Boku no Toraburu

Chapter 75: Inerasable Scars

Feeling the strange gaze, Rito looked back only to see Mikan's and Tatsumaki's mocking gazes while Peke's spiral eyes rotated and glowed with what looked like the color of contempt.

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With a dark expression, he could only scoff at them.

"What are you looking at, you kids?! Just go off and do your homework!"

He spoke as he waved his hands at them.

"Heh! Mikan, did you see how your brother tried to hide his embarrassment and guilt by getting angry? So Pathetic, right?"

Tatsumaki spoke with a derisive smirk while Mikan also followed in the same flow.

"Yeah, Rito is simply an insensitive person. Ah, how unfortunate of me to get such a brother."

Mikan held a sad expression as she sighed in defeat.

"Fine, if you guys want to stay here then stay. I am going."

Rito stood up with a huff as he really didn't want to deal with the loli duo.

Extending his arm towards Lala, Rito tried to speak as gently as he could.

"Hey, Lala. Will you come with me for a moment?"

He smiled and hid away his guilt after seeing her glazed eyes that stared into his own.

"Don't want to."

Lala replied as she looked away.


A small bout of laugh occurred as Tatsumaki couldn't hold it in anymore.

"Oh my, Prince Charming's first rejection. How pitiful!"

Mikan nodded as she took great pleasure in mocking her brother who was stupid enough to make Lala sad.

Didn't he know that making her Sad means making the whole house sad?

Taking a deep breath, Rito kneeled on one leg and placed his hands on her's and sighed lightly.

"Please, come with me. I want to tell you something important."

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Lala finally looked up again and simply looked at Rito without showing any expression. After a few moments, she finally spoke out.

"Stop hiding and only then I will go with you."

Hearing her words, Rito frowned slightly and hesitated for a moment before nodding slowly.

He removed the effect of [Brain Wave] that hid his emotions and his own suppressed guilt and anguish overflowed, mixing with Lala's, causing her to raise her eyebrows in surprise.


He looked at her with a pained smile.


She nodded and stood up, walking out with Rito. Meanwhile, the trio on a single couch looked surprised.

"What happened?"

"Is this how things are going to be from now on? They are always going to communicate in their own code words?"

Mikan and Tatsumaki were perplexed.

"I want to watch the show."

Peke remained the cool bot she was and switched on the Tv without the use of remote control.


Meanwhile, the atmosphere had turned awkward inside Rito's room once again.

Lala and Rito sat in front of each other, Lala taking a seat on the bed while Rito moved his chair closer.

Looking at Lala's impassive expression, Rito didn't know what to do. Only now did he realise that Lala's method of communication has always been her varied expressions and her indifference only served as a challenge for Rito.

But no matter how awkward it is, Rito knew he had to be the one to start the conversation.

"Huff, I am sorry about this morning."

Rito took a deep breath and apologized. He lowered his gaze and looked at his own knees while he waited for the response. Meanwhile, Lala simply closed her eyes and felt all the emotions hidden by him all this time.

Even though Rito's sadness had cooled down, the guilt and disappointment towards his own action were felt by Lala.

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She looked at his lowered head and sighed softly. Even she didn't like all this strangeness between herself and Rito.


She opened up.


Rito also looked up.

"Why did you feel the need to hide your emotions?"

She asked as her green pupils became the testimony of her pain and the gentle frown of her brows intensified the image.

Hearing her question, Rito also fell into deep thought.

"Why did I hide it..."

He leaned back and slowly went through his experience.


He had a feeling in his heart but he couldn't speak it out loud. It felt like a big lump was stuck in between his throat, making him feel suffocated.

Lala also changed her position and became more comfortable while she completed his sentence.

"Maybe you were afraid, isn't that right?"

Rito looked back at Lala and a small smile emerged on his face.

"Yeah, maybe."

Even though they didn't dwell into the topic, Lala was still quite curious about Rito's fear. Was he afraid of opening up to her?

"Don't get me wrong. My fears didn't stem up from our relationship or the fact that I am not able to trust you completely.

My fears... my demons just followed me. It's as simple as that."

He replied and caused even more doubts to appear in Lala's heart.

She could feel a sliver of relief from Rito as he disclosed his reasons but she still wanted to know more about the details.

To her, Rito was a kind person who offered to help her and even protected her. Not only that, but his daily interactions with others has also allowed Lala to know more about Rito's personality.

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And it was because of this very reason, she couldn't think of what could make such a person feel so terrified, sad and angry at the same time.

Sighing lightly, Lala looked at Rito.

"You know, I can return the favour and help you out with this thing."

Rito also raised his brow.

"How so?"

"I can erase your memories."

Hearing her words, Rito was stunned lightly before a loud laugh escaped his mouth.

"Hahahahahaha, huff, my stomach is going to kill me."

He placed his hand on his abdomen and kept on laughing.

Unlike his laugh, a tornado of anger erupted within Rito that was once again transmitted to Lala.

Since he had already opened up his feelings to Lala, he didn't mind trusting her with them.

Even Lala frowned seeing such a contrasting reaction.

"Did I overstep my boundaries?"

She couldn't help but ask out in worry.

It took some time but Rito finally stopped laughing and looked at Lala with a gaze that surpassed his age and showed years of experience and struggles that no man could imagine.

He pointed at his chest and touched the location of his heart with his index finger.

"Some scars cannot be erased with memories, that is all."

He smiled but whenever he recalled the previous treatment, after the anguish, only a storm of anger raged in his heart.

How much he wished that he could tear those old limbs apart but what could he do? He is already in a completely different world.

"What do you mean?"

Lala leaned forward and asked out with interest. She felt like Rito was finally becoming the same person she met at their first meeting.

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Seeing that Lala had recovered slightly, Rito also smiled and her curious expression did help with calming down the anger in his heart.

He also leaned closer and spoke with a cheeky grin.

"Not telling you."

He stood up and moved towards the door.

"Hey! That's not fair!"

Lala immediately shouted and jumped up from the bed with a pout on her oval face.

Stopping in his tracks, Rito finally looked back and smiled heartily.

"Once again, Sorry. Never will I try to hide anything from you... and thank you. Just smile like you usually do, alright? I really feel sad when you feel uncomfortable."

With that, he finally closed the door.

Lala wanted to follow and try to ask about his experience but she suddenly stopped in her tracks as her mind finally registered something important.

"How did he do that?"

According to Lala, only she and Peke knew that Rito had become the Host of the Mark of Charm and they both could feel each other's emotions. But before coming to the bedroom, Rito acted as if he knew about the whole situation and was able to transmit his emotions once again.

Her previous doubts vanished and a curious color emerged on her face.

"Strange... was he informed by Peke?"

Thinking till here, a blush crept up her cute face as she recalled kissing Rito on his lips.

She placed her palms on her cheeks and immediately shook his head while her thoughts started to drift.


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