Maybe it was thanks to the courage given by his mother. When Shen Xingsui met Fu Jinxiao for the first time, he was very, very confident. They were in the arcade, and it was very crowded that day. 

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When Shen Xingchen took Shen Xingsui out to play, they got separated. Shen Xingsui was standing at the door looking for his brother but accidentally bumped into a chubby boy.

The little chubby boy said, “Hey… be careful.”

Shen Xingsui quickly said, “I’m sorry.”

“It’s nothing, it’s nothing, pay attention next time,” Little Fatty1this is not a derogatory nickname. It’s a common nickname for chubby boys. waved his hand and said, “Why are you running here by yourself?” 

Shen Xingsui said honestly, “I’m looking for someone.”

Little Fatty asked, “Who are you looking for? There are so many people here.” 

Just when Shen Xingsui was about to answer, he saw another person coming in at the door. The boy was tall and handsome. He exuded a kind of cold aura that kept people and animals away from him. But most importantly, he was identical to the photo his mother showed him before. 

Shen Xingsui’s eyes gradually grew bigger and finally brightened. A smile appeared on his white, tender and round face. He blurted out, “Prince!”

Little Fatty was shocked.

The crowd of children was stunned.

“Who are you calling?” Little Fatty was confused. He trotted to Fu Jinxiao’s side, explaining what he knew. “Boss, that kid over there got separated from his family.”

They were in sixth grade, and Shen Xingsui was in second grade.

The six-year-old child has grown and developed very quickly, but he was much shorter than children his age because of his poor health. Plus, his clothes were cartoon-printed, so it only made him look younger. He was like a jade doll, tender and small. 

Fu Jinxiao glanced at him, looked back at Little Fatty, and said expressionlessly, “That is none of my business?”

The chubby boy spluttered. “But he seems to know you.”

Fu Jinxiao scoffed and didn’t take it to heart.

Behind him was a group of children his age. They were fellow sixth-grade students who came here to play, and they were happy to see what’s going on. 

“That being said, there is no one in our school who doesn’t know Fu-ge!”

“Little Fatty, is your brain trapped by the door?”

“He’s so small, he’s way younger than us, isn’t he?” 

The people behind were chattering, but Fu Jinxiao obviously didn’t take it seriously. He just walked straight, ignoring them. With their leader on the front, this group followed him along. 

Little Fatty also followed along. He said, “Next time, don’t recognize people randomly. You can go to the security guard by yourself.”

Shen Xingsui blinked innocently. He didn’t understand. He confidently denied the older boy’s advice. “I didn’t recognize the wrong person.”

Just this sentence was enough to stun Little Fatty speechless. 

Shen Xingsui ran quite fast in small steps. He ran in front of Fu Jinxiao, grabbed the corner of his clothes, and said softly, “Where are you going?”

Fu Jinxiao looked down at him, still expressionless. “It doesn’t matter to you.”

“You… can you take me with you?” Shen Xingsui mustered up his courage. Fu Jinxiao’s attitude towards him was cold, but he was much more afraid of not finding Shen Xingchen. He insisted, deploying his best pleading look. “I want to be with you.”

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Fu Jinxiao curled his lips downward. “Are you lost?”

Shen Xingsui nodded quickly.

Fu Jinxiao bent over slightly. He separated Shen Xingsui’s clingy hand, saying,  “Then you should find Uncle Police, understand?”


The children behind all laughed. 

It’s not that they haven’t seen someone who was proactive, and it’s not that they haven’t seen someone who was this shameless; but it’s the first time they’ve seen someone like Shen Xingsui – who is still firm despite Fu Jinxiao being as indifferent as ever. 

Shen Xingsui’s face turned pale, and he looked at him pitifully. “Can’t I find you instead?”

Fu Jinxiao raised his eyebrows. “What does it have to do with me?”

After saying this, he was ready to take a step to leave. But a soft voice came from behind and stopped him in his tracks.

“But, aren’t you my fiancé…”

His voice was very small, while the arcade hall was very noisy. Despite all of this, Fu Jinxiao could still hear it clearly.

Turning his head in surprise, he thought this kid was just talking casually. But when he turned his head and met Shen Xingsui’s gaze, he could see that Shen Xingsui was neither lying nor joking. 

Because Fu Jinxiao suddenly stopped, the children who subconsciously wanted to follow almost bumped into each other. However, the cold boy didn’t care. He looked down at Shen Xingsui, looking at his round, watery eyes. “What’s your name?”

The white and tender child in front of him said softly, “My name is Shen Xingsui.”


Fu Jinxiao was suspiciously silent for a moment, then opened his lips and asked, “Is your elder brother Shen Minglang?”

Shen Xingsui nodded. “Do you know Dage?”

Fu Jinxiao cursed in his heart. He had heard that before his mother passed away, she seemed to have made a baby marriage contract. Because no one mentioned it later, he didn’t take it to heart. Who knows that he actually met his so-called prospective fiance here? 

