Boku no Toraburu

Chapter 93

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"Here's your breakfast, Pervert Brother!"

The Teenage Mikan huffed and placed the breakfast on the table while she rubbed her hands with her apron.

"Aha, thanks."

Rito smiled awkwardly. He was already wearing the clothes of his office.

'Sigh, she is already at this age, huh?'

Rito smiled at her reactions and looked at the delicious breakfast prepared in front of him. Since he had been woken up by Lala quite Early, he had time to eat his fill.

'Wait... there's something wrong with this whole situation!'

Suddenly, a dreadful feeling rose in his heart when a pair of soft arms hugged his neck from behind while Lala rested her chin on his shoulder, giving him a light peck on his cheek.

"Hmm? This looks delicious, Rito."

She smiled as her gaze was attracted to the food placed in front of him.

"Oh... yeah! Mikan really is good at cooking."

Rito smiled and turned his face sideways, giving Lala a small kiss on her lips as if it was the most natural thing to do.

"Hey! No kissing in the living room!"

Mikan, who walked out of the kitchen immediately berated while Lala stuck her tongue out and sat beside Rito, eating the food with great relish.

"Geez, you guys should go out for some time!"

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Mikan sighed in defeat and sat in front of Rito, picking a piece of bacon placed in her plate.

"Hmm? Why?"

Lala looked at Mikan curiously.

Blushing fiercely, Mikan almost shouted.

"You guys are too damn loud!"

She bit her lips and concentrated on her food while Lala almost choked on her's. Rito hung his head low and felt slightly apologetic.

"Yeah, sorry about that! We were trying something new!"

Tatsumaki floated in with her clothes on while Rito and Lala immediately shouted.


Smirking at their reaction as if she wasn't one of the participants in the bed activities, she sat on the chair and also started eating.

It could be said that Rito's life had been very fulfilling.

Being one of the top sales executives while he actually managed to get in a relationship with his childhood sweetheart Lala and his chibi elder neighbour.

In this era of quirks, it was hard to have such a peaceful life.

Lala, though quirkless, belonged to a rich and noble family and yet, she was happy to fall in love with a quirkless guy like him and even willing to share him with Tatsumaki.

If this wasn't the best kind of life, then what is?

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Eating his food in great relish, the sense of loss that he experienced some moments ago was finally suppressed and his face had a cheerful expression... a happy expression.


Rito's cracked skin and his face filled with lava-like veins made him look extremely horrifying. His once pure white hair was tarnished with dirt and blood but his blazing eyes remained pure!


A sound emerged from inside of his body and his muscles bulked up once again. If needed a comparison, his body had a towering height and his muscles threatened to explode, with twice the arm size of All Might, he punched once again.


A crimson aura flowed from the ground and created a small hurricane of energy around his body as the gigantic beak broke down while the wings of the monster smacked at the cylinder again and again only to see them getting repaired.


A mournful wail emerged from its beakless and mangled mouth, sending shockwaves! But it did nothing to Rito's gigantic body as the crimson aura around him only grew further, slowly condensing around his neck and started to seal the lava-like veins, creating a beautiful and intricate pattern all over his body.

With eyes opened wide, Rito's mindless body felt a huge force gushing into his body and his structure enlarged once again. The damaged gauntlet stuck to his skin and slowly repaired itself, increasing in its size and slowly covered the entirety of his arms while also extended to his back.

A painful howl emerged from his mouth and he jumped at the monster that was trying to flee and smashed both of his hands on the giant head of the bird.

One Smash!

That was all it took to take down the towering monster as its corpse destroyed a small part of the city.

The only fortunate thing was that this battle started near the residential area and ended near the border while there was some danger to the underground shelters of this particular area, they weren't destroyed after the monster was defeated.

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From the slits of the cracked cylinder, everyone saw the giant corpse and cheered.

But all their cheers stopped when they saw the next scene.


Accompanied by a mind-numbing roar, Rito's hand smashed on the cylinder that tried to contain him... contain his freedom and started tearing the whole place down.

"Quick, he has gone berserk!"

"All soldiers will hold their fire! Let the heroes contain this guy! Policemen will start evacuating this area. Now!"

With orders issued, the whole defence system of the city became active as Cementoss remained with the police officer and helped them evacuate.

While some shot towards Rito to pacify him, others started to use their quirks to try and lift up the gigantic corpse and move it to evacuate the people trapped in the Shelters beneath it.

"Calm Down!"

Comparable to a kid in front of Rito, All Might immediately came forward while both of them were surrounded by the almost destroyed cylindrical pillar.


His gaze condensed onto All Might and a fist shot out without any warning.


Cutting through the air, another fist slammed into Rito's and the surrounding heroes were forced to retreat.


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Cracks spread beneath their legs as All Might's glowing blue eyes gazed at Rito and felt the facial structure of this new arrival slightly familiar.

"I said, calm down."

His voice rang again as another round of fists clashed, sending shockwaves and making their gold and white hair whip furiously.

Only now did the heroes understand that the fight had just begun.

Due to such an intense fight accompanied by an evacuation operation, they all failed to notice a small green ball of light rapidly zooming towards the residential area of the city while a very small reflection of the destroyed city could be seen on the bald head of an average looking man as he had almost reached the city.

Meanwhile, the battle between All Might and the Strong Berserker was observed by the Mysterious Blonde Boy who had managed to attack the whole nation in a night.


His hands clenched.

He would only get one shot and he had to make it right.


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