Bone Painting Coroner

Chapter 148


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Chapter 148 – Money or Power?

Note: Unedited

Concubine Xiao knew most of matters within the capital like the back of her hand. However, it was another thing when it came to matters pertaining the far away Jinjiang which she only got fragments of rumors that she barely cared about. This could explain why she barely knew about Ji Yunshu's ability. Jing Yi had always been a shrewd and incomparably deep person who would rarely make a move if he doesn't grasp the situation. Yet, he never anticipated that his mother would suggested using that missing girls case for their benefits during her birthday feast. What's more, he didn't expect that Ji Yunshu would emulate Qin Shiyu's behavior and pressure the emperor to agree unsealing the coffins for the investigation of the Imperial Duke case. If the missing girls case ended up being solved, Jing Rong was bound to reverse the verdict on the Imperial Duke case sooner or later.

If it does happened, in the future, he would have a firmer position in the imperial court. Not to mention that the emperor would reward him. At that time, Jing Rong's prestige is bound to soar. For Jing Yi, this situation was akin to being prick by poisonous needles.

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This situation was not a simple threat to him; This could probably spell his demise. It was as though he would get suppressed by Jing Rong the same way he was suppressing the other currently. After mulling over it for a long while, Jing Yi returned to his calm appearance, concealing the vigilance and anxiety he felt.

Concubine Xiao watched her son, but she didn't say anything and was in no hurry to reply. Then, she seemed to realize something and probed him with an inquiry, "Could it be that this Teacher Ji is… truly a talented person?"

Jing Yi raise his eyes; two black abyss pupils that constricted at the question. "The past half a year, Jing Rong was out of the capital investigating the Lin Capital case. Yet, there was no clue to work on. During that time, I dispatched a group of people to kill his imperial guards who were on their way back to the capital to report Jing Rong's whereabouts. Then, when imperial father sent an edict to summon him back to the capital, I plan on using that situation to get him punish. Unfortunately, life is like the branches of a tree; my plan went awry." "In addition, a Ji Yunshu suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Although that man looks far from impressive, he is an extremely intelligent person despite coming from a small county. He just took over the case and even if he can't discover 30 or 40 clues, accurately digging out 17 or 18 things will still earn him the label of outstanding talent. Within his words, genuine admiration could be heard. Then, he continued, "Jing Rong brought back that man to help him break that lousy Lin Capital case. That's why I hired a group of assassins to eliminate the root of our problems. Unfortunately, the assassination failed and I end up beating the grass and scare the snake away." Concubine Xiao was shocked and she heavily frowned. "It was indeed my intention to suppress Jing Rong. I have overlooked this point. If I knew earlier, I would have investigate that Teacher Ji clearly before making that move. Blame me. I was too anxious." This unforeseen element upset her greatly. Jing Yi stated, "That move had already been made. We can only focus on finding a countermeasure." "Yi'er, what do you have in mind?" "Although they already returned to the capital, it doesn't mean that they are safe." 'Yi'er's meaning is too obvious! If the first assassination failed, it doesn't mean that the second time will be unsuccessful. But…' Concubine Xiao immediately overruled the idea, "It's not appropriate." Jing Yi was puzzled, "Could it be that imperial mother have another method?" Concubine Xiao's slender eyebrows slightly rose. It seemed as if a giant whirlpool had condense into her eyes and became deep gradually. The sight let people feel an odd sense of profundity emitting from her. Her manicured hand lightly tapped down a few times on her embroidered gown and her crimson lips curled up. She said, "Beheading such an intelligent person, don't you think it's a waste? Since he can help Jing Rong, why can't he help us? If you can get that person, the day when you will get title as the crown prince wouldn't be far off." 'Ah!' Her words were like an alarm rousing people from their sleep. Jing Yi contemplated the idea. Immediately, his mouth stretched into a smile. However, his tone remained heavy. "Imperial mother always know how to consider everything thoroughly." "Wait until tomorrow. I'll summon him into the palace and explore his intentions. If he is a greedy man, I will give him money and valuables. If he truly corrupted, what fear do we have of him? I don't believe that no one in this world doesn't have any desire." In the future, when Concubine Xiao discovered Ji Yunshu's nature, she would wish to strongly slap herself a few times. However, at this moment, how could she ever dream that Ji Yunshu's greediness only reached the level of having enough food and warm clothes. Now that Luan'er was no longer amongst the living, Ji Yunshu could even contend herself with a bowl of congee. As for earning to climb the ladder of officialdom, don't even mention it. Concubine Xiao was extremely confident on taking a hold of that high-quality jade, that was Ji Yunshu, but that dream will remained a dream. After they discussed for a while, Jing Yi noticed that it was getting late. He wanted to go to the imperial court and meet with his father since he already went into the palace and as a "son", he have to show the appropriate etiquette to demonstrate his filial piety. Before he left, Concubine Xiao pulled him back to fix his clothes while saying, "Your imperial father's mood is not good recently. The situation at the borders preoccupied him. After you meet him, be careful with your words and avoid provoking him." "Your son understands." "That's right, didn't your imperial father bestow you a golden canary last time? Did you raise it properly?" 'Raise it?' He already released it. However, he nodded at her question. "I have raised it well. The pet that imperial father had bestowed cannot have any accident." "It's good that you understand." Concubine Xiao's slender fingers lightly brushed off her son's shoulders. "Go now." Jing Yi clasped both hand and saluted before leaving. After he left Zhangzhi hall, a drizzle fell from the sky. An eunuch came forward while holding up an umbrella. However, Jing Yi suddenly waved his hand and slapped away the umbrella which fell onto the ground. Splash! The sudden gesture scared the eunuch who hurriedly kneeled on the spot and lie his upper on the wet ground, not daring to utter a sound. Jing Yi's absolute zero eyes revealed an extreme unwillingness and a desire to revolt against the emperor's authority. He had deep hatred, a hatred against his imperial father. 'Giving me a golden canary? You are clearly insinuating that I'm only a golden canary that should stay inside his cage and should forgo all attempt to get the crown prince's seat.' His fists tightened strongly for a moment before he slowly unfurled his fingers. Then, he flipped his sleeve and went toward the imperial court.

