A waiter came over from outside and said, “The food for Table 3 is still short of the soup. Is it ready yet? Send it over soon.” 

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After preparing a full-course meal, Fu Jinxiao commented under Shen Xingsui’s indescribable gaze, “This is the first time I cook for the guests, and this should be the last meal. Let’s meet them and ask how it tastes.” 

Shen Xingsui only nodded and he followed suit.

The guests at Table 3 knew that there was a celebrity here, but when they saw Fu Jinxiao, they almost screamed uncontrollably!

Fu Jinxiao put down the soup, with a celebrity smile on his face, “How is the food? Does it taste good?” 

The guest immediately nodded his head, “It’s very delicious! Fu-ge, the dishes you cook are really delicious. I didn’t expect you can also cook this good. Oh my god, am I really eating your dishes? I will definitely have to pack them back for my family to taste. We are all your fans. I- I have seen many of your works. They are all stellar! I love them.” 

Fu Jinxiao listened very politely, neither humble nor overbearing: “Thank you for your support of my work. This is not a waste of my labor.”

“No need to thank us!” The guest wanted to be with Fu Jinxiao very much. He proposed something to get closer to the actor, “Have you eaten yet? How about you sit down and eat together?”

Fu Jinxiao shook his head, “Thank you for your kindness, but I have to decline. We will be busy with other work in a while. This is an arrangement from the program crew and the restaurant staff. I can’t just slack off at my job.” 

The customer was in a dilemma: “What should I do then…? Oh, how about I give you extra tips…”

Fu Jinxiao smiled again. When the customer was stared by those affectionate phoenix eyes, his heart started to beat uncontrollably. 

The actor seemed to know this. With a deep and magnetic voice, he purposely slowly said, “It’s really not necessary, as long as you enjoy your meal, you don’t need to give me tips. We’re just cooking as chefs today.” 

The customer didn’t back down. He quickly took out money from his wallet, and forced it over, “You must accept this.”

Fu Jinxiao leisurely said, “Why, though?”

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With an enthusiastic voice, the customer kept insisting, “You deserve it!” 

Fu Jinxiao reluctantly accepted it, but still very conscientiously cooperated with the customer to take photos and give autographs. After giving benefits, he left the customer. 

Shen Xingsui was dumbfounded.

Fu Jinxiao handed him the tips with a casual gesture, “Take it.” 

Shen Xingsui accepted the 300 yuan1about 44 USD, and the smile on his face couldn’t stop, “Teacher Fu, you are too good! Can you accept tips?” 

“Otherwise?” Fu Jinxiao glanced backwards as he stepped upstairs, “Our room fee adds up to 2,000 yuan. After deducting this part, the extra wages earned can be counted as today’s competition content. It’s already eleven o’clock. It’s up to us to decide on our way to make money. Do you think we will get enough just by cooking and serving meals?” 

Shen Xingsui nodded, he looked like he was enlightened. “It makes sense.”

The audience in the live broadcast room laughed loudly:

[It’s over, this kid is going to be spoiled by Fu-ge.]

[I knew that as soon as Fu-ge came out, he would do something else! It couldn’t be just as simple as ‘asking the food’s taste’] 

[Hahaha, an old fox is an old fox.]

[Your Fu-ge is still your Fu-ge.]

When the two returned to the back kitchen, they suddenly received a sudden message from the director team, “Guests, please pay attention. In your working space, there may be clues about the assassin’s identity and other things. Please search for them while you are working. Carefully observe your surroundings and find these hidden clues.” 

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Shen Xingsui thought after hearing the reminder, “There may be clues about the assassins in our restaurant.”

Fu Jinxiao responded lightly, “It should be hidden somewhere.”

The restaurant was too big, and it’s not easy to search for it inch by inch, especially because there were so many people in the back kitchen. Searching for it without a direction would take too much time. 

Just as he was deep in thought, Shen Xingsui’s eyes lit up, “I know where it is hidden!”

Fu Jinxiao looked at him in surprise.

Shen Xingsui ran out of the back kitchen in an instant. He arrived at a corner on the second floor, where there was a huge peach blossom logo, which was custom-made by the merchant. He felt the texture of the carved logo with his fingertips and sure enough, he felt a significant textural difference. Out of that, he took out a small box. With a smile, he triumphantly said, “It’s really here.”

Fu Jinxiao didn’t expect the youth to find a hidden clue this fast. He wondered, “How did you think of it?”

“Well, because during one of my deliveries, I met Master Gu Yun.” Shen Xingsui was very excited as he recounted the event, “Master told me that although the logo of the peach blossom tree is beautiful, the back is hollowed out, so he reminded me to not get too close. Now that I think about it, that was a very suspicious hint. I’m very lucky, don’t you think?” 

