Boku no Toraburu

Chapter 87

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"Where are you going?"

Megumi asked out the moment Rito stood up.

"Hmm? I don't need to tell you anything."

Rito looked at her strangely and walked out of the group of students forced to sit together due to causing troubles in recent days.

Seeing this, Megumi immediately followed him. After all, for better or worse, she was only familiar with Rito in the whole group.

"Wait for me!"

She immediately ran up and quickly stood in front of Rito with an angry expression.

"How can you leave me there? At least tell me where are you going!"

She spoke fiercely but didn't garner much attention from the surroundings. Most students were already asleep due to living with a mental pressure for the whole day. Some of the teachers were sound asleep, too.

Meanwhile, Rito didn't look at her and turned his head.

Seeing this, Megumi exploded! She had been in tension for the whole day as she was worried sick for her mother! And now, the only conversing partner she could find was also avoiding her.

"Hah? Look at me when I am talking to you!"

Rito, being a gentleman, finally cleared her misunderstanding once again and pointed at her waist.

"Your skirt's pulled up."

Megumi froze and slowly looked down only to see her blue-stripped panties exposed while the white part of her panty was slightly see-through because of the sweat.

Her face turned red and she immediately crouched down while looking up at Rito with a gaze filled embarrassment and resentment.

"You pervert!"

She immediately adjusted her skirt and swung her palm towards Rito's cheek.

"Tch! You were the one who was showing off! Blue Stripes!"

Rito grabbed her arm before she could slap him for no apparent reason and also felt angry.

He already had enough on his plate and didn't want more troubles.

"Let go!"

Megumi spoke as she felt even more bashful. This was the first time someone actually grabbed her wrist in such a manner.

She knew in her heart that she would experience wardrobe malfunction sometimes but every time this happened, she would slap her trusty Maa-kun to hide her embarrassment.

She wanted to do that once again but her hand was caught mid-way.

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"Alright, I am letting go. But don't try to do such a stupid thing again."

Rito let go of her hand and immediately bypassed her.


Megumi woke up from her stupor and immediately grabbed Rito's shoulder.

"Why won't you tell me where you are going?!"

She spoke in a low voice as she truly felt her feelings get hurt. She couldn't understand why Rito would always treat her rudely while he talked to Otako and others politely.

Seeing her expression, Rito sighed.

"I am going to the bathroom. Wanna join me?"

His words froze Megumi once again as the uncomfortable feeling she felt because of his actions was swept away with a bout of anger.


Megumi let go of Rito with red dace and stomped her legs before leaving.

Rito didn't mind her much and looked towards Mikan, who was sleeping with Lala before nodding to himself.

Entering the bathroom, he walked inside a stall room and locked it from the inside and changed his clothes before buying another item.


You Can't See Me (B)

Description: Allows the user to become invisible for 5 minutes.

Price: 500 KP


With this purchase, he only had 5100 KP left.

Placing the purple sticker on his arm, Rito felt a wave of energy covering his body from head to toe. Looking at one of the mirrors inside the Bathroom, he found out that he really couldn't see his own reflection.

Sighing lightly, he strutted out of the bathroom without attracting any attention.

Megumi had already sneaked back to her group since the teachers really didn't care anymore and slept soundly. Even Tearju leaned forward with her eyes closed as a trail of droll fell on her blue jeans.

Shaking his head to remove the weird thoughts forming in his head, he immediately ran towards the Entrance as quietly as he could and found that Ryōko and Kana were sleeping while covered in the same blanket.

A cup was placed near them while Ryōko kept on rubbing her head on Kana's shoulder, while Kana rested her cheek over Ryōko's head.

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"What are they even doing?"

Seeing such a beautiful scene, Rito had an urge to snap some images but he was on the clock and he knew that if such a scene was fated to be seen once again, he definitely wouldn't miss the chance to immortalise the moment.

Slowly opening the entrance gate, Rito walked out of the shelter and immediately climbed up the stairs leading to the ground floor of the school.

Taking out a small gadget from his inventory, he selected one of the two options shown on top of its screen and a map was immediately formed with a blinking red dot near the border of the city.

Rocket Hand's Location!

Seeing that red dot, Rito's eyes turned slightly cold and a small smile appeared on his face.

"I'm coming, bitch!"

With that, he immediately shot out of the school as he remained invisible. He didn't want to get caught in any kind of camera near the school as his identity could be exposed.

After all, it would be bad if his image as Head Cru... no, if his image as Crusher is seen near the school.

This could directly expose his true identity.


On the empty streets of B-City, a dark figure could be seen running and jumping. The figure could be hardly recognised due to the natural darkness of the night.

It was because of the well-distanced street lamps that Rito's figure could be seen.

He looked at the small gadget in his hand and found that he was getting closer to the border while the sounds of battle grew louder. But the strange thing was that Rocket Hand's position did not change in the past 4 minutes.

"Is he taking a dump?"

Rito thought silently.

