Three days passed in no time.

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As soon as it was 12:00 noon. The notification of the selection of the tutor was sent to all.


Fang Zhibai and the other two of them successfully entered the group of Lin Ji. Another roommate, Cheng Tian, ​​chose Xiaohua as his mentor.


Following, a new notice was issued. The general content was that from 8:00 tomorrow morning to 10:00 pm the day after tomorrow. They will enter the full-member group recording. 


There was also a special note attached that stated they have to be well prepared and look their best in front of the camera.


“Get ready? What kind of preparation do we have to make?”  Bai Tang had never participated in this type of show, so he asked things if he didn’t understand.


Fang Zhi also doesn’t  know, so he casually said, “Go to bed early and get up early.”


Bai Tang knocked his fist: “So that it is!”


Ling Wei can’t stand it anymore: “Of course it’s not just like that!”


The two looked back at her, their eyes very innocent and naive.


Ling Wei took a deep breath and secretly told herself that they were all in the same group.

What if they dragged her in front of her male god, she then pulled a chair and sat in front of them.

“Haven’t you both watched previous seasons?”

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“No.” Bai Tang said he only watched the finals of the previous year.


Ling Wei took another deep breath, and then began to introduce the two who knew nothing.


Because there was a 21-day gap between the first round and the second round, there will be two episodes of recorded programs in between.


“The result of our selection of tutors should have been announced online. So the next segment would be the team building within the tutor group.

Because the recording place was in our entire dormitory building, and the time will last for a long time. So the staff said to be ready, in addition to rest, but also to pack everything that should be packed.”


Bai Tang looked a little nervous: “Does that mean that you can’t go to the cafeteria for a late night snack?”


Ling Wei was silent for a moment: “If you think late-night supper was more important than the broadcast image.”


Bai Tang breathed a sigh of relief: “Oh! That’s fine.”


Ling Wei’s eyes widened, she was speechless.


But Fang Zhi had a different idea.

“But maybe the rules will change this year.”


Ling Wei’s eyes widened, and she said without thinking, “How is that possible, the previous seasons have been like this…”

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Halfway through speaking, she remembered the rules changed to  by the show team this year, and then silently shut up. It seems possible?


“Anyway, it’s good to be prepared,” Fang Zhi glanced at the running camera, “Are you prepared?” After speaking, he walked out of the dormitory door.


Bai Tang followed him without thinking: “I think Brother Fang, you are right, are you going to the cafeteria now? I’ll go with you! I want to buy some puddings for stock. If you want to go out, you can eat….”


The figures of the two went farther and farther, and the voice of the young man gradually became smaller.


Ling Wei thought about it carefully, and felt that what Fang Zhi said was quite reasonable.

The next morning when she saw Bai Tang carrying a large bag, she also subconsciously brought the small bag that she had packed. When she got to the gathering place, Ling Weiwei saw that the other players around were all with empty hands, all looking fresh and beautiful. She looks like an outlier, who was going for trekking. Feeling the suspicious and strange gazes of the people around her, Ling Weiwei kept a cold face on her face, but she slowly regretted bringing it, in her heart.


Producer Wen Xin glanced at the time, then looked around in the player group again, and was immediately attracted by Bai Tang, who was carrying a big bag. The man couldn’t help laughing and walked straight to the boy: “Why are you carrying this?”


Bai Tang reached out and patted on the backpack with a proud face: “These are my ‘preparations”


Wen Xin raised his head and glanced around again, then smiled. “It looks like you are lucky.”


Bai Tang scratched his head and smiled cutely: “Hey, I also think my luck has always been good.”


The player next to him couldn’t figure out why Wen Xin told Bai Tang that he was lucky.


The time was exactly eight o’clock, and all the cameras around and the smart tracking device were all activated. A spaceship descended from the sky and parked in the clearing in front of them. Wen Xin was dressed in a formal suit, he took out a pair of sunglasses and put it on, facing the players with a bright smile.

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“The recording has started and make sure you maintain your stature.


So in the end no one said anything and got on the spaceship according to the words.


Bai Tang took two quick steps, walked to Fang Zhi’s side, and asked in a low voice.


“Brother Fang, why did Director Wen say I was lucky?”


Fang Zhi put one hand in his pocket and the other to pull the door in front of him, and replied in a light tone: “Look, there are only a hundred players here, plus the staff may be in one hundred and fifty Ten or so, and if everyone brings a lot of stuff, you’re probably overweight.”


“So that’s how it is” Bai Tang suddenly responded, seeing that he didn’t open the door, he immediately stretched out his hand and shook it in the sensing area next to him. 


“This door was not opening.”

Fang Zhi took his hand back as if nothing had happened. There was something wrong with this design. The door was a conference room converted from a grand banquet hall. 


The four instructors were all sitting in the front row, and there were four rows and six columns of seats behind each person.

The contestants who came in knew at first sight that they were going to sit in groups of mentors, and they chose a suitable position in the back rows and sat down.


Only Fang Zhi went straight to his mentor and sat down next to  Emperor Lin. After that, he waved his hand and asked his friend to come and take the vacant seat on the other side of him.


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Emperor Lin followed Fang Zhi’s hand and turned his attention to Bai Tang.


Bai Tang was stunned by Emperor Lin’s gaze; he didn’t dare to sit next to Fang Zhi.

Let alone sitting on the other side of Lin Ji, he said “I’m sitting here, it is very comfortable” 


OK,” Fang Zhi then sat down in the seat behind him.


The room suddenly became quiet. Everyone seems to hit a pause button. Everyone’s eyes were on Fang Zhi, and their faces were full of surprise.


Fang Zhi didn’t feel that he had done anything extraordinary. He turned his head and calmly greeted the tutor around him.


When all the players thought that Lin Ji would drive him to the back.


They waited for Fang Zhi to make a fool of himself in front of so many cameras, but Lin Ji just gave Fang Zhi a faint glance.


“Um, morning.”


The rest of the players: ???


That’s it?!


Is this even reasonable?

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