Boku no Toraburu

Chapter 77: Normal Morning

After having the talk with Lala, he ate the dinner prepared by Mikan and immediately set out to jog. This time, Rito only ruined the mood of some scandalous couples and didn't find anything strange.

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Putting his tired body through bathing, Rito finally slept on an empty bed fully knowing that it won't be him alone occupying the bed when he wakes up.


Feeling the tender skin and lithe waist on his palms, Rito finally opened his eyes only to see Lala's beautiful face right in front of him.

Her eyes closed as a blissful expression covered her face with her pink-coloured hair connecting both of their necks together.

Even Rito felt two pairs of hands, one around his waist while the other one hugging him from the back. Meanwhile, Lala's milky white legs were placed above his' and her dark red tail coiled around her other leg.

Looking at the two beautiful breasts with pink toppings right in front of him, Rito felt his throat dry and nefarious ball of fire burned inside his belly.

Gulping, he slowly grazed his hand on her waist upwards as he felt her skin that held no clothes as a layer of defence from his roguish hand.

Feeling her skin from his right hand, he slowly moved his left and touched her exposed stomach and pressed his palm, feeling the warmth of her body.


Lala's eyelids quivered as a soft sound escaped her mouth and Rito's heart had a small burst of emotions from a mysterious source, making him understand that Lala was in fact fully awake.

But this fact made him more courageous and the touch of his right hand grew heavier and he finally reached just next to her white melons hanging openly, ready to be tasted.

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Meanwhile, Rito was already distracted by the mixture of fear, curiosity and anticipation received from Lala and unconsciously, this strange feeling made him more mischievous and he even took great pleasure in these emotions.

After all, Lala's current state could drown the hard work of even the most pious person believing in abstaining from physical pleasure.

Moving his right hand, he finally placed his palm on one of the fleshy mounds that were the secret desires of all the male students of the school while he slowly dragged his left index finger to the south, making her whole body shudder.

Feeling the cool touch of his nails right above her special place sent butterflies to her stomach but she still held on to her position.


Her eyes immediately shot open when she felt Rito grabbing her right breast and gently squeezing it with a warm and strong hand.


Before she could say anything, Rito took this chance and immediately gave it another squeeze, making a soft moan escape Lala's pink lips while a deep red blush crept up her face.

"So? Did you enjoy the continuation of my apology through my actions?"

Seeing that Lala had finally opened her eyes, Rito leaned slightly closer and whispered into her ears.

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Surprisingly, Lala also tilted her head in embarrassment and a small sound emerged from her full lips.


Meanwhile, Rito felt the hands around his chest grabbing him even tighter and a small head pushing and burying into his back.

'Hmm? Tatsumaki needs my appreciation, too?'

Rito thought silently as he slowly grazed his hands over hers' and slowly turned his head only to freeze in his actions and his hands immediately receded from the girl's.

No, he actually wanted to run away from the room as the person hugging him from the back was none other than Mikan!

With her small blushing face buried deep into his back, she simply refused to look up as she was the eyewitness of a great crime!

The Crime of getting corrupted by her Stupid Elder Brother's actions.

Gulping, this time out of fear and panic, Rito tried to smile and finally spoke out.

"M-Mikan, what are you doing here?"

She still didn't reply and remained still, fearing to move even a single inch. If she could, she would definitely act as if she is still sleeping but that ship has long sailed away.

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Even Lala hid under the blanket and looked at Mikan with a shy expression.

"I didn't know that Mikan-chan wanted to share. I was being selfish, sorry."

Exposing her true airheaded thoughts, Lala's words caused multiple explosions to go off in the heads of the Yuuki siblings.

"W-w-w-what are you saying, Lala-san!"

Mikan immediately slammed her hands on Rito's face as she stood up from the bed with a blushing face and slowly crept near the door.

Meanwhile, Rito was also pushed back to Lala, making her face fall into the bouncy valley hidden by the blanket, making his face enter the heaven for a moment only to be brought back to hell by a cold voice.

"What is going on? You couldn't stop your perverted claws from reaching out to your own little sister? Go to hell!!!"

With the sound of the window opening, Rito's body floated and he was thrown out of his own room.


Without given any time to defend himself, he found himself out in the air with his hand grabbing onto his blanket.


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Lala also yelped out in shock as her developing body caused black lines to appear on Tatsumaki's and Mikan's face.


Slamming on the ground, Rito rubbed his butt and slowly got up. But even then, there was a small smile on his face.

Such a morning caused warmth to spread inside his heart as he remembered how happy he himself felt when others around him weren't so gloomy and sad all the time.

With a soft chuckle, he went back inside and got ready for the school alongside a happy Lala and awkward Mikan, whose head kept on buzzing with an ethereal voice inside her head always repeating: Sorry, did you want to share, too?

Finally, the Yuuki household had a 'normal' morning, once again.


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