Boku no Toraburu

Chapter 85

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"Haruna-chan, it's already night. Do you think that monsters are still outside?"

Mio couldn't help but hug Haruna's waist in distress.

"Oh, I am scared, too!"

Risa also took the chance and immediately hugged her from other side.

"Um, don't worry. We'll be fine!"

Haruna wanted to break free but couldn't, she looked towards Rito since he had been keeping these two girls away from her for quite some time but she frowned when she looked at Rito.


Sensing something, Mio looked up at Haruna's face and then looked towards Rito.

Seeing this, her eyes shone and she immediately signalled to Risa.

'Oh! Chance!'

"Hey, Haruna-chan! You aren't feeling lonely since Rito didn't pay attention to you, right?"

Akin to a snake, Risa's face immediately crept up and blew hot breath into Haruna's ear.

"It's no-nothing like this!"

She immediately looked at Risa angrily.

"How can you even think of such stuff when we all are in this situation? Get Off!"

"Fine fine!"

Risa immediately retreated with an awkward smile. Though rare, she wasn't fond of making Haruna overly uncomfortable.

"Do you need a separate invitation?"

Haruna spoke coldly to Mio whose hands were already grabbing her butt while her face rubbed on her waist.

Mio immediately shivered before being pulled back by Risa.


Risa spoke to Mio in a righteous tone.

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Mio looked at Risa with a shocked expression.

Weren't we both doing it together?!

Meanwhile, Ochaco had bright stars in her eyes as she looked at Haruna in awe.

"That's amazing, Haruna-chan! How did you do it?"

She immediately questioned Haruna while the crestfallen Risa and Mio went to Lala for her spiritual comfort. Of course, Lala welcomed them with a bright smile and open arms.

'Did something happen?'

Haruna and Risa had the same thought as they looked at Rito.

It was the first time when Rito refused to take any part in the conversation and didn't even bother with Risa's and Mio's shenanigans.

'3 Hours...'

Rito sighed internally as he looked at the time left for completing his mission [Payback].


Quest: Payback!

Rank: A

Your body has already recovered completely and it is stronger than it ever was. Now is the best time to find the culprits of your injuries and return the favour.

Time Period: 2:58 hours

Rewards: Item Scroll(A) x1, ??


Rito immediately opened the system shop and started rummaging through the items to find something suitable for the situation.

Looking at his troubled expression, Haruna bit her lips and slowly walked towards Rito, intent on helping him. After all, he had already become one of her Good Friend.

Alas, she was a step too late.

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"Is something troubling you? Rito-kun?"

A soft and smooth voice broke Rito out of his reverie as he saw a curvaceous blonde-haired angel with glittering Emerald pupils that could sooth the very soul of the person gazing into them.

"Tearju-s.. Sensei, ah, yes, nothing's troubling me. Thank you for asking."

Rito smiled and immediately purchased the item.

Karma Points could be earned and the opportunity of increasing his wealth had personally knocked on his footsteps! He cannot let a simple purchase of an item create a burden over his heart.

Tearju smiled and sat next to him, their shoulders easily touching.

Seeing such a development, the perverted duo sitting on the other side of Rito, beside Lala, looked at each other with surprise in their eyes.

"Rito's a beast."

Mio whispered.

"A beast? No, he is a kind person!"

Lala, who happened to overhear her, immediately shook her head and responded with a smile.

"No, she didn't mean physically."

Risa shook her head, making Lala confused once again.

"Lala-sama, Risa-san means that Rito likes to eat more than others."

Peke, being a robotic intellectual, tried to make sense of Risa's words while the perverted duo was surprised that Peke was actually right this time.

"You know... you're just a kid, right? You don't need to feel so stressful all the time."

Meanwhile, Tearju looked at Rito and smiled lightly.

"Hmm? I am not stressed, Sensei."

He leaned back on his chair and spoke simply. He was just a little hesitant. He was sure that he could finish his quest by hook or crook.

The only thing that made him hesitant was the item he bought.


You Cannot Hide (A)

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Item Description: A tracking map that is used to track the quest objectives. This item can only be used on one quest and the target's position will be tracked down for 1 hour.

Price: 5000 KP


"You are not afraid?"

Tearju asked back while she ignored other students sending weird glances to both of them.

"Hey, when did Tearju-Sensei get close to Rito?"

The boys couldn't help but converse with each other while Haruna simply looked at them and went back to her seat.

She knew Tearju whenever she visited Rito in the hospital. Even though she was surprised, she didn't feel much different when Tearju became their Teacher. The only thing she didn't know was both of their relationship.

"Afraid, huh? Not at all, Sensei."

Rito shook his head and looked towards Lala, who was comforting Risa and Mio's head on her laps.

'What the hell happened?'

"This is why you get into so much trouble."

Tearju sighed and adjusted her glasses.

"Well, to be fair, I don't like much trouble myself, Tearju-san."

She immediately knocked on his head.


Rito sighed and changed the way he called her once again.

Nodding in a satisfied manner, Tearju smiled and got up.

"This situation is quite serious and in this whole school, you are the person who worries me the most. Don't do anything stupid."

Rito kept his mouth shut. He wasn't the type to promise and break it while saying— Promises are meant to be broken.

Seeing that Rito didn't reply, Tearju frowned and looked at him.

"You are thinking something stupid, right?"

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Her gaze turned dangerous and she thought for a while.

"Follow me."

"Ah? But, Tearju-Sensei, I want to stay with my friends!"

Rito immediately tried to resist. He couldn't get himself another trouble right now.

Tearju looked around Rito. Risa, Mio and Lala were occupied while Haruna and Ochaco talked with each other. Meanwhile, the other classmates avoided Tearju's dangerous gaze. Even Saruyama, who wanted to help his friend, faltered and apologized to Rito internally.

"Hmm? Does anyone want to play with Rito-kun, right now?"

The whole class immediately replied in a unified voice.

"No, Sensei!"

Even Lala shouted with a smile while Risa winked at Rito mischievously.

Tearju looked back at Rito with a kind and gentle smile.

"Rito-kun, follow me."

Rito's lips twitched and he could only follow.

"Yes, Sensei."

Meanwhile, Mio couldn't help but utter in surprise once again.

"The beast is tamed?"

"Yeah, shocking, isn't it?"

Risa also chuckled while Haruna and Ochaco were speechless by their conversation.


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