Boku no Toraburu

Chapter 86

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"So, you couldn't handle staying away with him, right?"

Ryōko passed a cup of tea to Tearju as they both sat together, gazing at a bored Rito who was asked to sit near teachers.

"It isn't like that!"

Tearju sipped from her cup and replied while she looked at Rito and other troublemakers sitting together.

"Hoh? Then it's fine if I show him your panties?"

"How are these two matters even connected?!"

Tearju almost shouted out loud. She couldn't bear the thought of getting her taste in undergarments exposed. Never!

"Alright, I am kidding! If I did expose them, I would bear the whole brunt, after all, I am wearing them."

Ryōko chuckled which caused Tearju to feel strange.

"Why would you even wear them?"

"To understand the feeling! After all, I don't have the guts to buy transparent ones. Now, you tell me one thing? Which one are you wearing right now?"

Ryōko eyed Tearju suspiciously.

Hearing her question, Tearju visibly faltered and shrunk her neck.

"You don't need to know."

Narrowing her eyes, Ryōko whispered.

"You know, the first one I wanted to wear was my Purple lacey ones, but I couldn't find 'em. You wouldn't know anything about it, right?"


Tearju replied with a deep blush.

"Oh, are you saying that I won't pull up a purple thong if I pulled up your panties from your back?"

Hearing her question, Tearju's eyes widened.

"Why would you even do that?!"

"Cause I can!"

Tearju silently sipped her tea while Ryōko smiled.

Silence means acceptance!

"Who knew, little Tearju grew up so much!"

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Ryōko sighed deeply and took a sip herself while Tearju's face hung low.

"Oh, come on! We are already living together. There's no problem with sharing clothes!"

Ryōko nudged Tearju's shoulder and chuckled.


Tearju looked up once again.

"Yeah! I mean, if you happen to bring Rito to your room, I can even give you my lucky ones!"



"Heh! Who knew you are also caught!"

Megumi sneered when she saw Rito sitting in front of him.

Rito looked at her calmly.

"Aren't you here, too?"


Megumi immediately stopped talking and looked away.

"You know, I always thought that out of your group, Galko-san would've been the one to actually cause more troubles."

Rito opened up once again.

"Hmm? How can you say that? She is a diligent girl that even have a good score."

Megumi looked back with a confused expression.

Rito nodded and thought back at the shadow spikes ready to pierce those punks.

"Call it a first impression."

Rito replied again as he looked at other delinquents and 'curious' students of the school sitting in this group with their sports teacher watching over them.

"Eh? How can you judge someone based on their looks?"

Megumi frowned and immediately misunderstood Rito.

"Looks? I didn't mean that."

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Rito sighed and explained her the situation.

"Oh, you meant her quirk. Yeah, she does fight sometimes but she never gets into trouble."

Megumi spoke in understanding.

"How so?"

"It's quite simple actually. All the boys didn't dare complain about her to the teacher."

Rito was speechless. Isn't she a bully then?

Sighing, he looked at Megumi.

"Then, why are you here? You don't strike as a person who gets into a lot of troubles."

Hearing his question, Megumi simply sighed.

"Ah, it was because I got into a fight outside the school and when I was hospitalised, the school was informed... wait..."

Megumi's eyes widened and she pointed at Rito.

"I am here because of you!"

Seeing her reaction, Rito simply chuckled.

"Oh, that's good to know."

Just like this, they both started arguing verbally.


"This is more tiring than expected!"

Sitting right in front of the entrance, Kana covered herself with a blanket and muttered under her breath.

"I know right?"

The sudden reply shocked her scared and she jumped out of the chair akin to a startled kitty.


Ryōko laughed as she almost lost her hold on the cup of tea in her hand.

"Relax, Kojima-san. I'm not going to bite you."

Ryōko had a sly grin as she handed Kana the cup of tea which she reluctantly accepted.

"What are you doing here?"

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"Oh, I don't even get a thank you?"

Kana sighed as her mood turned slightly better. She took a sip of tea and felt comfortable due to its refreshing aroma.

"Fine, thank you."

She spoke out as she remained inside of her blanket, staring at the entrance intently.

"You should take some rest. I'll look out for the entrance."

Ryōko brought a chair and sat next to Kana.

"No, I'd rather do it myself."

"That's quite a mean thing to say."

Kana shook her head.

"It's the truth."

Ryōko smiled at her words.

"Kojima-san, tell me one thing. If monsters do enter the shelter, do you think that we would be able to survive even if you kept guard?"

Kana calmly took another sip.

"Of course, not.

But if monsters do enter the shelter, I want to be the first person to face them."

Ryōko almost laughed at her words.


No, she really laughed at her words.

"What is the meaning of this?"

Kana's expression immediately soured and she looked at Ryōko angrily. Wiping the tear from the corner of her eyes.

"Don't mind me, it's just that I don't usually chat with the people of similar age and don't get to hear such brave words from the mouth of an adult."


Kana looked back towards the entrance and ignored Ryōko's relieved expression.

"You think that it's stupid? To care for my students and staff?"

Kana asked out after a moment of silence.

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"No, in fact, I find it admirable. But that doesn't mean that I won't laugh at stupid words, Kojima-san."

"Hmm, I get it. Ryōko-san, after all this is over, how about you come back to school in your previously inappropriate dresses that aren't good for the eyes of Mid-schoolers and should be worn in some club?"

Ryōko's gaze sparkled as she listened to Kana's words.


This time Kana looked at Ryōko with a smile.

"Oh? I thought that you loved to laugh when you hear something stupid."

Ryōko's smile twitched and she leaned back on her chair. Meanwhile, Kana sipped on her tea with a victorious expression.

"I didn't know that Kojima-san could joke around."

Kana shook her head.

"I'm just like you. I don't get to chat around with people of my age."

"But I am like... 5 years younger than you."

Ryōko's words made veins pop out of Kana's forehead.

"Yeah, right! If you are 5 years younger than I am 10 years younger!"

Kana looked at Ryōko fiercely.

"Oh, is that so? Then where is the basic respect that the young ones need to show their elders?"

"Ryōko-san... stop or you will regret it!"

Kana turned her head away.

"Heh, fine!"

Ryōko had her signature smile and accompanied Kana in her watch.


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