Boku no Toraburu

Chapter 92

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As Rito stepped inside the dark hallway, a soft whisper was heard before his surroundings trembled and cracked apart while he lost his consciousness.


"That monster is diving in!"

Countless shouts rang out as the gigantic monster flapped its large wings and actually dove into the city with incomparable ferociousness.

Meanwhile, All Might grabbed onto the pitch black feathers of the monster, helpless against its overbearing size.

But he couldn't keep his hold for long as the entirety of the Monster's body was covered in Dark Red flames and All Might promptly jumped down and crashed into a tall building.


Blood spurted out of Eraser Head's eyes as he had already crossed the limits of using his quirk and couldn't help but close his eyes, making the smaller monsters capable to use their flames once again.

The situation had turned for the worse and even the Police Officers and soldiers were seen etreating under the pillars and bullets of blazing flame.

It was at this time, a figure with lava-like veins and pure white hair shot towards the countless times larger monster and landed a punch on its remaining beak.


Cracks spread on the beak that was stronger than titanium and it actually sunk into the monster's hide, making its face all bloodied.

Flapping its wings once again, the monster didn't stop its trajectory but then, a horrifying scene shook the hearts of Heroes, Soldiers and Villains alike.

The moment the tyrant's figure landed on the ground, he punched the monster's beak once again as the gigantic wings of the monster flapped and destroyed some of the towering buildings, making other humans retreat while many Monsters were crushed under the rubbles.

Cracks spread beneath Rito's legs as blocks of the road were pushed up.

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With his eyes blazing white, he suddenly started punching the Monster's 6 metres beak with his dull gold gauntlets continuously.

"What the hell?"

With other most of the monsters crushed by their own leader, other humans were free to watch this horror show as gales of wind blew with every smash to the beak and the Monster was actually getting pushed back!


While All Might shot from the top of the building in a distance, he couldn't reach the monster as it flapped its wings once again and a small Tornado formed by its pressure, making the surrounding rubbles fly out and smash into the surrounding.

"Cover up the area! Cementoss! We can't let the damage spread!"

Cementoss immediately took action and the destroyed parts of the city quickly liquified and flowed towards the area where the tyrant and the monster fought in a stalemate.

"All Might! Get out of there!"

The Commander shouted as a cylindrical pillar of concrete was formed around Rito and the giant monster bird while the shockwaves were slightly contained!

But it wasn't long when cracks appeared on the cylinder and Cementoss kept on repairing the trembling border with all his might.

"Something's... coming..."

The Blonde Boy's attention had already diverted to a strange feeling... a dreadful feeling. He felt that something, someone exceedingly strong is rushing to this olace and it might not be long before this new arrival reaches this city.

With a thought, he disappeared and reappeared in front of the same boy.

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Smilingly, he spoke gently.

"Alright, you can make all the monsters stop their attack and make them retreat. Understood?"

The boy nodded and immediately used his quirk once again.


"Hey, wake up! Sleepy Head!"

A soft feeling on his lips woke Rito up as he immediately opened his eyes wide and quickly sat up.

"Hmm? What happened?"

Another voice was registered in his head and he looked to his right.

Covering her naked figure with a blanket, Tatsumaki rubbed her eyes and looked at Rito with a resenting gaze.

"Let me sleep more!"

She huffed cutely and turned back, revealing her soft waist and extraordinary butt.

"Rito? Are you Okay?"

Rito's mind was already buzzing with a shock when a soft hand covered his forehead from behind and he immediately jumped up from bed with fright!

Standing on the floor naked, Rito looked at Lala's peerless figure while her mature face had confusion written all over it.

"What's going on?"

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They both asked at the same time and Tatsumaki finally woke up in annoyance.

"Why the hell would the two of you wake me? It was so late when we slept!"

Tatsumaki floated while sporting her nudity to incomparable charm as she pointed at Rito.

"This is not real..."

Rito had wide eyes while his forehead was covered in sweat.

Hearing his words, a sly smile appeared on Lala's face while Tatsumaki spoke smugly.

"Taking two beauties in bed! Of course, it's hard to believe even if you have done it."

She chuckled and floated around Rito and suddenly removed her psychic energy, falling on Rito, who simply caught her in his arms out of surprise.

Placing her small hands over Rito's cheeks, Tatsumaki locked her lips with his and Rito was shocked once again.

"Can you believe it now?"

Tatsumaki's cute face blushed while her wet lips and glazed eyes made Rito's heart itch. It was the first time he had seen this side of Tatsumaki.

"Hey! Don't leave me out!"

Lala immediately jumped and hugged both of them, sandwiching Tatsumaki between her large and soft bust while she kissed Rito once again.

"Alright... I gotta calm down."

Rito muttered as he placed Tatsumaki on the bed who just happened to hear his whisper and chuckled.

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Grabbing his exposed rod, she simply gave it a stroke, but Rito felt his whole body shudder.

"Even if you don't calm down, I am not letting you do it before my sourness is reduced."

Rito didn't stay anymore and immediately shot out of the room... butt naked.

The moment he walked out, he encountered a blushing figure who had her ears pressed onto the door.

With a youthful and charming face, her nightsuit couldn't hide her beautiful figure. Though Rito didn't know her by image, her signature hairstyle and the resemblance of her face gave away her identity.

"You're... Mikan?"

Rito frowned while Mikan's face turned bright red when she saw Rito completely naked and immediately rushed down the stairs.

"Idiot! Why would you walk around naked?!"

Only her scream resounded!


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