Even so, it was obviously unrealistic to leave Shen Xingsui here under such circumstances. If this child really got lost, it would not be a trivial matter.

Fu Jinxiao took out his mobile phone and said, “You wait here.”

He called Shen Minglang and learned that the other party will pick his younger brothers later 30 minutes from now. When he came back, he saw his classmates playing games near him. Everyone else was playing in front of the game console. Only Shen Xingsui was playing with the crane machine. 

This kid was very stupid, he caught it several times but failed to catch it. In the end, he was laughed at by Little Fatty who said, “You are too stupid.”

Shen Xingsui frowned. He didn’t like being ridiculed. “I obviously hooked it with the claw. Look, the claw touched the dolls!” 

Little Fatty put his hands on his waist and said, “Don’t make excuses, our Fu-ge can catch the doll every time. Since you can’t catch it, it means that you’re just too stupid to do it.” 

The two were talking when Shen Xingsui turned around and saw him.

Fu Jinxiao felt this novelty. In school, because of his temper, few people approached him like this. However, Shen Xingsui seemed to be unable to see the rejection written all over his body. Instead, he approached him with enthusiasm in his small, hurried steps. “You are back.”

Fu Jinxiao responded lightly, “Your brother will pick you up later.”

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Shen Xingsui held the hem of his clothes with his white and tender hands and said, “Let’s catch dolls, he says you are good at catching dolls!”

Fu Jinxiao coldly rejected him. “I’m not playing.” 

Shen Xingsui was taken aback for a moment, looking at him with an aggrieved look. “Why?”

“Not interested,” Fu Jinxiao could be said to be quite ruthless. His indifference was written clearly on his face. “I’m going to play by myself.”

Shen Xingsui stared blankly at the back of Fu Jinxiao leaving. It was strange to say that Fu Jinxiao has been egoistic since he was a child, and he never cared about other people’s lives. But after walking two steps, he found that his backside was quiet, so he turned around–

Shen Xingsui’s big, round eyes were full of tears, dropping down to his cheeks and chin.

Fu Jinxiao felt inexplicably irritable, he said, “Why are you crying?”

Shen Xingsui was beyond aggrieved. His voice was soft and nasally. “Be-because, none of the princes in the book are like this.”

Fu Jinxiao almost suspected that he had heard it wrong. “What?”

Shen Xingsui repeated, this time a little louder. “No prince in the book would treat his fiancé like this… hic hic…”

Everyone around them immediately looked at them. Fu Jinxiao subconsciously covered Shen Xingsui’s mouth. He had never been afraid of anyone since he was a child, but he was actually a little scared when facing Shen Xingsui. “Don’t tell anyone about our marriage contract!”

Shen Xingsui felt even more wronged. “Why?”

“There is no reason,” Fu Jinxiao gritted his teeth a little. He has always been cold-tempered. He never thought that he would be completely defeated today by this crybaby of a fiance. If someone told him about this matter a half year ago, he would’ve laughed to death. 

He took a deep breath, and glanced at the claw machine not far away.

Shen Xingsui murmured, “If I can’t say it, then I will not say it. I’ll wait for Dage to come and help me. He’s also very good.”

Fu Jinxiao harrumphed.

He walked to the claw machine, and put a few coins in. The little boy’s movements were quite proficient, and his eyes were focused as he looked at the claw machine. When the claw machine started to move, it looked like magic. The claw not only hooked on the doll, but it successfully cling on to it, all the way until it was dispensed. 

Standing beside him, Shen Xingsui was awed. He praised him genuinely. “You’re so amazing.”

Fu Jinxiao looked calm, turned around and was about to leave, but Shen Xingsui actually grabbed him. He pointed to another pink bear inside the machine and pleaded, “I still want that one.”

Fu Jinxiao scoffed at his aesthetics. “Ugly.”

Shen Xingsui’s fair face wrinkled, and his mouth twitched. He looked about to cry again, so Fu Jinxiao turned his face away from him and continued to grab the pink bear.

Shen Xingsui cheered.

Little Fatty, who was next to him, came over and said, “Fu-ge, this pink bear is good-looking, why don’t you grab one for me too?”

Fu Jinxiao gave him a cool look. Although he didn’t say a word, the faint lethality in his eyes was enough to express his intentions. Little Fatty shuddered and ran away.

Not only him, but other students also felt very strange seeing Fu Jinxiao actually catching bears for this tiny kid. It was like… the sun suddenly rises from the west. 

“What’s the relationship between this kid and Fu-ge?”

“I dunno…” 

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“I’ve never heard of him before.”

“Maybe they really know each other?”

“But before he came here, I never heard Fu-ge mention him…” 

Of course, there are girls in this group who like Fu Jinxiao. The girl said, “Could it be… he’s Fu-ge’s younger brother?”

