket Hand miraculously saved Rito while this guy kept on ranting about his brother saving him and conversing with him kindly.

Now he also understands his quest.

Not only Rito required to defeat this bastard, but he also needs to take care of Rocket Hand.

He sat near Lizardman's body and started thinking about the ways to deal with Rocket Hand.

If a villain mysteriously disappears, it won't raise many questions but if a hero happens to disappear then Rito had no doubt that a major investigation will be conducted and he wasn't confident enough that he can remove Rocket Hand without leaving any traces.

Well, Rito wouldn't have such concerns if he was a villain himself.

After all, Villains are already outlaws! What if they killed a Hero?

Isn't it a Villain's responsibility to oppose the society of Hero?

But he simply sighed.

He wasn't a villain. No, it could be said that he didn't have what it took to be a villain. At least, not in the present moment.

"Well, let's deal with this bastard!"

Rito opened his system to make some purchases.


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With a dark face, Fubuki gazed at her Elder Sister and sipped the orange juice elegantly.

"So you are saying that you wanted to live with him and know more about his personality and how he got over his trauma, correct?"

Tatsumaki didn't inform the specifics of the torture that she witnessed in Rito's mind but she disclosed the general situation.

"Yeah! Not only that, his deepest scars does not hold any information about his family like his sister."

Unlike Fubuki, Tatsumaki drank the whole glass in one go.

"I thought you had some serious trouble, if it's just this, then I don't have the energy and time to spare for your problems."

Fubuki spoke indifferently and stood up.

"What do you mean? You still aren't angry over those pathetic helpers of yours, are you?"

Tatsumaki asked coldly and gazed at Fubuki.

Hearing about her team in such an insulating manner, a light blue glow covered her body and he gave a sidelong glance to Tatsumaki.

"Don't speak of my team from that stupid face of yours, understand?"

A huge pressure descended on the whole restaurant and a green glow covered Tatsumaki's body.

"See? You also have the same potential as me... no, maybe higher than me... but you are too emotional. Those stupid people only hold you down."

Tatsumaki's body gently floated as other civilians had already rushed out of the Cafe.


Fubuki shouted and three psychic tentacles whipped at Tatsumaki while Fubuki also picked up all the furniture of the restaurant and smashed it towards Tatsumaki.

"You really don't know how to respect your Elder Sister, do you?"

Tatsumaki spoke in an indifferent manner and snapped her fingers, making all the furniture fall while the tentacles couldn't even reach her.

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"My group was disbanded and most of them retired because of you! Three died because of you! How dare you speak of them in front of my face?!"

Tiles were broken and shot towards Fubuki while the wind whipped around Tatsumaki's body, making the rubbles roll around and create a blizzard of rocks!

"Hah? That had nothing to do with me? All of that happened because of your weakness! Don't you get it? I have no obligation to save your group!"

Tatsumaki's voice sounded once again but then the Blizzard stopped and Tatsumaki just gazed at Fubuki with a look of disappointment.

"I thought that going solo would've made you stronger. I guess I was wrong."

She looked around the destroyed Cafe and spoke out once again.

"Since you struck first, you will pay for the damages."

She flew off, leaving a distraught Fubuki that fell onto the ground and clutched her face, trying to prevent herself from tearing up.

Just thinking about her previous team would fill her with guilt and complicated emotions.

Fubuki was aware that Tatsumaki was correct when she spoke of her own weakness.

But who could she vent her frustrations on? It was her own fault that her group almost dies! It was her own weakness that put her in this complicated position.

She was angry with herself but didn't know how to get rid of this feeling of hatred and rage.

Not even killing different monsters could relieve her from her hatred and complicated emotions.

She simply sat on the floor of the destroyed Cafe as she started to calm herself down.


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