Boku no Toraburu

Chapter 90

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Z City

The outer region of the city was already destroyed as the surviving humans remained slack-jawed as they witnessed the process of a large abyssal pit going through the ground in One Punch.

Beside the pit, the huge head of a monster laid with its eyes opened wide, unable to believe the process of his demise. The monster's head had horns around his head, forming a natural crown while its oval head looked extremely grim.

Even though all the humans stayed inside the city borders, they stood witness to an actual one-man army that slew all the approaching monsters and even uprooted some of the hidden monsters in the city.

"Huff... Ah, I am bleeding."

Using his tattered cape as a towel, the bald hero in yellow jumpsuit wiped the wound on his forehead when his whole body suddenly felt a strong... raging presence.

Due to such an intense fight, the man's senses were spread to the extreme and this new presence felt like a blazing ball of sun that could outshine every monster whose corpses laid in front of him.

"A... strong opponent. Human?"

The bald man's gaze finally brightened to the extreme and his gaze turned sharp. He immediately crouched and tensed the entirety of his muscles.


A low shock wave followed by a huge explosion shook the entire battlefield covered in carnage and the small figure in yellow jumpsuit jumped and shot towards a particular direction.


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"Why isn't she awake?"

Tatsumaki glared at the doctor fiercely that had been treating Fubuki for the last two hours.

She had been defending the city alongside Ryukyu when suddenly, all the flying monsters took off and allowed all the humans in the city a chance to rest and regain their stamina.

All this time, Fubuki remained unconscious while her vital signs had been deteriorating at a steady pace.

Even the doctor's forehead was filled with sweat as he wasn't able to help her at all.


Tatsumaki's face showed an impatient expression while her heart was extremely anxious. She had arrived a little too late and Fubuki had overdrawn her Psychic energy.

But the situation turned out to be even worse.

Not only she emptied her power batteries, but apparently, she had also fused her circuits!

"Move aside!"

Tatsumaki immediately covered Fubuki in her psychic energy and took off towards a particular direction when she felt a threatening energy signature in the B-City.

Feeling this new arrival, her heart became even more anxious as she thought of Ryōko. She felt that only Ryōko could treat her sister and Ryōko happened to be in the B-City.

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Waking up in a shallow pool of crystal clear water, Rito found himself butt naked surrounded by a beautiful scenery that could take any person's breath away, including Rito's.

"So... this is the inheritance space?"

Rito slowly stood up from the water and felt slightly uncomfortable. The feeling of walking around naked while covered in the water really made him feel insecure.

Stepping out, he looked at the beautiful and full petals of the flowers and touched one of the pinkish petals, feeling their soft and bouncy texture.


Even the ground beneath him kept on sending a wonderful and refreshing energy inside his body that kept him energised.

Twisting his waist, he started looking around. Unfamiliar with this strange space, he simply picked the direction leading to the only mountain visible in the space.



Jumping on top of the gigantic bird's beak, the blazing figure looked into the large eyes of the monster and roared loudly, shocking the surrounding witnesses of the scene.

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In completely tattered clothes that could barely be held onto the blazing figure's private regions, the Crimson cracked skin and white blazing eyes looked incomparably ferocious in the eyes of the Dragon-level monster.

Meanwhile, the shreds of clothes became the figure's testimony of being a human but his performance still put a frown in the faces of the experienced heroes.

"He has lost control..."

A Black-haired man with messy stubble spoke as he lifted his patterned goggles and captured one of the smaller monsters with his uncommon tape.

"Eraserhead-san! Did you try to erase his quirk?"

One of the surrounding heroes asked as they remained entangled with monsters.

"What a dull question. Of course, I tried it."

As he spoke, Eraserhead's face became slightly ugly. This has never happened before!

Still, he had belief in his friend. Looking at the blonde figure shooting towards the abdomen of the gigantic bird and punching it, his hear regained its calm.



Alongside a big and slimy object, the raging figure fell down and he looked roared towards the sky once again.

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Throwing away the ripped Eyeball, the figure jumped up, stunning the surrounding heroes.

Witnessing this scene, Eraserhead's face became serious and he left the area to other heroes and quickly walked towards the Major who had been commanding his soldiers to form intelligent formations that could reduce the damage and increase the offensive power of the army.


"Are you seeing that?"

"Yes... master."

In a personally built shelter, a group of villains stood together once again as they looked at the situation of the city directly by hacking into the satellites.

"Find this guy. If we can't bring him in, we should still be able to control his weakness."



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