The others rolled their eyes when they heard this assumption. “He’s the only son!” 

The girl pouted. “Maybe he just lives far away!” 

From a logical point of view, there seemed to be no problem with this guess. But the key point is, of those Fu family’s branch members, which one hasn’t cling onto the main branch since long ago? Even Fu Jinxiao had seen them enough to give them his cold stance. While they are family on paper, in reality, they rarely had anything to do with each other. 

No one could really get close to him, except… this kid who grabbed the doll.

It was also a weird afternoon. In fact, even Fu Jinxiao himself couldn’t believe it. He actually accompanied a second-grade kid in the arcade to help him grab dolls. 

When Shen Minglang came over, dragging Shen Xingchen alongside him… by the ear. 

Shen Xingchen was very nervous when he saw his younger brother. “Suisui, are you okay?”

Shen Xingsui hugged the doll and said, “Mn. I’m fine.” 

“I’m sorry,” Shen Xingchen rubbed his sore ears. “When I went to exchange coins, I saw someone playing a game and was fascinated by it. By then, I didn’t see you…” 

This was the first time the little devil has apologized to someone.

After his younger brother got lost, he was also very anxious. It was only when Shen Minglang appeared that he finally regained his composure.

When Shen Minglang came over, he said to Fu Jinxiao, “Thank you, I owe you a favor.”

“You’re welcome,” Fu Jinxiao said slowly, “Just cover my class duty for next week.” 

Shen Minglang knew that this fox would not suffer in vain. He also knew that his younger brother would not be bullied by Fu Jinxiao, but what surprised him was… Shen Xingsui had so many dolls in his hands.

Shen Minglang said hesitantly, “Suisui, you…”

Shen Xingsui brightly smiled and said, “The prince caught these for me!”

Shen Minglang looked at Fu Jinxiao in bafflement.

The calculating smile on Fu Jinxiao’s face froze, he lowered his head, and whispered to Shen Xingsui . “If you call me a prince again, I will kill you.”

Shen Xingsui whispered back, “Then what should I call you?”

Fu Jinxiao: “What do you think?” 

Shen Xingsui knew about their marriage contract and its meaning. His mother told him that it meant that the two people bound by it will get married – that is, a relationship between a husband and a wife, just like his mother and father. 

Shen Xingsui’s not-so-clever brain turned. He imitated his mother and called, “Husband?”


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The air was quiet for a moment.

Fu Jinxiao almost lost it. He wished he could cover Shen Xingsui’s mouth. Instead, he glared at him, and said with gritted teeth, “Fu Jinxiao.”

Shen Xingsui said, “Your name?”

Fu Jinxiao nodded and warned him, “If you dare to call me that again, I will…”

After thinking about it, he didn’t know what can scare this kid. If he overdid it and made him cry, he knew that he would be the one who got punished. 

He thought about it solemnly. 

Fu Jinxiao felt he was lost to this second-grade elementary school kid somehow. “I will ignore you.”

Shen Xingsui was really scared, “Please don’t do that. I will call you by your name. I promise.”

Fu Jinxiao is satisfied by the result. 

Others saw the chattering of these two people, and they seemed to be… somewhat affectionate to each other. They never thought that Fu Jinxiao, who usually wasn’t easy to get along with, would actually be able to chat with Shen Xingsui.

Shen Minglang sighed. “Suisui, come here. Let’s go home.” 

Seeing his eldest brother calling, Shen Xingsui quickly responded and ran towards him. Halfway there, he ran back. With a pure smile on his face, almost breaking Fu Jinxiao’s guard. Shen Xingsui held the pink bear in his hand and handed it to him, “For you.”

Fu Jinxiao squinted his eyes, feeling very disgusted.

“This one is a pair with this one,” Shen Xingsui waved the blue bear in his hand and said with a smile, “Now we both have one each.” 

Fu Jinxiao ruthlessly refuted. “No.”

Shen Xingsui stuffed it to him and said, “You’re welcome, I’ll give it to you.”


This is not polite at all!

–And obviously it was him who caught it! 

At that moment, a tsunami set off in Fu Jinxiao’s heart, but no one knew it. Before he realized it, Shen Xingsui and his brothers had already left. Little Fatty leaned to him and complimented him, not knowing the tangled knot inside Fu Jinxiao’s heart. “Fu-ge, that kid is pretty grateful. That pink bear is so pretty…” 

Fu Jinxiao’s smile gradually became dangerous. “Really?”

Little Fatty confidently nodded and said, “Yes!”

Fu Jinxiao continued to smile and said, “Then do you want this bear for you?”

Little Fatty was actually happy when he heard this offer. He immediately said: “You… you really wanted to give it to me?” 

“I’m giving you a kick!”

“Ah–!” Little Fatty wailed. “Fu-ge! I’m wrong!!”

1this is not a derogatory nickname. It’s a common nickname for chubby boys.

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