After a long silence, finally Yifan gently said: ‘Actually, we…… didn’t do anything.’

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‘Didn’t do anything! Didn’t do anything!!! Didn’t do anything, then why do you asked me to deliver things at 12 midnight? You might as well do something. Do something still not in vain, I still hold the accusation of catching adultery!’

Yifan winked and looked at me with astonishment: ‘Even if I did something, in what titular for you to come over to catch adultery?’

‘I……..’ I just jab myself to death, I think.

About to reach home, Yifan told me: ‘Decline all my arrangements for the day after tomorrow evening and follow me……’

‘I resigned! No more overtime and no more attendant services!’

He looked at me a little dumbfounded: ‘Join me for a cocktail party, the dress will be delivered to you tomorrow. Considered it as……. I apologized to you le.’

Okay, I admit it, in my bones I’m still a little vain and a little mercenary. Wearing Yifan send high-heeled shoes, the little dress and going party with him….. make me feel good. The long-time hatred for him has vanished and I volunteered to be his kiss up attendant.

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When I reached to the scene, I realized it wasn’t an ordinary cocktail party, because AC is also one of the shareholders, as a result President Yifan received le the key invitation. Yifan drive a business car, speed all the way to the celebration entrance, the doorman opened the door with courtesy.

‘Stay on the car, don’t move.’ I just wanted to get off then hear Yifan roar.

‘Oh.’ So I sat back, the doorman with big eyes stare small eyes, sudden I recall this pair of high-heeled shoes do have straps de, and I haven’t adjusted it yet, so without delay I bend over and fiddle with the strips.

Yifan from front seat move around to my side, an extremely gentleman extended his hand and welcome me to get off the car.

‘Wait a minute, my shoes strips aren’t fasten yet.’ I said.

Yifan’s forehead blue vein appeal to be bulging: ‘Please come down for a moment ba.’ After saying he dragged me out of the car le.

Among the shining luxury cars, this silver-grey business car is too low-key and inconspicuous, even reporters who are awaiting at the side-lines doesn’t notice us.

Yifan took a quick steps walked forward and I took a small quick steps follow behind him. but the shoes strips that aren’t fastened were too depressing, without a choice I crouch down and fasten the strips, then I feel like I’m being blocked by a shadow le.

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I looked up, a black face Yifan —- because of the light behind him, I can’t really see his facial expression, but instinctively inferred, it is an official expression of anger.

‘Guan Xiao Bei, when I look back, you disappear……..’

‘I told you, my strips aren’t fasten. You go first, I will go after you.’ I urged.

‘Stand up!’

‘What do you want! I can’t walk without fasten it. It’s already sad enough to wear high-heeled shoes.’

‘Stand up!’ Yifan drag me up. I staggered a bit, but his hand quickly supported me le. When I was just about to complain a few words, I saw Yifan crouch down and begin to help me to fasten my shoes strips le.

‘Ah!’ After five years old, no one’s ever fasten my shoes strips. During summer, when I was younger and inexperienced, I only wear miniskirt with canvas shoes and fasten my own shoes strips.

I promptly said: ‘I…… I will do it myself.’

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Just when I wanted to bow my head but hold back by Yifan angry roar: ‘You standstill! After the angry roar he leisurely help me fasten my shoes strips.

At this moment the crowd appeared: ‘Gee! Isn’t he the AC President ma?’

‘Ah, when did you arrive?’

‘Who told you to stare, your eyes keep focusing upon this beauty chest ah!’ Thus, the onlooker reporters keep taking crazy shot.

I stood awkwardly in the flashing flash: ‘Hey everyone, on behalf of my President I will stand for a moment, please be patient, in a while you will be able to take a full shot of him le.’

‘What nonsense are you talking about!’ After five minutes, Yifan finally fasten my shoes strips and stand up.

”Nothing, you go first.’ I blushed and said. And then, I’m ready to be a dedicated coolie, once he left within half a step I blindly follow suit.

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Who knows, he tightly grab my arm and put my gloves into his arm: ‘Feel uncomfortable wearing high heels ah…….. lean on me ba, I will walk slower.’

‘Like this is not so good, the media is around, just a moment ago I saw Lin’s peoples. What about Miss Lin? What do you want her to do ah?

‘Are you worried about Lin Qi?’ That day at the cinema doorway can be so righteous.’

‘No, I’m just worried about myself. You don’t understand women’s mind. The war between women and women, the more fierce a party shouts, the other party can used the winner attitude to watch the play. But once when it gets involved with a man, it will be like real swords, real spears, you die, I live le. Just like two parties cannot coexist.’

‘Am I the man? Because of me you will help me to fight until the very end?

‘No! I’m just worried about myself. Just like that day, the rapid misunderstanding caused by gossip has make Miss Lin to hinder me. Let me delivered clothes and other stuffs in the middle of the night. But now it involves you, I believe she will ask me to deliver nuclear weapon. Her family background is more powerful than my, I can’t afford to trifle with.’

Walk into the ballroom, Yifan finally released me, I immediately looked around to find a safe exit to slip away. The current situation is too strange, I really don’t know what Yifan intend to do.

However Yifan has seen through my thoughts le: ‘You better be good and stay here. You are not allow to go anywhere.’

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