Fu Jinxiao raised his eyebrows and smiled, “Mhmm, I agree.” 

Shen Xingsui nodded enthusiastically, “Yeah!”

The audience in the live broadcast room also sighed:

[Stupid people have stupid luck.]

[So lucky!]

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[This Master Gu Yun really likes him, hahaha.]

What Shen Xingsui didn’t pay attention to was that Chef Gu Yun, who everyone commented to be kindhearted, was actually someone not to be messed with. Even the actual owner of the restaurant had to be careful not to slight him whenever they interact. 

The old chef was currently leisurely drinking tea, and was on the phone with his wife. The old chef, Shen Guyun, said with a fond tone to his phone, “My wife2老婆子“lǎopózi”, laopo is a casual way of saying “wife”. It can be translated as “wifey” or “waifu” lol. -zi can be used as a suffix for someone younger that you are close to., I finally saw our grandson with my eyes!” 

The grandmother on the other end of the phone was also very excited, “If it weren’t for my legs, I would have gone to accompany you to meet him. That child is really cute.” 

Shen Guyun nodded, his eyes were bright, “Isn’t that right! I observed him today, and his future husband is also very good. He’s the eldest son of the Fu family, isn’t he? He was very respectful and accommodating to our Xingsui. But his appearance is too handsome, and he should’ve had many entanglements in the past. I’m afraid that will be a hardship for our Xingsui in the future.” (as in, exes or admirers)

“How could that be? I have heard many things about the eldest son of the Fu family. His private life is very clean, his personality is also very good,” The old lady said with a maternal smile, “Besides, the Fu family is a scholarly family with a stellar reputation. I know that their family education is very strict, so how can the children they teach be poor?” Only then did Shen Guyun agree, feeling relieved .

As the day turned into the night, their “part-time job” tasks were finally down. Only after everyone gathered did they begin to count the money earned by each team.

Fu Jinxiao’s team earned a total of more than 4,000 yuan, which placed them as the highest earner. The second was Tuya’s team, who earned more than 3,000 yuan. Shen Xingchen and Li Xu’an got around 2,000 yuan, followed by Instructor Li’s team, who also got around 2,000 yuan. As for Anran and Ning Ze, they were in last place. They only got around 1,000 yuan, which was not enough for the room fee.

Shen Xingchen complained, “I’m so exhausted! I spent a whole day advertising and pulling customers until my throat felt sore! But in the end it wasn’t enough to give me extra money!” 

Anran also said with a bitter face, “There’s too much mud in the lotus pond.”

Everyone looked roughed-up, only Shen Xingsui and Fu Jinxiao looked neat and tidy. It was very clear what kind of hell the other guests went through. 

The director didn’t care about any of this, and said with a casual tone, “Okay, then today’s ranking is already out. Anran and Ning Ze, you two are the last, and cannot pay today’s loan! As for your heavenly punishment… hm… let’s see…. It’s decided! No dinner today!” 

Anran could only agree with a crying face.

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The director also added, “Our part-time work practice is for two days. Today is the first day. We have to work again tomorrow. Everyone will rest in a while and prepare for tomorrow’s work.” 

Everyone was too tired to refute. They could only mumble “okay” listlessly. 

When everyone returned to the manor and entered their rooms, Anran received a contact from the program team. They reminded him of the punishment for the next day, which was also the same – waking everyone up. 

Anran was invigorated as soon as he heard it, “Director, how should I wake everyone up?” 

The director said, “This is based on the results of the audience’s vote. At present, the first place with the highest public vote score is… a good morning kiss!” 

Anran was very sad to be punished after losing, but after hearing this, his whole body was full of energy. He tried his best to hide his excitement, and asked softly, “Do I need to wake everyone up?” 

The director nodded: “Yes.”

Truthfully, the director was looking forward to Anran’s shocked reaction. He wanted something funny to cap off today’s broadcast and whet the audience’s appetite for tomorrow. However, he didn’t know if he just saw it wrong, but why did he feel that Anran’s reaction was so much different from Shen Xingsui’s?

Suisui was shocked and a little scared when he received the notification. Why did Anran look so happy?

Anran quickly agreed, as if he was afraid that the director would go back on his word, “Okie-dokie! I will definitely wake everyone up on time tomorrow.”

Great, his chance finally came.

He didn’t understand why he suddenly tasked to wake everyone up with a kiss. But this was a chance he wasn’t willing to let go! This was such a good opportunity to have an ambiguous contact with Fu Jinxiao. Who knows, after this, maybe the actor’s favorability towards him would shoot up. 

He must do this well!

1about 44 USD2老婆子“lǎopózi”, laopo is a casual way of saying “wife”. It can be translated as “wifey” or “waifu” lol. -zi can be used as a suffix for someone younger that you are close to.

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