On the other side, in Fu Jinxiao’s room, the actor and Shen Xingsui were looking forward to receive their hint card. 

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Fu Jinxiao was sitting on the sofa, looking at the reward sent by the director on his mobile phone. He said to Shen Xingsui, who was sitting by his side, “Today’s hint card, open it and have a look.” 

Shen Xingsui nodded, “Yes!”

They won the most revenue today, so they rightfully got this hint card. Shen Xingsui unfolded the card carefully, and saw a line written in a bold, blank ink: [The young master has been handsome since he was a child, and everyone around him praised him for his extraordinary appearance] 



Shen Xingsui read the content out loud to Fu Jinxiao. He hesitantly inquired, “This is a description of the assassin, right?” 

“Or, is this the background story of the assassin in this plot? Like, he used to be of nobility before becoming an assassin.” 

However… the former was much more likely than the latter. If so, then there were only two possible people: Shen Xingchen and Fu Jinxiao. 

Although Shen Xingsui has returned to the Shen family now, it wasn’t made public. There’s a possibility the director and staff didn’t know this yet, and that could apply for the guests also. So, the possibility that this hint card was referring to him was minuscule. 

Fu Jinxiao held the card between his slender fingers, and pursed his lips: “Anran is also one.”

Shen Xingsui suddenly had a realization.

That’s right, as the youngest son of the Jian family, why couldn’t he be regarded as a young master?

Shen Xingsui fell into deep thought, and murmured, “Then the scope is too big now. Besides, this is only one hint from many, it’s safer to not be overly suspicious now.” 

Fu Jinxiao said, “At least for now, it is confirmed that one of the assassins is a man.”

Shen Xingsui bitterly smiled, “Well, that eliminates Instructor Tuya, she’s the only woman in this group.” 

“At least it is certain that he is a handsome man.” Fu Jinxiao half-jokingly said, ” Talented players can suspend their suspicion and focus more on the idols.”

Shen Xingsui answered without much thinking, “Then, you’re saying you are not suspicious?” 

Fu Jinxiao paused, raised his eyebrows, and the smile deepened on the corners of his mouth: “Ah, so I am an idol1a little context: “idol” is more often used to refer to celebrities, more likely singers, who rely on their good-looks instead of their skills. Since FJX is a certified Movie Emperor, calling him an idol could be counted as an insult. type in your eyes?” 

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Although Actor Fu smiled gently, Shen Xingsui still felt his scalp numb. Feeling that he had said something wrong, and waved his hands hurriedly, “No, no, I didn’t mean that! What I meant was that you are also very capable, but you are also very tall. Very…”

‘–handsome.’ was left unsaid.

Fu Jinxiao leaned lazily on the sofa. After taking a shower, he was wearing dark blue striped pajamas. The neckline was plunged, it was dangerously low, and you could see a hint of his firm pectorals in some angles. People said that a sexy neckline was on the hallmark of a sexy mature man, and to that, Shen Xingsui agreed. Fu Jinxiao’s neck was appropriately muscled, yet still slender and inviting. He tried to avert his gaze, but it was impossible. 

Because they wanted to see the hint at the same time, they both sat on the couch, only half an inch apart.

Shen Xingsui could even smell the faint fragrance of the actor’s body soap from his body. It was obviously the same shower gel arranged by the program group, but it was different, somehow. After it was mixed with the man’s original unique scent, the result was a devastating alluring fragrance. 

Shen Xingsui blushed while talking, Fu Jinxiao waited for a long time until the youth finished his explanation. He drawled as he leaned in closer, “So, your point is?”

“Y-you… uhm… are very capable… a-actor and singer.” 

Shen Xingsui lowered his head, and heard a chuckle from above his head. Then, Fu Jinxiao asked, “Then do you prefer the idol stream or the power stream2as in, prefer “idol celebs” or “skill-based celebs”?” 


What dangerous question was this? No matter which one he picked, there’s a pit laying ahead!

Shen Xingsui was very conflicted, and in the end he could only softly say, “All, I like them all.” 

The muffled laughter from the actor became louder. From this close, Shen Xingsui could even feel the actor’s chest vibration from his laugh. The youth raised his head in shock, and there, he met with Fu Jinxiao’s smiling eyes. The actor leaned leisurely on the sofa, different from his usual hypocritical fake smile. This kind of smile is more handsome and elegant, a little more real, and touching.

Fu Jinxiao’s voice was slow, magnetic yet ironic, “There are not many people in the entertainment industry who meet your qualifications, so you have to hurry up when you meet them.” 

Shen Xingsui’s face flushed, and he couldn’t take it anymore. He must escape!!

“Well, Teacher Fu, I remembered that the air conditioner in my room hasn’t been turned on yet, so I’ll go back first.” Shen Xingsui stood up in a panic. He was afraid that he might do something outrageous if he stayed any longer, “Good night!”

The little rabbit bolted out from the room.

Fu Jinxiao raised his eyebrows unexpectedly.

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‘I accidentally overdid it, and that little rabbit is scared away again.’

Sure enough, he was still young, his skin was still too thin. If he wanted to tease Shen Xingsui again, he must do it in moderation. Suppress his desire… 

Early the next morning–

Anran woke up early. Because of the task assigned to him by the director team yesterday, he didn’t sleep well all night. All he was thinking about was how to make good use of this good morning kiss to his utmost advantage. 

