Monday, December 31, Weather: Low Pressure to Pass Through the Country’s territory. (continue)

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‘Elle, you need to calm down.’ Alice calmly said.

‘Calm down? I have been very calm. Calmly watching how you plot, making trick how to seduce Yifan. Ha ha ha, why don’t you explain? Why don’t you talk?’

‘For imaginary thing, I don’t need to explain. If you want to explain to me, then wait for you to awake, I’m always available.’ Alice turned to leave.

Elle grabbed Alice’s wrist and then snatch the trophy: ‘Humph, you don’t think of taking away the trophy. I’m not going to let you get it de.’ Then the hand clutching to the trophy extended to the outside of the handrail staircase, below was nearly 200 meter down to the vertical distance.

Alice subconsciously reach out, seems she wanted to get back the trophy. Elle retreat and wanted to escape from Alice.

At this moment, Elle stepped on her long skirt, she stagger a bit and then fell down. Alice tried to reach out but too late and she almost fell down. Lucky she managed to hold on to the handrail in order to regain her footing.

With a muffled sound, Elle’s tumbling body rolled in a strange angle and stopped in the middle of the staircase’s platform. Alice’s crystal trophy was thrown aside, but the sharp edges cut through Elle’s arm.

Dark red blood instantly soaked into the grey carpet, like the end of youthfulness damage the beautiful flower.

‘Elle,’ I froze for a while and immediately rushed down, hold and press her thin weak arm, confused and panic I shouted, ‘Elle, Elle!’

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Alice quickly ran back to get help. After a while a group of people rush out from the banquet hall and Yifan is the first to reach.

‘Save her, help her ah!’ I cried.

Someone came up with a bandage to wrap up Elle’s arm.

‘How are you? Are you injured?’ In a chaos situation Yifan asked.

I frantically shook my head and burst into tears: ‘You have to save her ah, safe her ah. So much blood, why so much blood ah……’

Yifan was holding Elle: ‘Let it go ba. Xiao Bei, I will sent her to the hospital.’

I seemed not to hear. Someone beside me was holding my hand. I was like a puppet blankly loosen it and then I saw Yifan holding Elle and the group of people hastily leaving the area.

Elle, do you know you are in Yifan’s arms, like a happy bride wearing a wedding dress. But why don’t you open your eyes, why do you sleep like a lifeless doll?

I turned and found Alice standing two steps above. She was looking puzzled at the direction of the disappeared crowd and her face was pale as a sheet of paper.

Someone came to clean up the blood stain on the carpet and I was being pushed to the side.

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When I regain my perception, it was 3 hours later.

‘Why are you still here? I have being looking everywhere for you!’ Yifan was breathless because he was running around.

‘What?’ I blankly looked up and then only realized it has been a while. I have been sitting at the hotel’s lobby holding Alice’s crystal trophy with bloodstain on it. Looking around, the hotel’s staffs were busy in the middle of the night. The antique clock on the floor slowly strike midnight and here comes New Year.

Everything ought to be peaceful and beautiful, but why it is so upsetting?

‘Yifan, I…..’ I opened my mouth, but I don’t know what to say.

‘Come, I will take you home’ Yifan sighed, took off his coat and draped over my shoulder.

I get up and walked out, but tossed his coat on the ground.

‘It’s cold outside. You will catch a cold!’ Yifan picked up the coat and re-wrapped around my shoulder.

I still stubbornly throw away the coat. I wore this evening dress more than few hours, my body has been cold for long but I hate the bloody smell in Yifan’s coat.

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Doorman drove the car over. Yifan placed me into the car and turn on the heater until maximum but I still shivering.

‘Elle is all right. The wound on her arm has stitched up. There is a slight concussion and excessive blood lost therefore require to recuperate in the hospital for a few days.’ On the way back Yifan said, ‘I think you wanted to know.’

‘Ha, ha, it will leave scars.’ I laughed. ‘Elle that person loves to be beautiful…. that kind of scars will make her life not peaceful.’

I no longer talk, bow my head and hold on to the trophy. Alice’s name, her calm and stubborn smile. Elle’s long drag dress, her angry but still beautiful face….. like a crazy movie, one by one flash in front of me.

Yifan turned around to look at me, then turn back with a long sigh.

The car drove very slow, it seem like a century long before Yifan stopped his car.

He went to my side and opened the door and said: ‘We have reached home.’

I looked down and saw some bloodstained at the corner of my dress. ‘Wait, the dress is dirty, let me clean it.’

‘Don’t bother. Let’s go home. Then only talk.’ Yifan said.

‘No. Is dirty. How to wear it home.’ I began to rummage in Yifan’s car, ‘Wait, let me find something to wipe it.’

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‘Guan Xiao Bei, outside is cold. You better get off the car and go home.’ Yifan came over and pull my arm.

I tried to struggle free: ‘No, no. I need to clean it. You see, this beautiful dress is dirty. If I don’t clean it will be stained. Can’t get it clean, such a beautiful dress…..’ I unconsciously cried out, it sound like a sobbing tone.

‘Guan Xiao Bei, Xiao Bei, Xiao Bei!’ Yifan shouted at me and grabbed my arm, half pulled and half hold me out from the car, ‘Don’t care, if dirty then let it be dirty.’

I keep wiping the bloodstain on the dress, cried and said: ‘How, such a beautiful dress. I just wore once and it gets dirty le. How can this work ne?’

Yifan came over, hold me in his arms, wrapped me with his coat and then comforted me: ‘Dirty, let’s buy a new one, buy a new one. Never mind, it doesn’t matter.’

I lay in his arms sobbing. Yifan patted my back and said softly: ‘Is okay, is okay.’

After listening to these words, I suddenly push Yifan away: ‘It’s nothing? It’s nothing?! Yifan, how can you say such a thing! All because of you! You see, what you have arranged for me. What a trivial matter ah! Because of me, Elle and Alice fall out le! Because of me, Elle was hurt and shed so much of blood. She’s so thin. What if she died? Then how ah, how ah! And Alice, she must have begun to hate me, must be….’

Yifan once again pulled me: ‘They were originally like that de. Do not blame you. Do not blame you.’

‘Damn it! How can this not my fault! I’m the damn fxxking trigger! Without me, nothing will happen! How can you not blame me ah!’ I hysterically shouted, smash a thing that I’m holding toward the roadside car.

The last memory of that silent night was the siren sound from the car’s alarm that has trigger.

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