Boku no Toraburu

Chapter 88: 88

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A small boy with glittering golden hair and baby smooth skin looked at boy with a black device attached to his neck and mouth. The device was further connected to an enhancer that used satellite feedback as an enhancer.

Looking at the rock-shaped face of the boy, the beautiful blonde boy with experienced eyes smiled lightly and spoke out.

Unlike his image, the boy had a deep voice that could charm males and females alike.

"Boy, you don't want your mother to get hurt, do you?"

Even though he had a beautiful voice, the captive in front of him couldn't help but shiver.

"As I promised, you complete these tasks and I will let both you and your mother free, of course, alive."

The blonde boy continued as his golden pupils shone brightly.

"Direct all the surrounding aerial beasts to B-City. You will make them retreat after I tell you so. Understood?"

The captive finally nodded in fear and quickly used his quirk to control the animal and monsters and directed all the flying monsters towards the B-City.

Seeing the Satellite enhancer behind him flashing brightly, the boy nodded in a satisfied manner and immediately blinked away in a golden light, leaving the boy in the room alone.


"Please! Help!"

A dark-haired girl with slightly unfastened clothes and blood covered face shouted in anguish as she pointed at a particular direction.

"Rocket Hand was killed! Please! The Villain ran in that direction!"

The girl shouted in a crazy manner as her desperate gaze stunned the surrounding heroes and soldiers.

The moment they heard that Rocket Hand had been killed, flames of rage fuelled their tired body and they immediately shouted in frustration!

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"Damn those Villains!"

"Aaahhh! We are fighting with our lives on the line but these dregs of society are unbearable!"

"We chase him!"

In reality, most of the heroes didn't give a single fuck about Rocket Hand's life. The line of Pro-hero was a career chosen by the strong.

Such a career is bound to be filled with selfish, greedy and cruel people that only show their 'beautiful' side to society.

After all, the heroes belonged to the richer section of the society that induced a lot of people to enter this career.

But situations like monster tides put these heroes in extreme stress. Most of them had already been trying to find a valid excuse to leave the battlefield and now the situation presented itself.

Using a righteous excuse to chase a villain was the best that they could use.

Seeing that most of the heroes were belonging to C-Class and D-Class, the young woman felt despair and a slight seed of hatred for the cruel society was finally sowed inside her innocent heart.

She truly was innocent.

She looked at Rocket Hand for the hero he was while she failed to see his true image before falling into his hands and losing her virginity. Even now, she held hatred against 'Crusher'!


A deep shout shocked the surrounding soldiers as they immediately aimed their weapons at the small group of tired heroes trying to rally up other heroes.

A scared man in a military uniform walked out as he looked at these heroes with a sneer.

Pointing at the girl, the Major spoke out.

"Take her to the medical officer and then send her to the nearest police station to get her statement."

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A female soldier walked out and led the young woman to the medical tent while Major looked at the heroes with cold eyes.

"Trying to defy the orders during Military Lockdown? You rich idiots really have gone senile. Call the officer from the association!"

The Major commanded while another figure emerged.

"What is going on?"

With a bulky body covered in an inspiring hero costume, All Might gave his signature smile and asked out.

Since Cementoss had cleared this area, All Might and other heroes had a rare chance of getting rest.

But even under All Might's presence, the guns remained aimed towards the group of terrified heroes.

"All Might, I am just penalizing this group for their default of defying the chain of command."

Hearing this All Might frowned and waited for the explanation from the other side.

"All Might-san! We just wanted to catch the villain who had killed Rocket Hand!"

"Yeah! That girl looked so desperate! We just wanted to help!"

Hearing the shouts and explanation of the heroes' side, All Might's frown grew deeper. He looked at the major and asked out once again.

"Where is the girl?"

"Medical Tent."

"Thank you."

Even All Might knew that no matter his status or power, he was still the subordinate of the Major in front of him.

Unlike the group in front of him, All Might never minded being commanded by a military officer.

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Armies, Marines and Airforce demanded respect even from the celebrated Heroes. They were the true force of the nation and they went through training so intensive that even All Might's training may pale when compared to a Lieutenant's.

Meanwhile, the Official from the Association was called and the group of Heroes were penalised for two months of house arrest after this battle and they even had to lose all their ranks and privileges and start from the bottom once again.

This incident was enough to deter other heroes looking for excuse while the Morale of Soldiers only grew.

It could be said that the Major had gone easy on them.

After all, he had the right of placing them in Court Martial and the results would've been even more disastrous.

"Sir, there are a lot of flying monsters approaching the city quickly. Approximate time for the quickest package is 3 minutes!"

Hearing this, the Major immediately mobilised the army once again and quickly passed his orders to the different boundaries.

Heavy Weapons were set on the walls and all the long range heroes were mobilised to tackle the situation.

Meanwhile, other supporting heroes with healing quirk, nerfing quirk and buffing quirks were also gathered.

The part of remaining heroes was quickly dispatched inside the city and police officers were informed about the situation.

They were talking about Flying Monsters!

It didn't take a genius to understand that these monsters would definitely succeed in entering the city.

With this thought in mind, the forces guarding outside the border thinned out and the masses started to converge on top of the boundary walls and inside the city.


Inside the forest near the B-City, a golden light flashed and a beautiful blonde boy with long wavy golden hair walked out in white shirt and shorts that sported golden buttons.

His pure white shoes remained unblemished even inside the forest and he looked at the situation with a smile.

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His thoughts converged once again and this time, he turned invisible and shot straight towards the city.

Meanwhile, still wearing his vigilante costume, Rito ran towards the residential area to scout for a safe alley.


But all of his thoughts were interrupted when an incomparably heart-wrenching cry resounded inside the city, shaking him to the core.

With a shivering heart, he looked up only to find two bright torches of Crimson light more than 6 metres in radius.

Its dark body was hidden by night while crimson flames intermixed with black flames immediately spread in the city.

But that wasn't all!

Groups of blackbirds of various sizes quickly entered the city and started causing destruction.

Seeing this, the gathered Police Officers immediately joined arms with Heroes and tried to control the situation while the Largest bird above the city was being bombarded by various Long-range heroes.

"What the hell is that?"

This was the only thought inside Rito and many other Heroes as they gazed at the ferocious bird.


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