M cub was originally a little pink hearted fan with around 100,000 people. But not long after the performance was uploaded, the number of broadcasts began to rise.

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[First! I’m coming!]


[Ah, ah, ah, I missed a billion! I obviously entered this room today, but when I saw that the characters were random and half-finished scripts, I quit it! I actually missed the chance to play with M cub! I am so sorry!]


[Fuck! These two are so compatible, hurry up and kiss! The  fish CP would be locked from today!]


[Mother, this person suddenly turned into a fish! Still having wings! He looked so handsome!]


[Help! Can I also play this little brother who plays Ying Zhao, eight-pack abs, shasha!]


[Are the holographic special effects in Instant Play so realistic now? Even the beast can do it?]


[Woo woo woo, why did they end it like this, are my tears worthless?]


As the number of people participating in the performance discussion increased, the popularity of “Yu Wenyao” was also getting higher and higher. Not to forget being on top of the list it attracted more people to come and watch. If the current rate continues to grow, there may be tens of thousands of views in one night. But when you try to act in the play, you can’t play better than them, or if you don’t act according to their version, you can only refer to the semi-finished script. It was so difficult to continue the performance halfway.


Afterwards, everyone could not control the drama or the plot, and most of the teams eventually turned into a beast sightseeing group. Because of this, the popularity of the first edition of “Yu Wenyao” has always remained high. It was strange that there was such a high degree of popularity. 


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Among the six people who participated in the show, only one person came out and said that he played a crazy prince, and the other five characters have unclaimed status. The netizens wanted to add a following to them, but they couldn’t find one.

Speaking of this feeling of daze seems familiar?


After the performance, Lin Ji clicked on the video for playback.

He was holding a notebook in his hand, he would pause for a while while watching it, taking a close-up view, and then would  write two lines.


After 3 hours later.


Qiao Yan was sitting on the sofa opposite Lin Ji, scrolling his mobile phone, and smiling idiotically. Actually Qiao Yan came an hour ago, but he knew that he would disturbed the other when he was working seriously.

The consequences would be serious, so he took out his mobile phone and swiped for a while. He just saw the drama they just starred on.


At the moment, while brushing up on the comments of netizens, he followed them to review various highlights.


Lin Ji went to pour him a glass of water: “Have you waited for a long time?”


Qiao Yan took it, and with a smile on his face. He looked so  stupid that people couldn’t bear it: “No, no, it just been a little while.”


Lin Jing hummed: “Go ahead.”


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“Say what?” 


Qiao Yan’s expression became troubled, “I’m in love again?”


Lin Ji raised his eyes and glanced at him, then raised his eyebrows: “Huh?”


So Qiao Yan began to smirk again: 


“Yu Wenyao, God, he was so good-looking, he was simply the male God in my dreams, the one whom I would pursuit in my life”


 Lin Ji smiled again, but did not speak.


“You don’t believe it?” 

Qiao Yan glanced at his friend, 

“You have played the most scenes with him, and you don’t even feel anything? Even the slightest bit?”


Lin Ji didn’t want to talk to him about anything useless, so he went straight back to the topic.

“The person you want to recommend, who was he playing just now?”


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Lin Ji looked at him quietly.


Qiao Yan silently closed his mouth and got up from the sofa with his mobile phone: “Cough, um, I want to go to the toilet first.”


Lin Ji raised his chin, signaling to please. He came out of the toilet in a minute.


“The Queen Mother, I know, she plays the Queen Mother!”


Lin Ji rolled his eyes, then looked back at his notebook and hummed softly.


“Quite fast.”


Qiao Yan almost dropped the phone.


Who is coming soon?!

The empress dowager did not have many scenes, but the performance of the actors was remarkable. A few scenes were captured quite well, and basically all the characteristics that needed to be shown were performed. If he played with another group of people, it would probably become a relatively prominent one. But in the current group, the performance was relatively mediocre.


“There is no way,” Qiao Yan analyzed, “Yu Wenyao will not say, the two of you are the most eye-catching in the whole performance.


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It was  not bad, and the emotional output was pretty stable. It was estimated that it was either a company trainee or an academy student. The role of the prince was also not difficult, and he was also very open to play, and there was no image burden.


“You…” He glanced at Lin Ji. “Are you serious?”


Lin Ji looked calm: “I have always been serious.”


“Don’t make trouble, maybe others can’t feel it, but you can’t hide it from me,” Qiao Yan raised a finger and shook it, “You’re serious.”


Acting was a kind of thing that can only be achieved with the help of each other. Having a good rival actor, the emotional acting skills between each other can drive each other, and can also raise the personal state to a better level. Take Qiao Yan himself as an example. Recently, he has gradually turned behind the scenes. He came in just to play and have a look. This was his best performance in recent years. It was quite enjoyable and hearty. He even had a feeling that this might be Lin Ji’s best performance in the past few years.


 Lin Ji has been standing alone in that high place for such a long time.


What Qiao Yan could perceive, of course Lin Ji couldn’t have not noticed.


The man looked down at the circled name on the note, and smiled suddenly.


If it was fate that made them meet.


Then he must find him again.

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