The audience was also a little confused when they saw Anran today:

[Hahaha, why is it him?]

[His reaction… he seems to be eager?]

[Suddenly, I miss Suisui.]

[Hey, shy and pure children are the cutest.]

[I agree, their blushing and stuttering are the best! I want to pinch those flushed cheeks~]

Well, as they said, like idols like fans. Both Fu Jinxiao and his fans share the same black-belly attribute. 

The cameraman pointed to the first room, “Start from there.”

Anran nodded.

This was Fu Jinxiao’s room. He opened the door quietly, fearing that he would not succeed, he put his voice very low, and even turned his head and made a quiet “shh” gesture to the cameraman.

The bedroom was very quiet. 

Anran looked closer to the bed, and finally saw Fu Jinxiao who was sleeping soundly. This man really had a god-sent face, even though his hair was a little messy because of his sleep, his almost perfect profile and innate nobility were still there. If anything, this laziness and messiness become sexy and unique, like a languid tiger sleeping – majestic, dangerous, yet beautiful. Whether it was his appearance or family background, both were top of the top. 

This was also one of the reasons why Anran did not give up.

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Fu Jinxiao… was an existence comparable as a protagonist of a story; the Chosen One; the Heaven’s Darling Son. He had all the luck, status, and skills. So, the one who won Fu Jinxiao’s heart was the real winner in life. 

That’s why Fu Jinxiao must be his, so no-one would be able to compete with him. 

The audience in the live broadcast room also sighed:

[My husband is so handsome!]

[Anran, your eyes are so dangerous.]

[Hahaha, you get out, you are not allowed to touch him!]

[Strange, I’m a fan of Fu-ge’s. I didn’t feel disgusted at all when Suisui came yesterday. But, today, I wish I could call the police on Anran.] 

Trembling nervously, Anran slowly bent down. As he was getting closer, suddenly, the sleeping man opened his eyes. Everything changed in an instant and Anran reflexively froze in place. Before he could comprehend what’s going on, his world spun and he fell to the ground with a loud crash. 

Fu Jinxiao, who was sitting on the bed, got up slowly. His hair was brushed on the side of his face, his head was half down. His sleepy eyes looked downright murderous, and his eyebags only emphasized this further. With a cold and dangerous tone, he almost threatened, “What are you doing early in the morning?”

Anran fell to the ground and he felt his body in pain. His eyes were red and he wanted to speak pitifully, “Fu-ge, I’m here to wake you up.”

Actor Fu’s low air pressure continued to spread. Unlike his usual smiling face, his facial features were stern when he straightened his face, especially when he was silent. Chilling tone and even chillier aura, he spoke, “Yesterday I worked all day, and I helped the crew until early morning. It’s still dark outside, and you woke me up at this time?” 

The whole room was frozen by this sentence. 

Anran was so scared that he stammered, “It’s all the director, and the director asked me to do this task…” 

“A task, huh?” Fu Jinxiao looked at him with dark eyes. He interrogated the younger man like Lord Yan, “Then, have you finished?”

Anran wanted to nod his head.

Fu Jinxiao almost growled, “Then what are you still doing here?”

Anran knew an ultimatum when he heard one. With an intact survival instinct, Anran immediately ran outside. He forgot the whole “morning kiss” thing, and only wanted to stay as far as possible from this murderous-looking actor. Even the cameraman didn’t care about the task – he cares more about his safety, thank you! 

As both scared men ran away, the bedroom’s door was closed with a “click”. The two of them actually felt like they had survived the catastrophe at the same time.     

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Anran murmured to himself, “It’s so scary…”     

The cameraman said like a man barely escaped a certain death, “It turns out that the legend in the industry about waking up Fu-ge is true…” 

And as for the netizens, their reactions were: 

[I’m angry at Fu-ge’s behest.]

[Yeah, if I were tired for two days in a row, and someone tasked another person to wake me up this early, I’d be pissed too.]

[Speaking of which, he was so gentle with Suisui yesterday.]

[Yeah, he must’ve been tired yesterday too, but he wasn’t angry at all at Suisui. This double-standard is so obvious] 

When someone mentioned the double-standard thing, it made people gradually remember yesterday’s “morning kiss” scene: 

[Ah, ah, ah! Yeah, yeah, that’s true, isn’t it? He could wake up today without being touched, and it was soooo different from yesterday!]

[Sister, you found that detail!]

[So it seems that he was already awake even before Suisui kissed him yesterday?]

[Hahahahahaha, oh my God!!] 

The netizens were already in a pitch-fever just by relying on their guesses. There were endless debates about whether Fu Jinxiao is awake or not, but they couldn’t come up with convincing evidence on either camp. Mainly it’s because Fu Jinxiao’s award for best actor was not for nothing. Yes, as long as he wanted, his acting skills could fool anyone. So of course, it’s not easy to guess whether or not he was faking being asleep.

If you can, please support me by donating on my ko-fi~ For every 2 ko-fis, I’ll release an additional chapter ^^

1a little context: “idol” is more often used to refer to celebrities, more likely singers, who rely on their good-looks instead of their skills. Since FJX is a certified Movie Emperor, calling him an idol could be counted as an insult.2as in, prefer “idol celebs” or “skill-based celebs”

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