Thursday, January 3, Weather: Cloudy to sunny

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The first day of the New Year. I woke up feeling strange in a strange place.

I felt under the head. It feels magical and then reach out my hand to continue to touch. Touching for a while, the thing started to speak: “Guan Xiao Bei, as a normal man, if you continue to touch, there will be trouble.”

I sat up. Because of dizziness, I lean back onto the front seat. “I just want to touch if I had started to drool in the middle of the night. Hey, okay…. okay.” I discovered that the pillow last night is the legs of Yi Fan covered with his coat at the back seat of Yi Fan’s car.

Yi Fan only wearing a white shirt, leaning against the side of the door supporting his head: “Did you had a good sleep?”

“Okay. Just a little dizzy. I have some messy dreams.” I said, holding my forehead. “Why did you not send me up?”

“Were you able to find your keys?”

I woke up and found out that my wallet, keys and other personal belongings have fallen in Peter’s car. “There is no need to make the car as a living place ah.”

“As a morally responsible man, I think some things still have to be responsible for the good.” Yi Fan leisurely say.

“How you consider me to be?” I am horrified. The phone is not with me, chastity is also not?

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The blue veins on Yi Fan’s forehead jumped: “What are you thinking! Not how I was, it is how you were!”

“I…….. I got drunk again?” I am depressed. When am I going to cure this craziness when I am drunk?

“You see!” Yi Fan like a magic refers to the window.

I just glanced at it!

“Ah ah ah…. how could this be?” I got off the car parked at the roadside and went crazy before the navy blue Benz.

In front of the car, the windshield was totally crushed by the external impact. The weapon was Alice’s trophy that is now innocently and quietly lying on the driver seat. But for the fear of increasing the extend of damage to the car, I think I will directly killed in the above.

“How can ah! What crystal trophy is able to break the glass oh! What broken low quality of the glass ah!”

“Hey, this is the authentic crystal. Just say someone was in a violent state. The fighting value is full of the kind.” Yi Fan faintly comment.

Yi Fan then reminded me. I remember the incident from last night. A simple combination of a bit, I think the initiator of the incident should not be me. “Why do you look like a bustling! It is all because of you! You got me drunk and then out with so many broken things. Good to talk about moral responsibility, you are guilty as well!”

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“Guilty is a very illusory things.” It is easy to see that Yi Fan is still full of excitement. “If my moral sense is not so strong, then this thing is completely worthless. You see me now……”

“Well” I nodded. “It’s a wicked look.”

“I have been waiting for the owner to emerge. I think, will they grab you to the police or sort it out privately?”

“The owner will not be here for the time being.” Xiao Bei announce painfully. “But I will die a miserable death later.”


“Yi Fan, I beg you. You help to get this car into the depot, restore it and then let it return. Come on, please… I will do anything you ask!”

Yi Fan breaking fingers, calculated and said: “Guan Xiao Bei, you rushed at me last night.”

“I was wrong. I change. I change. I must change!”

“You threw my clothes on the floor.”

“I will help you wash. Help you wash. You ask me to wear sack streaking I will also not throw it.”

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“Guan Xiao Bei, you must wear high heels……”

“I wear. I wear. I must wear! Even if I don’t have legs, I will wear!”


I froze for a moment. The word Yi Fan said is inexplicable but out of inertia. I said: “If you like the old, I become the root sausage will do!”

“Do not get me wrong, I do not like sausages.”

I was relieved.

“I just like to watch you dance in the street,” he smiled insidiously.

I will be under the rule of terro. The future terror and the reality of terror. Comparing present. Weight a lot. And then weight some more. And weight 3rd time…. feels like being slowly tortured by the death knife, hacked to death. Really hard to choose. Finally, I bet on the freedom of the rest of my life, and finally begged Yi Fan money to help with the repair of the car.

Looking at the trailer towing away the sporty Mercedes-Benz, I carried the crystal trophy to smash the first floor hidden window and climbed into it. It is essential to break it to get home.

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I weight the crystal trophy on hands. “yi Fan, do you not worry about your oppression. I will impulsively use it to burst your head?”

Yi Fan laughed, compared a bit: “You stand tall, even in high heels…. will still not be as tall as I am. And with your shaky legs, there is no fighting strength at all.”

I threw the trophy and whispered: In the end, what is the cause of you being so paranoid about high heels?

When I finish washing up, I found Yi Fan…. joyfully in the kitchen making breakfast!

I leaned against the door watching him as if he is in his own home. Skilled fried eggs, hot milk, coffee and then making the toast, suddenly said: “Yi Fan, do you know that Elle likes you? I mean really really likes you that kinda of likes.”

“Love?” Yi Fan sharply pointed out.


I am surprised for a moment and shouted: “Since you know, why you toss me around to look for someone when you can get close to someone and then you are so close you do not start with a strong first wish list. And then willing to play and willing to endure the two dies until the rice is cooked. Why wait for her to reach the stage of not being able to stop and then the extent of the outbreak between the relationship with staff. Making the tension on the lower imbalance eventually leading me into the output. Thankless people!”

“Are you done?” Yi Fan stared at me. “You roar at me, you will not get your breakfast!”

I endured the forbearance. Then I thought, anyway, breakfast is gone. Yi Fan will not ask me to spit out the dinner last night so I roared: “Yi Fan, have you not realized that you actually have negative EQ. Distorted person and on what earth do you want me not to eat the breakfast when the ingredients comes from my own home?”

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