Once I reached the washroom, I can’t hold anymore le. I found a cubicle area and throw up until I see stars. After throwing up I still don’t feel any better. I lean against the door, waiting for the alcohol level to subside…… or waiting for the next round to throw up.

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Wait and wait. When I was thinking I’m going to fall asleep, I heard a woman sobbing gently.

‘….. Sister, this year I did not receive the prize.’ the woman said. ‘It doesn’t matter? How can it be it doesn’t matter?! All along I have been working so hard. Persistent efforts? Persistent efforts what fxxking nonsense is this. I have be making persistent efforts for so many years, I don’t even know what efforts are needed…..’


‘I’m sorry, I’m a bit too emotion le. But how can I not being too emotion ne.’ All this while it was this woman who talk to herself, should be making a phone call. ‘The winner is Alice. For what reason, sister, you say for what reason! She is just a college student, her academic qualifications can’t even compare to me, capability not as strong as me, look also not as pretty as me, but in all aspects she can surplus me…..’

Hearing this, I suddenly realised that sobbing outside is Elle.

‘Humph! Is really strange, obviously I ought to be stronger than her ah, but I still can’t compare to her. I even changed her report that was submitted up to President, I also forged her name to informed the competitor company about the base rate for the negotiation contract……. in order to take her down such despicable things I also do le. But…… but what did I get?’

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‘Nothing! Nothing! Yifan basically can’t see. Previously was Alice, now is Guan Xiao Bei! Just a young girl but can bewildered him. He didn’t even know I have given up the post as Sales Manager to become a shit Assistant, simply because I wanted to be closed to him and see him every day! But this fxxking Guan Xiao Bei! A useless Guan Xiao Bei even can be better than me. Sister, sister, do you know, do you know every day I look at him, he didn’t even notice me, do you know how sad I am, how sad……’


I was unable to make head or tail out of it. Then I recall at that time what Lao Wu had said before, ‘this company has a lot of girls who wanted to harass President.’  I can’t help but feel like laughing. Then suddenly the throat feel some sweetness and wanted to throw up le.

The sound of weeping spontaneously come to an end. I stand at the cubicle door, then someone vigorously push open le.

I didn’t even locked the door. So Elle mistakenly believe that no one was in the washroom. I extremely admire myself, during this unclear hazy mental capability, unexpectedly still can make such a complex reasoning.


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‘Guan Xiao Bei, you……’

‘Hi Elle sister,’ I used my back hand to wipe my mouth. Smiling mischievously and said, ‘you may rest assured that I didn’t hear anything.  I used my personal self to guarantee  I didn’t hear a word you said. What Alice ah, what Yifan ah, all these I didn’t hear, oh yes, myself also didn’t hear. Zip!’ I made a pull on the mouth zipper action and throw away the key into the sewer.

‘You! You better forget about tonight affair. Otherwise don’t you dare to think of having a good life!’ Elle angrily slam the door and leave.

When the pine wood door bang with a loud sound, I began to throw up le.

After half an hour of torment, I finally can leave the washroom. My stomach no longer feel uncomfortable, but my head still feel groggy. I don’t want to go back to the noisy ballroom to join the fun. Therefore I stand on top of the staircase to get some fresh air. When I was about to turned around I saw Alice. She was leaning against the railing with a lonely expression, holding the AC Star trophy in her hands as if she was looking at it very carefully and yet it seem like she was not.

I walked forward and greeted her: ‘Alice why are you here?’


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‘Why didn’t you go in? Wearing so pretty ought to display in front of the guys and show off toward the girls’ she smiled and said.

‘What ah, they keep forcing me to drink, waiting to see me how I make a fool out of myself’ I mumble to myself. ‘Oh yes, I still have not congratulate you yet. I heard getting AC star not easy, I hope in future I will be able to get it too.’

‘Ahh, you don’t know, in order to receive this award do you know how much I have invested. I have gains and losses too. But recently I feel whether is this worth to invest so much.’ Alice faintly sigh, ‘I always think during those struggling time I lost those…… perhaps those time was more worthy to treasure.’

‘Yes ah, Elle said the same when we were in the bathroom….’ when I was on the topic, then suddenly I stopped. Elle cried to her sister, should be the same as the original, should not be heard by anyone right?

‘What did Elle say?’ Alice curiously asked.


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‘Guan Xiao Bei! I just have a trace of delusion….. forget it. I should have though at your young age has such an ability to perplexed Yifan, wasn’t a simple character. I underestimated you, was my fault.’ Elle’s cold voice sounded from behind me.

‘Elle….’ I tried to explain.

‘Humph, anyway unable to conceal, Alice, I might as well tell you.’ Elle approaching Alice, overbearing and look down at her, ‘that’s right, I precisely dislike looking at you. In any aspect you can’t even compare with me, this award should belong to me!’


‘Elle, I didn’t say anything, really!’ I cried, trying to prevent Elle from saying irrevocable words. Even though there was a scar, however before it collapse, I believe everything can be recovered.

But Elle unable to listen to any of my words le, she cried hysterically: ‘You! You guys are all the same. As bad as each other. You think you work hard, you can win Yifan attention. And you, Guan Xiao Bei, you think being young and beautiful can secure the knowledge that one has backing ma? You’re wrong, you’re all wrong! You guys cannot beat me! Only me is AC Star, I’m the best fit for Yifan de!

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