Boku no Toraburu

Chapter 91

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Everyone inside the various shelters woke up as the fight descended onto the city. The expressions of various civilians turned grim as they couldn't help but feel a sliver of fear in their heart.

Inside the Sainan Middle School Shelter, there was already an uproar by the surrounding children as various homeroom teachers started to pacify the situation but the continuous vibrations that were sent to the shelter did little to accommodate the situation.

"R-Rito-kun? Where is Yuuki Rito?"

Meanwhile, Tearju was having the worst nightmare of her life.

Rito had gone missing!

What she feared did happen!

She immediately reported the situation to Kana whose eyes almost popped out while her expression turned nervous.

After all, even she was surprised to 'wake' up when she shouldn't have slept in the first place.

'Did he leave when...'

Her expression turned dark while Ryōko felt guilty about the whole situation herself.

"Alright, that's enough!"

Kana was already feeling frustrated by the constant cries of students as a horn emerged out of her forehead and he shouted, while using her quirk on every single person in the shelter.

Using an illusion of beautiful scenery, she finally managed to control the situation and calm down the students but in the process, she did exhaust herself as Tearju immediately supported her and helped her stand straight.

"Huff... Listen everyone! The city is being attacked by monsters while Heroes are laying down their lives to protect us!

So it is time that we all stop crying and start thinking calmly!"

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This situation didn't allow any kind of peaceful and gentle approach while her harsh shout struck the chords of every student's heart.

With that, Kana immediately proceeded to separate the teachers who were quirkless and who could use quirks in their battles.

With this Tearju moved towards the group of elementary students where Mikan was. Since Rito had disappeared from this location, she felt a need to be responsible for his sister.

On the other hand, the news of Rito's disappearance caused his classmates to fall into a shock.

"Oi oi oi, is that really true?!"

Saruyama had a fearful expression as his mood turned sour whenever he felt the shockwaves from the ongoing battle on the surface.

"Peke! We are going, too!"

Lala immediately grabbed Peke only to feel a hand placed on her shoulder.

It was Ryōko!

Ryōko well understood Lala's nature. It could be even said that she was even more reckless than Rito herself. It's just that she wasn't hurt in the process while Rito was battered every single time.

"You are not going anywhere until we understand the situation! Even if you go out, how will you find Rito in such a ferocious battle?

So I suggest, you sit back.


Ryōko spoke without her usual smile, signifying the seriousness of the matter as she pacified Lala and looked at Rito's classmates including Haruna and Ochaco.

"This goes for all of you! I won't repeat myself again.

All of you will remain good and obedient children and stay where you are!"

"It's alright, shhh. I am sure he is fine!"

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While Lala acted recklessly to accommo6her impulsive behaviour, Mikan could only let her emotions out to someone in her known.

Laying her face on Tearju's thighs, Mikan's years never stopped ceasing from the moment she found out that Rito had gone missing.

Gently stroking her head, Tearju whispered and tried to soothe her sadness but it didn't work as Mikan's fearful heart controlled her actions.

"It's not your fault, sigh. If that idiot wants to go out, why would you want to take the blame?"

Galko spoke slowly with an impassive face while she tried to hide her own fear by cheering her friend.

Meanwhile, Megumi sat there with a frown on her face.

"You don't get it... I was there! I don't know how he disappeared but I was present at that very moment!"

Megumi shook her head and took a deep breath.

Unknown to the duo, Otako was even more anxious than the both of them while Ojou gently rubbed her head.

"I've decided! If he is safe and sound, then after all this, I will beat him to the ground! What a selfish jerk!"

Megumi snorted as a boy with messy black hair approached her and spoke while adjusting his glasses.

"Megumi-chan, are feeling good?"

He nodded politely at the remaining trio and sat beside Megumi.

Seeing him, her expression brightened lightly.

"Maa-kun! Yeah, I am fine! It's just this jerk... he...!"

Speaking of Rito, her expression darkened once again while her childhood friend, Maa-kun, remained confused about her anger.

"Hmm? Did something happen?"

He asked out in a concerned expression.

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"Huuuu, it's nothing! If I talk about him, I will get angry once again!"

She stood up and tried to move a bit but almost immediately, Galko and the other's expression turned strange.

"Hmm? What happened?"

Megumi looked at them and asked with an innocent expression while tilting her head sideways.

Maa-kun had a small blush as he pointed.

"Y-your skirt..."

Megumi's face turned bright red as she immediately adjusted her skirt and looked at Maa-kun darkly.



She quickly slapped Maa-kun's face to hide her embarrassment and to her surprise, she was actually able to slap him.

'I didn't do anything, Megumi-chan!'

He shouted internally indignantly while the surrounding girls chuckled at his fate.

But only Megumi felt slightly weird when her slap connected.



"Huff... huff... man... how did I get so weak?"

Rito huffed and took deep breaths while he wiped his sweat on his forehead with his hands.

He looked up and saw a beautiful and well-designed temple made of some unknown golden metal. He knew it wasn't gold because of it's hard and dull surface.

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"The inheritance... is inside?"

Rito frowned as a vague repulsion formed inside his heart as he looked at the entrance of the temple without any gates or doorways.

It was a simple passage that lead into the darkness with an unknown exit.

But he didn't have any other choice. Him being here means that somehow, his real body is still alive. And considering the situation, he really didn't have much time to waste.

Taking a deep breath, he finally strode inside the entrance.

The moment he stepped in, the beautiful scenery quickly changed into a fiery hell with a cracked mountain surrounded by a sea of lava.

The scene changed so suddenly that it felt like a television scene that only needed a single button to be pressed to change the scenario.


Ps: Hey guys, this Chapter isn't related to inheritance and I decided to update it. With that being said, I am so f***ing tensed. As you all know, there is this new novel: Legend of Mythological Genes and it's concept is so awesome that I want to write another ff on it but I am tied by my own three novels that are being updated regularly.

Huff... anyway, If someone decides to write a ff on that novel, please let me know as it would be interesting.

Oh and, Yes, I am constantly writing chapters for this novel but a speed is a little low. I have only hoarded 4 chapters which is regular speed, i guess.



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Have a nice day!

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