Bone Painting Coroner

Chapter 149


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Chapter 149 – God Doctor Mo Ruo

Note: Unedited

Jing Rong stood in front of her and watched her mouth raised into a smile that didn't come from the heart. The moment he saw that expression, he soul seemed to have flew away and he even forgot what they were discussing about. Looking at that expression she made caused him to feel uncomfortable. Ji Yunshu leaned her head on the side. "Your Highness, your habit of staring at people still hasn't change?" "I don't want to change it!" "Huh?" Jing Rong frowned a bit and felt a slight heartache. "Yunshu." He gently called her and slowly, his hand raised, but he didn't reach out to her in the end and let it back down instead. He then spoke in a sincere voice, "I just want to look at you." 'This man! If he was born in the modern time, he would be a smooth-talking playboy. Really, even when he casually speak, only words of romance came out of his mouth.' Ji Yunshu was also used to it, so she no longer gave him a supercilious look and stopped being embarrassed at every turn. Her small, tender and red lips slightly raised as she retreated a step. Simultaneously, Jing Rong extended his arm and grabbed her wrist. He forced her to halt her movement and neatly pulled her back toward him. She went past her initial position and directly collided against Jing Rong's chest. He lowered his gaze toward her and was about to say something, but his words had yet to pass his lips when…

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"This is bad your Highness! The princess, she…" A servant shout from outside the reception hall.

Jing Rong was far from pleased. He relaxed his hand and Ji Yunshu took that opportunity to slip away from him in a split of second, distancing herself from his reach. The servant outside continued, "The princess broke something in the East courtyard."

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'She broke something?' The East courtyard was the temporary residence of Ji Yunshu. She ignored Jing Rong and left in a hurry. This was a good excuse to escape Jing Rong's honey trap. However, Jing Rong followed her closely, but then, he stopped at the threshold and didn't follow up to her courtyard. He wore a depressed expression. His feeling was very clearly written all over his face without the need to conceal it. Yet regardless if he used soft or hard methods, Ji Yunshu didn't give in to him which crushed his heart. But he was a persistent man, he was prepared to dig centimeter by centimeter the wall erected around Ji Yunshu's heart until he can make a hole in it and drill inside her heart.

Lang Po padded towards Jing Rong. He was already trained to the sight of Jing Rong acting all affectionate with Ji Yunshu when they were still in Jinjiang and stay unfazed. "Your Highness!" He called out. Jing Rong didn't reply to him. His sight was still locked toward the direction Ji Yunshu left. Lang Po continued to speak, "Mo Ruo's letter has arrived. He said that he's currently in Beiyang and… he mentioned about a singing and dancing competition. So, he will be delayed." "Delay?" Jing Rong's tone became dangerously ferocious and his cold eyes lowered, "Tell him that if he doesn't arrived within three days, I will wreck his Abundant Flowers pavillion." His words were certainly not empty! And this wasn't the first time he did as he said. Lang Po repeatedly agreed to his orders and left in haste to send a reply through pigeon carrier to Mo Ruo. The reason why Jing Rong acted with such urgency was due to the identity of Mo Ruo. Despite his young age, Mo Ruo was a doctor whose skills have been taught by the previous God Doctor, his father. As long as the patient still have a breath left, he can pulled that person back to life. Therefore, Jing Rong called him back to the capital to treat Ji Yunshu's wound. Another thing, Jing Rong and Mo Ruo are childhood friends and their relationship are as close as real brothers. It could be say that they grew up wearing the same pants. It's also reasonable to mention that their temper are quite similar. If Jing Rong was outwardly cold but burning with passion inside, Mo Ruo was… a wild child. Mo Ruo had wanderlust and loved the crowd and lively place. Whenever he went, wine was never far from his reach and he never bother where he slept, be it on the streets or in the wilderness. If people didn't witness his skills first hand, no one would ever believe that a idling-looking gentleman could be a god doctor. Truthfully, even his deceased old man wouldn't have believe it. When Mo Ruo was young, his father truly resented him for not meeting his expectations. All day long, he kept grumbling about what a waste Mo Ruo was who only knew how to play and nothing else. Who could have expected that Mo Ruo not only inherited his father's skills but even surpassed the other. In short, the patients his father couldn't save, he could! The poison his father couldn't solve was a child play for him. Thus, Mo Ruo's father was finally relieved. Happy that a burden was lift off, he went to drink to celebrate, and on his way back, he slipped, fell into the water and became a ghost. It didn't cross Jing Rong's mind that he was disturbing Mo Ruo's leisure sightseeing. The only thing that preoccupied him was Ji Yunshu's face. If he have to, he will use his authority as a prince to drag back Mo Ruo.

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Meanwhile, Ji Yunshu arrived at the East courtyard. She have yet to enter inside when she heard a ruckus coming from inside. A foreboding crept in, alarming Ji Yunshu. The courtyard filled with flowers was now a mess and littered with broken plant pots. This didn't an angry Jing Xuan from continuing to smash everything on sight while all the maidservants stood on the side not daring to stop her. This scene stirred her memory of Ji Yuanzhi wrecking her courtyard which made her remember the hate she had feel. At this time, Wei Yi was squatting in corner near the entrance with his head hiding in his arms and doing his best to bury his head in his knees. He didn't dare to raise head in fear. Ji Yunshu immediately rushed to him and crouched in front of him. She hugged his trembling shoulders and gently whispered in his ears, "Don't be afraid Wei Yi. I'm here." Once he heard Ji Yunshu's voice, Wei Yi quickly raised his head. His eyes were red and he was panic-stricken. Without hesitation, he wrapped his arms around Ji Yunshu's waist and drilled into her embrace. "Shu'er, I'm scared! That big sister is terrifying." "It's alright. There's nothing to fear." She gently stroked his back. She stayed with him until he calmed down. After that, she brought he back inside the room. "Sit here. No matter what happen, don't go out." She clearly told him. Wei Yi nodded while his hands were nervously twisting his sleeves.

Ji Yunshu delicately close the door after she went out. In the meantime, Jing Xuan was sparing no effort into smashing plants inside the courtyard. "All those useless things, see if this princess can't break everything today!" She overbearingly declared, then she broke two more flower pots. She was about to throw down another one when her left hand was grabbed by Ji Yunshu. Ji Yunshu exerced some force which immediately caused Jing Xuan to tear from the pain. "It hurts!" She turned around while frowning. Ji Yunshu's frosty expression, devoid of other emotions, made her shivered with fear. "You know how to feel pain? Then what about those plants and flowers that were forced to die?" "What are you doing? Release me! I am a princess." "So what? Could it be that wrecking this courtyard is the deed of those shivering servants?" The tone she used gave out an oppressing feeling. Jing Xuan trembled, but it didn't lessen her arrogance. She used all her strength to free herself while bellowing, "All the flowers and plants, especially those plum blossoms, I want to tear and ripped them off." "For what reason?" "Because…" Jing Xuan bite her lips and clenched her fist tightly. Then, she continued while panting in anger, "Who let that idiot say that I am not as pretty as those flowers? Tell me where this princess is not comparable to those based things?!" 'Oh my god! Are all the princesses from imperial household such a lost cause? Smashing everything in sight for such a reason? How wonderful!1" Ji Yunshu wasn't in the mood to ponder on the archetype of a princess' character. Her slender and black eyebrow raised. She drawn nearer Jing Xuan. "Wei Yi isn't an idiot. And in the future, you better not say those things to him." "Hey!"

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Grenn’s Rants Corner

I was starting to miss the flirty interaction between Ji Yunshu and Jing Rong.


Ji Yunshu is being sarcastic if you didn't get it.

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