Wednesday, March 19, Weather: Spring Blooming (continue)

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The feast begins. Wine goblets toasting one another, everyone was dazzled by the flashlights. And I follow my philosophy of survival. The farther you hide the better you are, I wish I’m a black hole.

Half way through the wine reception, Yifan still able to find me. From a distant he walks toward me.

I shrank my neck and hid behind the crowd.

‘Run what ah’ he pulled me, ‘your zipper is open.’

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‘Puff,’ I spit out the cake from my mouth, ‘I knew I was fat again, I shouldn’t have eaten this cake. I will go to the washroom now.’

‘Don’t move, I will help you to pull it up.’ Yifan block in front of me, don’t wait for my respond, just move his hands under my arms to the back and pull the zipper up.

I worried that the cream on my hand might rubs on his clothes, without any better option I have both hands lift upward and my eyes look around like have nothing to do. As a result I discover not far away there are two peoples looking at our side and they were whispering to one another. And I suddenly realised that Yifan this posture is too ambiguous from a certain point of view……… definitely like I’m holding his neck and he embrace me in his arms!

‘Okay le mah? If not, I can do it myself.’ I twisted my body to break free.

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‘Okay le!’ Yifan whispered in my ears, ‘you look very skinny and fleshy too.’

I turned red. Yifan bow his head in a close proximity with me. He ambiguously smile, he then turned and walk away.

I immediately ran away from this place. I came to a corner, ordered a glass of ice water and drink it slowly. Yifan purposely did it de. He must have a plot……… I crazily search within my mind. Did I ever done something sorry toward him lately and drew his retaliation. Could it be because of Lin Qi? But the outcome of his retaliation is against me or Lin Qi?

I don’t want to wade into this mess, no matter what Yifan says, I’m leaving.

When I just got up, I was blocked by two women: ‘Are you Guan Xiao Bei? What is the relationship between you and Yifan? Doing this isn’t it too much le?’

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When people believe what they have seen, they will not listen to others people explanation de.

I’m aware that no matter how I explain it will never clear up this misunderstanding, but I will brace myself to explain it: ‘this has nothing to do with you, has nothing to do with anyone, I’m leaving, please step aside.’

‘It seems that you do understand what we are talking about?’

‘Do you believe what you have seen, whatsoever I explain will be powerless de. But the facts were not like these de, regardless of whether you believe or not, clearly this is a misunderstanding, hopefully you are not blinded by the facts you believe.’

‘Guan Xiao Bei, you are really capable.’ What did you say that day ‘ must succeed’, and today you put into action le. In vain, I still treat you so sincerely…….. I really underestimated you le.’ Lin Qi sneered at one side.

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My ‘sincerity’ toward you…….. it is a great honor.

I laugh: ‘Miss Lin, don’t be nervous. Aren’t you always believe in family status? Those thing isn’t t it destined by the heaven ma? So I’m not destined to have such a life experience, I’m not destined to have rich and power admission ticket, absolutely I can’t compete with you at all. Shouldn’t it be this way Miss Lin…… don’t you have confidence in oneself.’

‘You!’ Lin Qi is out of control le.

And then the classic footage of jealousness of the love rival — Lin Qi splash the red wine toward me.

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