Boku no Toraburu

Chapter 71: Failed Attack

"What do you want?"

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Rocket Hand asked flatly while the entourage of four youths readied themselves for a possible battle. Feeling the tense air, the sensible civilians also backed off and a circle of four metres was opened around both the parties.

Hearing his question, Rito's mood also got worse unconsciously and he cracked his knuckles and spoke loudly.

"I am Head Crusher! A Villain!"

Rito plainly proclaimed without making any kind of exaggerated actions but what surprised him greatly was the reaction of Rocket Hand, his entourage and even the surrounding crowd.

"Pfft! Hey, did he really say Head Crusher? That's so lame!! Hahahaha!"

"Head Crusher? Doesn't he feel embarrassed even connecting the two words together and speaking them at once?"

Another person asked with a puzzled expression.

"Does this have something to do with his quirk? Maybe he crushed his mind and his personality became erratic, making him name himself head crusher, how sad and yet... humorous!"

Rito's face turned black when he found out that his name didn't cause any terror in the hearts of Innocent civilians and corrupt heroes but only brought them endless humour and embarrassment to himself.

Gritting his teeth, Rito looked back at Rocket Hand, who had an amused smile while his interns were also discussing about his so-called Villain cum Vigilante name.

"You seem pretty amused, but did you know that your own brother helped me pick this name?"

Rito's words caused a frown to reach on Rocket Hand's forehead while the other four also fell silent.

"Oi? What do you mean? It is already stated in the association that all of Rocket Hand's family members are deceased!"

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"Yeah! Did you really crush your own brain?"

Hearing all the comments and ridicule, Rito looked back at Rocket Hand.

"Yeah, I think if I had a Hero of a Brother, I would've shown him deceased on the documents, too."

His words caused others to go silent as the implications were too big. If someone related his words with Rocket Hand, wouldn't that mean that Rocket Hand's Brother is a villain?

But before his words could cause an uproar, Rito spoke with a chuckle once again.

"Right, there is one thing true. His brother is really dead, now. After all, he felt the fury of Head Crusher first hand!"

Rito smacked his fist into his open palm and looked at the Grim Rocket Hand.

"I don't know what you are talking about, but since you are a villain, let me make things easier for you."

Rocket Hand spoke out and extended his right metallic arm as actually jet boosters emerged from the base of his wrist and let out a fiery boost.

With a single command, his palm was disconnected from his hand and it shot straight towards Rito's head.

This is Rocket Hand's famous attack, Claw of Justice and the surrounding people immediately retreated even more while the four interns also activated their quirk.

"Oh come on, now! Your brother was way more fun than this! He actually had the balls to talk while standing without any guards up!"

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Rito evaded the clenched metallic fist and immediately ran towards Rocket Hand with a hearty laugh.

Unlike others, Rocket Hand didn't have any quirk but he was the product of the latest inventions. He was a Cyborg— Part Human and Part Machine.

Through the controlling chip attached to his brain, Rocket Hamd controlled his Hand of Justice and made his fist take a short curve and follow Rito like a homing missile.

"Hmph! Slandering Rocket Hand?!"

One of the youths with a burly figure jumped in front of Rocket Hand and slammed his fist onto the road!

Smooth Surface!

The youth's quirk activated as Rito immediately slipped on the road and started skidding across it but at this moment, the same youth removed his power and Rito went skidding acro6the harsh surface.

The fortunate thing was that Rito actually had a cut resistant suit and a strong helmet that reduced his injuries almost to nil.

He glared at the remaining three youths ready to use their quirk as Rito started to feel disappointment in his own self.

'To attack without even understanding your enemy.... emotions do get a better of you!'

Rito berated himself internally as he felt himself cool down after getting slipped on the road.

Bending his head to the side, he immediately dodged another strike from behind and jumped back, creating a greater distance between himself and the group.

Looking at the other three with various features that had unknown functions, Rito's expression turned gloomy. All of their quirks were unknown while Rito wasn't omnipotent himself.

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In the broad daylight, a strange situation had taken place where a black-clothed youth stood in front of Rocket Hand and the group of new interns while the surrounding people had already evacuated the place.

All the civilians knew better that their very lives would be at risk in battles between Heroes and Villains.

Even though such a large scale battle is really rare, there have been many precedences and many lives have already been lost in the search of entertainment.

"Rocket Hand.... I hope that you can find your brother from the same place where you earned your reputation.... from the stomach of a monster."

Saying that, Rito immediately jumped back as his thoughts turned broad enough to understand that this battle might've been reported to the Hero Association already and some Heroes would have also been dispatched as back-up for Rocket Hand.

Leaving this statement, Rito immediately ran away with his inhumane speed while Rocket Hand remained stunned after hearing Rito's words.

"He knows..."

His lips quivered and he became even more worried about his brother.

But more than being anxious for his brother, he also felt fear of losing all his hard-earned reputation.

With a pale face, he sent the interns away.

Meanwhile, Rito sat in a dark alley with a dark expression.

He wasn't the strongest out there and this situation made him realise this fact once again.

If he was the strongest, he would've done things according to his heart's desire and still be strong enough to bear the consequences.

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But today, he tried to act based on his emotions. This act caused him to forget the most basic tactic of battle— Knowing the enemy!

Not only that, if he had really stayed there stubbornly, he might have gotten apprehended.

Sighing lightly, he stood up.

He never thought that running away was embarrassing. After all, he was the one who acted recklessly and it would've been a miracle if his attack succeeded!

But one thing really hurt his pride!

"Head Crusher sounds amusing to you all.... just you wait!"

He looked at the direction from where he ran away and smiled coldly.

"You just gave me another reason to kill you, you mechanical bitch!"


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