Boku no Toraburu

Chapter 89: 89

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The streets of the city were flooded with crimson flames and many soldiers and Heroes caught unprepared were devoured in the cruel flames.

Rito immediately entered another street as he felt the overbearing heat from the wall of flame covering the street behind him.

Meanwhile, the sounds of gunshots and explosions rang out as many have heroes and soldiers entered the battle, defeating most of the weaker monsters.



The surface of the street burst apart as vehicles, street lamps flew in front of All Might due to the sheer wind pressure created by his punch.

Even he was feeling slightly exhausted. Taking a deep breath, he immediately jumped up towards the monstrous bird above the city and prepared another punch as his blues eyes shone in the darkest hour of the night!

Meanwhile, many heroes such as Eraser Head, Cementoss and other Hero Interns from various Hero Schools risked their lives in the battle. Even Cementoss couldn't cope up with the situation!

No matter if the whole city is filled with concrete, he simply doesn't have the power to manipulate all of the materials at all.

But Cementoss did create an ingenious move to attack the monster from both the side with wide pillars of concrete, crushing them.

Meanwhile, the Monsters within his vicinity also had their mobility constricted as liquified cement covered their wings and talons and then solidifying almost immediately, making them fall on the ground with despairing cries!


Rito, who had already reached near the school felt his heart leap out of his chest as he saw a small group of birds causing a rampage.




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Bullets of fire shot towards Rito as he quickly sidestepped and let out a frontal kick, slamming his leg in empty air.

With a scowl, he immediately retreated as bullets of flames shot towards his previous location, melting spots on the road.

Taking a deep breath, Rito let go of all his inhibitions as his body felt a warmth spreading throughout his body. But soon, the warmth turned into an overbearing heat that his body still couldn't handle.

Even with all the sessions of intense training, he could barely reach use 10% of his released power, but now, he didn't dare hold back anymore!

With an increased mobility, he was able to land a kick on top of one of the birds while the surrounding monsters immediately became aware of his enhanced strength and started attacking him accordingly.


Rito cursed in his heart. Fighting a group of flying monsters was really troublesome if one didn't have any long-range methods.

'Wait... long range?'

He suddenly recalled the list of innumerable guns and crossbows inside his system.

He still had 5100 KP left!

Looking at the monsters with a different gaze, Rito finally decided to play it smart. All this time, he had been worrying about Mikan and others that were still inside the shelter and his anxiousness only intensified when he saw the Gigantic Bird letting out pillars of flame on the city.

It was at this time, Rito and other heroes simultaneously heard a loud sound followed by a stunning cry.

Not only humans, but even the flying monsters looked up in slight belief as their leader let out a cry of pain!

In front of Rito's stunned eyes, a small figure slammed the gigantic bird's beak and actually ripped apart it's lower beak!

Seeing such a ferocious scene, Rito couldn't help but take suck in a deep breath of cold air while he mentally berated himself!

He was straying from his determined goal!

Him fooling around without any care of the world and also thinking of the System as the universal remedy of all his problems!

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He was a fool to act and think in such a stupid direction!

If I can't fight the bird, then use a gun?


If I had to do that, why would've I used my own hands and legs to kill the villainous brothers?

The sight of All Might attacking the Gigantic Bird had brought Rito out of his many delusions as he gazed at the birds with a determined manner.

"It's now or never."

He immediately opened his inventory and looked at one of the particular equipment.

It was a pair of shimmering golden gauntlets that had a delicate inscription of a raging monster howling silently!

Even though he had mentally broken through his restrictions, he still couldn't help but hesitate when he looked at the item description.


Ashura's Gauntlet (S)

Description: Damaged Gauntlet worn by the incarnate of wrath— Asura, to defeat all his enemies with utmost ferociousness! Wearing these Gauntlets allows the user to go through a force utilisation of Ashura Inheritance and gain its Recognition.

Failing to do so will cause unknown damages to the user.

Succeeding the inheritance will bring mysterious rewards.

Equipment Effect:

1) Increases the Punching power by 200%

Note: Since this equipment is damaged, the user cannot unlock other effects.


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Pursing his lips for a moment, Rito finally equipped the Gauntlets over his arms.

He recalled his vow to get stronger when he entered this world and he did admit that he had lost much of his edge after living a short yet comfortable life with other girls.

But this comfort would lead to his, yet another, demise.

Even though it didn't happen, Rito had a feeling that only incomparable strength could bring him true security and happiness to the people around him.

The moment the shimmering gold gauntlets appear on his arms, they suddenly lost all their glory and turned dull gold while cracks appeared in many parts of the gauntlet.

But that wasn't the worst part.


The moment Rito wore the Gauntlets, he lost his consciousness while his mouth let out a muffled roar through his helmet!



A Black-haired figure retreated and waved his hands, creating a pillar of blue flames that easily devoured their crimson counterpart and swallowed the birds.

"Tch! I was trying to sleep!"

He complained while he let out another wave of flame to destroy a small group of birds rushing towards him.

Similar cases of rogue quirk users and Villains fighting against the monsters could be witnessed in various corners of the city.


"Just a little more!"

The blonde boy smiled as he looked at All Might punching and ripping out the Gigantic Monster's beak with a satisfied smile.

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Even though he looked like a kid, he was actually a monster of the old generation when the use of quirks was in the beginning stages.

But his gaze was attracted to another figure that suddenly slammed his golden fist onto the Blackbird, immediately tearing a big hole through its abdomen.

The black costume of the man had already torn off, revealing a deep red skin with various cracks filled with golden-lava like energy that exuded unbearable pressure.

His spiky white hairs and glowing white eyes caused the small boy to frown as he did not have any information on the newcomer.


With a soul-shaking roar, the tyrant figure jumped in the air and slammed down, creating shockwaves that visibly tore the streets apart while his shoes burst apart, showing a pair of red feet.

The surrounding birds were pushed by the shockwave as the monstrous figure immediately caught up to one of the birds in an inhumane speed and grabbed onto the wings of the birds,


—Ripping them apart, causing the bird to let out mournful cries that agitated the surrounding monsters.

Bathing in the blue blood of the bird, the monstrous figure disappeared once again, annihilating another monster.

"What... is this? A monster?"

The boy's gaze condensed, showing cautiousness and he immediately disappeared, wanting to test out his theory.


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