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As for the eunuch, he remained prone on the ground a long time after Prince Yi left before he dared to raise his head. 'What is going with Prince Yi today?'

'Everyone knows that Prince Yi is gentle and treats people with leniency. He was known as a refined and cultured gentleman. Yet why did he get so angry today? How strange!' …… The horse carriage drove from the memorial hall to the Rong estate. On the whole way, Jing Xuan leaned on the window to the point her head and body was almost extending out of the window. Her heart was crying as her feeling of nausea never left her and with the bumpy ride, she felt even more unwell. Numerous times, she spat out her stomach's content, but nothing but bile came out. Ji Yunshu was still sitting upright the whole time. She acted as if she didn't see Jing Xuan, but she didn't avoid the princess either. Finally, as soon as they reached the Rong estate, Jing Xuan immediately got out of the carriage and disappeared inside the estate like a wisp of smoke. She must be in a hurry to find a place to continue vomiting.

Ji Yunshu and Jing Rong went together to the reception hall where Lang Po stood guard outside.

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Jing Rong asked her, "What do you think about this case?" "Are you really asking me if I discovered some clues, right?" "I never doubt your ability. Since I said I trust you, I will believe in you. You don't need to question my trust in you." Ji Yunshu faintly replied, "Since you believe in me, I don't see the harm in telling you that I don't even have a clue. Currently, we can only wait for the capital secretary to do his assigned tasks. In the case that nothing comes out, we should take back a step and think again. I don't know what else do to." After her words fell, she gave him a helpless smile. "Perhaps, we can only wait for the murderer to commit another crime."

Grenn’s Rants Corner

I’m currently preparing a surprise for you guys. Look forward to it.

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