Boku no Toraburu

Chapter 69: Making a Mistake

"Hey, did you hear that we have a new Biology Teacher?"

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Ochaco asked as she walked while looking back at Mikan and Lala.

To her surprise, Mikan didn't care much since she was in the Elementary section while the energetic Lala was walking with a low gaze and a gloomy expression.

"Huh? Something—"


"Oh, there was a street lamp in front of you."

Mikan finally reminded the fallen Ochaco as she stood up while rubbing the back of her head.

She looked at Mikan and her gaze sparkled.

"Come here, cutie! Tell me, what's going on? Where's Rito?"

Ochaco grinned and immediately pulled the adorably scared Mikan into a tight hug while rubbing her cheek with her's, making her expression even more distressed.


As they interacted through their actions, both of them heard a familiar sound and saw Lala crouching while holding her head.

"Lala-sama, there was a street lamp in front of you."

Peke felt quite guilty as she was captivated by Ochaco's and Mikan's act. If was her first time seeing such a method of showing affection.

"Oh, it's not a problem."

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Lala smiled in a reserved manner and finally looked back with a strange expression.

"Huh? When did both of you stop?"

She was slightly confused.

This morning's events had caused her by a surprise and made her doubt her own impulsive actions.

She and Rito were connected by the Mark of Charm that belonged to Lala and could be said that they could feel each other's presence and emotions.

The thing that made her doubt her impulsive action wasn't Rito gripping her wrists tightly but the fact that she failed to understand his emotions.

It was her first time feeling so complicated.

In her heart, born from Rito's presence, raged a Tornado of rage and sadness that made her want to drown in a sea and pass away peacefully. Even though such an intense reaction only lasted for a second and was quickly reduced, she was sure about her senses and also felt quite surprised by the fact that Rito had some means to cover his emotions even under the effect of Mark of Charm.

And this very action caused her to doubt her actions fuelled by her emotions.

If she cannot even understand Rito's true emotions, how can she ever trust him?

Even though she has shown her carefree and bubbly attitude a lot of times, inside of her, still remained the sophisticated Princess of the Galaxy that had an affinity with honest people because that Princess side of her is deeply afraid and repulsive to concepts such a traitor and betrayal.

Seeing an equally strange expression on both of their faces, Lala simply sighed lightly and smiled.

"Ah~ Sorry! I drifted off! Let's go quickly or we'll get late!"

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Lala immediately smiled cheerfully.

All those concerns inside her heart were secondary as she prioritised the positive feeling of chatting with her newfound friends.

In this way, Lala and Rito were completely different.

While Rito tried to shut his heart and stew on his own mess, Lala tried to curb her sadness by finding happiness around her.

To Lala, life itself was a beautiful concept that allowed her to meet with people of different convictions and different realities that created a scope of infinite possibilities.

On the other hand, Rito's reality and life have always been different from this world's Rito. He was a failure that gave up on his life and died in an insulting manner where he wasn't even given a chance to fight back.

No, maybe, he was given a chance and yet he threw it away after getting tired of his life.

To Rito, this world was his second chance where he wanted to do everything right. A chance to find a family, a group of friends he could rely on.

But unconsciously, his past clung onto him deeply and even Rito also grabbed onto his past life's tail, unable to let go of the suffering he faced.

"I should really consider a therapist..."

In a dark alley, a teenager in a school uniform could be seen taking a deep puff of a cigarette while a tattooed youth laid unconscious to his side.

The black jacket and the skull tattoo on the side of his neck showed that the youth himself wasn't a kind person.

Of course, this was only Rito's assumption before he knocked the guy out cold and took the cigarette from his hand.

"Wow, if someone saw me now, they really wouldn't think that I am an advocate of justice."

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Rito chuckled sadly as he took another puff before letting the smoke out through his nose and mouth.

With a dark expression, he threw the cigarette on the ground and stepped on it with a scowl.

It turns out that with his increased quality of physique, a simple cigarette couldn't relieve his stress and simply became a cloud of smoke that couldn't give him pleasure at the cost of his lungs.

He slowly sat on the body of the youth and sighed deeply as he recalled this morning's incident.

"I hope she isn't mad."

Rito closed his eyes as he tried to feel Lala and only felt a mixture of sadness and doubt emerging from his heart.

This made him sigh even more.

If he could, he would've wanted Lala to be mad at him instead of feeling disappointed by her own actions and doubting their friendship.

Even though they had only known each other for four days, Rito and Lala knew that they held slight feelings for each other. This was perfectly normal!

But even the Mightiest Emperors need to face the tribulations in their relationships and this was only a small pebble in their relationship.

Sighing once again, he stood up before kicking the body of the youth lightly. He only wanted to vent his anger and didn't want to hurt the youth.

But it felt like the universe had already felt his frustrations and decided to send a perfect target to vent all his pent up anger on.

Just outside the alley, Rito saw a shadow of a hero in a red costume and metallic arms.

Rocket Hand!

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Even though it was daytime, Rito couldn't help but narrow his eyes while he opened the equipment section of his system, changing into his vigilante costume.

He was angry at himself and frustrated by his own wrong decisions.

All of these could only lead him to one conclusion— Making a Mistake!

After changing out, Rito quickly ran out and followed Rocket Hand and his group and soon stood in front of him with his hands on his waist while gazing at Rocket Hand silently.

Meanwhile, the crowd of civilians passing by gave him a few curious glances before walking past him.

Rocket Hand, on the other hand, frowned.

"What do you want?"

He asked flatly.

His mood was off today since he still hasn't heard from his brother. His worry and anger towards his brother made him skip his breakfast while his hunger was now screwing his stomach up, making him feel even worse.


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