If that was the case, it would be better. After all, he only wanted to kill Rocket Hand! He wasn't up for an honourable fight in his vigilante costume.

And seeing that there could be a lot of soldiers and Heroes nearby, Rito didn't want extra trouble.

It didn't take long before he reached near the destination when his ears heard some beautiful and suppressed moans from the other side of the wall.

'This is?'

Rito's gaze turned strange as the gadget in his hand showed that his location coincided with the red blink.

Unexpectedly, he found Rocket Hand in one of his weakest moments!

"Sensei... mmmh, we... ah! we shouldn't be doing this!"

A soft voice whispered followed be sloshing sounds as her gasps grew louder.

Meanwhile, Rito jumped on the sidewall and sat on top of the ledges while he confirmed that the person enjoying himself was, in fact, Rocket Hand.

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With his metallic arms wrapped around a sweaty body and his 'organic' brother going through the motions, Rocket Hand buried his face into her breasts and completely ignored his intern's resistance.

'Heh? Isn't she that girl always following her around alongside the other three interns? Rocket Hand... your luck with gullible girls... ends here.'

Rito stood up on the ledges of the wall and silently walked on top of the wall where the Girl's body leaned onto while his figure remained obscure in darkness.

Taking out one of the gravity bands from his equipment, he immediately increased the gravity by one time and threw it right above the engrossed Rocket Hand that had an expression belonging to a dog in heat.

Well, can't blame him. He did enjoy himself thoroughly before a heavy... overbearing object fell on his head, making him fall on the ground while he also injured his little brother.

Not only that, even the girl's expression turned slightly pained as the sudden withdrawal with a dragging force did hurt her pussy.


A small flash occurred from top of her head as Rito snapped an image of the beautiful intern who looked up in shock.

"Ah- You are!"

The Girl's eyes widened as Rito put his finger on his mask.

"Speak once again and I will distribute your images in your high school."

Interns were usually selected from High School and this particular intern was able to hook up with Rocket Hand after working for him for a long time.

Listening to Rito's words, the girl froze and Rito continued with a chuckle.

"A licentious relationship between a high schooler and an A-Rank hero. How viral!"

He jumped down and used Rocket Hand's butt as a cushion to land and picked up the gravity band on the nape of his neck.

This surprise attack had already crushed his neck and made him incapacitated for any kind of battle, but Rito didn't want to take any more risk.

Well, he didn't care about Risk. He just wanted to hurt Rocket Hand even more.

A hypocrite who used the victims of his villainous brother as a road of his fame and glory. Rito was simply disgusted by Rocket Hand!

Placing his foot on Rocket Hand's back, Rito grabbed both of his metallic arms and pulled them up.


Even though his neck was broken, Rocket Hand's scream resounded in the empty street while the young woman fell on her butt in shock.


Rito's hands held Rocket Hand's arms as he threw them away.

Crouching, Rito slowly pulled on Rocket Hand's hair and lifted his face, causing him even more pain since his neck was crushed.

"Did you like my new move— Neck Crusher?"

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Rito was bullshitting!

He saw an opportunity and struck without any care. If he didn't have any weapons, he can use different items as a weapon, right?

Heck, if he could, he would've increased the gravity by hundred times and turned Rocket Hand into a bloody mess!

"W-why? Hah..."

Rocket Hand's soft whisper rang out as he signalled the girl in front of him with his desperate eyes.

Alas, the girl wasn't experienced enough to handle the situation and she crouched while covering her body and sobbed silently. She didn't even dare to look at Rocket Hand's direction.

One moment, she was experiencing a pleasurable sensation and next, her face was splattered with blood while her inexperienced flower hurt lightly.

"Why? You really are a dumb guy. Think it in your afterlife, if you are fortunate enough to have one."

Rito wasn't interested in prolonging the conversation. He had already seen the worst part of the society and wasn't the type of guy to talk about life with a man who is supposed to die by his own hands.

Placing his face on the ground once again, Rito stood up and simply stomped on his head, crushing his brain.

Death on the spot!

Hearing a crunching sound, the girl turned back only to find Rito's feet lodged inside her Sensei cum Lover's head.

A whimper emerged from her mouth as tears flowed from her eyes.

"Look, I meant you no harm. If you feel the urge of vengeance, then try and suppress it. You might not know, but this guy isn't worth your feelings."

Rito shrugged and looked at her unstable state.

"Oh, and I advise you to wear your clothes. Or I might just get tagged with the title of a rapist. Now, that would be demeaning to the name of Crusher."

Rito waved his hands and bowed politely before leaving while the girl remained stunned.

After she felt slightly calm, she remembered two things, first is that her image was still inside his cell-phone and second, she needed to call for other heroes.

Her eyes glowed in hatred and she immediately started dressing up.

No matter what Rito told her, the fact remained that she had feelings for Rocket Hand and he was killed right in front of her!

Tying her belt she stood up and immediately ran towards the border with her face still covered in splattered blood.


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