A/N: this is more like a collection of short stories, so I cut it accordingly. 

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The author has something to say: 

This chapter is written by one of the readers.

This is a what-if story set in a world where Suisui was never swapped. All characters are independent from the main story-line, and there’s no OOC. I hope you like it. 

Shen Xingsui is the third son of the Shen family.

When he was born, his eldest brother was just ten years old, and his second brother was five years old. Because his mother was not in good health when he was conceived, he was also a very weak newborn, and had to be inside the incubator for a long time. When he got a little older, just as he was starting to talk, his body’s resistance was much weaker than that of ordinary children.

–However, maybe because of that, the whole family loved him so much. Even the arrogant bear child Shen Xingchen also treasured this little brother of his. 

Shen Minglang always scolded him like this: “Xingchen, don’t take Suisui to play horse riding games anymore, you have already knocked him down several times.”

“But he likes to play!” Shen Xingchen protested, “Look how happy he is!”

Shen Minglang looked at Shen Xingsui, who still smiled brightly. He played with Shen Xingchen, and he seemed to try helping him climb the toy horse. But then, the very next second, the baby fell down. The room became silent for a moment–

After that, he started to wail.

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The nanny hurriedly came from the side to support him.

Xu Enzhen upstairs heard this. She walked down quickly, hand gripping the handrail. She yelled, “Shen Xingchen, are you bullying your brother again?!”

On the ground, the chubby baby was crying loudly. The moment his mother came to soothe him, his wail became louder. The instigator of this incident, Shen Xingchen, felt guilty. He blamed himself, scratching his head in distress, letting Xu Enzhen scolding him. 

During this time, the crying sounds stopped.

A pair of white and tender hands pulled the corners of her clothes, and then pulled the corners of Shen Xingchen’s clothes. Everyone lowered their heads, and saw that Shen Xingsui, who had just fallen in pain, stopped crying. He opened his watery eyes, looking curiously at his angry mother and aggrieved second brother. He didn’t understand what they were talking about, but he could feel it. He babbled and tugged on Shen Xingchen’s clothes, indicating that he wanted to play. 

Shen Xingchen laughed out loud. “I was scared to death.”

Xu Enzhen was also delighted by her sturdy son, she said, “Your little brother really doesn’t hold grudges. He just fell down, and now he wants to play again.” 

Shen Xingchen squatted down and looked at Shen Xingsui. He had always been carefree, and even resisted when he knew that his little brother might come to the family. But when Shen Xingsui was born, he looked at the little newborn in the incubator. He looked so frail, so fragile… it induced his protective instinct immediately. 

“It must be because he likes me,” Shen Xingchen’s small face was full of anger, but he didn’t blame Shen Xingsui. “I don’t mind!” 

Shen Minglang was afraid that he would throw his younger brother again, so he carried Shen Xingsui to play with the car. He looked at him coldly and said, “If you throw him a few more times, do you think he will still like you?” 

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Shen Xingchen quickly said. “Dage… why did carry him away? I want to hug him too…” 

Shen Minglang almost kicked him. “Before you want to hug him, it would be nice if you could hug Wangcai.”

Wangcai is their domestic Samoyed. Even though he was only two years old, he was very big. Shen Xingchen couldn’t stand the force of the majestic ball of fluff everytime it pounced on him. However, he still liked the dog very much. He usually took out the Samoyed to show off in front of his friends. Relying on the big dog’s momentum, his status among the gaggle of children was elevated. 

Shen Xingchen stuck out his tongue at him. “You’re just jealous of me.”

Shen Minglang sneered. “Jealous of hugging Wangcai?” 


Shen Xingsui grew up into a gentle boy. Because of his family’s sincere love, he was also a very lively and active boy. While he was a bit like Shen Xingchen in that department, maybe because his constitution was rather poor, he wasn’t as naughty as Shen Xingchen. 

The first time he knew that he had a fiancé was when he was listening to his mother telling fairy tales.

Shen Xingsui asked, “Can I also meet my prince in the future?”

Xu Enzhen looked at the youngest son on the bed. He only just entered the second grade. With a fond smile, she replied, “Why aren’t you the prince?”

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“Because…” Shen Xingsui thought for a while. His chubby cheeks were bulging a bit.  “Because being a prince requires me to learn a lot. But my grades are not good, so I am not the prince.”

Xu Enzhen almost laughed. 

Unexpectedly, her youngest son had such a strong self-awareness. He even knows what his grades mean. 

Thanks to this, she remembered an in-the-moment promise she made with her good friend. It was halfway a joke, but she still told her son. “If you really like the prince… then you’re lucky. Mommy really made a baby marriage contract for you before.”

Shen Xingsui muttered, eyes widening in wonder. “What is a baby marriage contract?” 

“It’s a…” Xu Enzhen thought about a proper explanation for someone his age. “It’s a promise that was made before you met, when you were still in Mommy’s belly. The promise itself is for you two to be married when you’re older.”

Shen Xingsui was a little unhappy when he thought about it. “What does the prince look like? What if he doesn’t look good?”

Xu Enzhen didn’t expect her son would be such a strict face-con even at this age. She didn’t know whether to laugh or get angry. Instead, she asked him, “Then if he doesn’t look good, you won’t get along with him?”

Shen Xingsui actually thought about it seriously and replied, “Um… but Mommy already promised… so it’s not good for me to not follow through with it.” 

Xu Enzhen laughed in amusement. “That’s wronging you.” 

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She has always doted on her children. Then she remembered that she had a photo. She checked on her phone, and searched through the photo gallery. Then, she showed the boy’s ID photo to Shen Xingsui. “Here, this is your prince.” 

Shen Xingsui didn’t have any hope at first, but he leaned over to take a look. The boy in the photo had a stern face and cold demeanour. He had the same haircut as his second brother, but their temperament was miles different. He looked a bit more like his eldest brother – someone not to be trifled with. 

The boy in the photo – Fu Jinxiao, shone even through the small ID photo. His eyes shine bright like a torch, his aura is even visible through his indifferent expression. He looked very distinct, like someone important. 

But the most important thing is…

He’s very handsome! 

Shen Xingsui’s eyes seemed to be shining. “Wow…”

Xu Enzhen smiled. “Is he good-looking?” 

“He is! Does he live in a castle?” Shen Xingsui leaned against his mother, “Will I be with him in the future?”

Xu Enzhen ruthlessly broke his pipe dream. “His house is as big as a castle, but that will not guarantee that you two will be together. Even though you two are fiances, love is free. If he doesn’t like you, there is nothing you can do.” 

Shen Xingsui panicked immediately. He looked at his mother pitifully, “Will he hate me?”

Xu Enzhen quickly comforted him, kissing her adorable son on his forehead. “No way, Suisui is the best!”

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