Thank you very much Phest and T. for the donation! Enjoy the 11 chapters update for today and tomorrow~

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Next ko-fi donation goals for bonus chapter (1/2)

Not long after, Shen Xingsui and Fu Jinxiao got together to open their password box at the same time. 

They both were the two people who obtained the most hint cards. And for this round they got:

[He has always been an artistic person, and popular with everyone.] 

[He hated water since he was a child, especially the pond in the backyard]

Shen Xingsui held two cards and fell into deep thought, trying to narrow his suspects down. “Hm… these two hints are still too broad. For example, all of us are either idols or actors, so we can be considered as having artistic talents and popular with the masses.”

“Afraid of water?” Fu Jinxiao pointed to the hint card as he said, “Both Mr. Li and Tuya can swim. In fact, Mr. Li is quite good at it.” 

Shen Xingsui thought for a while and said, “My brother can also swim.”

The coverage of this hint card is much smaller, maybe they could narrow it down to people who couldn’t swim. But… who else? 

Just as he was thinking, there was a knock on the door.

Shen Xingsui turned around and invited them in, “Please come in.”

It was Shen Xingchen who came in, and he said, “I only have a few hint cards. But I swear I’m not the assassin, so let’s share our information?” 

Fu Jinxiao raised his eyebrows and said, “How could we know you’re not lying?” 

“I’m really not the assassin!” Shen Xingchen yelled as if he was wronged. To prove his innocence, he said, “I also have my hint card in my hand. If you don’t believe me, I will hand over my card as a guarantee! Plus, I know the content will definitely help you!” 

Shen Xingsui hesitated for a moment, then looked at Fu Jinxiao.

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Fu Jinxiao sat lazily on the chair, raised his chin: “Take a look.”

Shen Xingchen took out the card, and everyone saw the words written on the hint card: [The young master has been in poor health since he was a child. I hope he can spend his life in peace and freedom]

Although this hint card was also vague, it did give another precious idea. 

Shen Xingchen said, “Could it be that this assassin was sick during his childhood?” 

Shen Xingchen rubbed his head in distress, “Who the hell is this? I feel that the range is too wide. These broken hint cards are ambiguous and useless at all. They are so limited.” 

When Shen Xingchen was yelling, Fu Jinxiao didn’t answer him. Instead, he played around with the hint card as his mind turned its cogs. Then, he smiled. 

 Seeing his expression, Shen Xingchen asked, “Fu-ge, do you already know who it is?”

Shen Xingsui looked at Fu Jinxiao in shock, feeling that it was impossible – those hints are too vague, how could it be guessed so quickly? 

Fu Jinxiao put the card down, stood up and stretched, and said slowly, “I’ve probably already known who this is.” 

“???” The two Shen brothers said in unison, “Who??” 

Fu Jinxiao picked up the hint card and the mission card, then he smiled mysteriously at the two young men. With a slow drawl, he said. “Well, I’ll make sure of my guess today.” 


‘If you don’t want to tell us then don’t lead us on!’ 

Now Shen Xingsui finally understands the meaning of Shen Xingchen’s words of “Fu Jinxiao will never lose”.

It is no wonder why people with no fear would tremble in front of Fu Jinxiao. This man is simply too scary. Only fools would want to make an enemy of him! 

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The discussion session in the morning is over, and today the program team has started to assign new tasks.

Instead of wandering around the town, they actually left Taohuawu Town today. They came to the foot of the mountain not far away from the town, to a small old school there. The name of this school was Panwang Primary School.

The director casually said, “This town is located in a remote location, so the economy and transportation here are not very developed. There are several small villages on this mountain, and the children living in those villages will come here to go to school. This school was actually built thanks to a kind entrepreneur’s donation more than a decade ago. Thanks to them, all children here can study freely and healthily!”

As the camera shifted, people could squint to see the name of the donating organization. 

The live broadcast netizens have a zoom-in feature, so they have already discovered something. 

[Xingyue Group!]

[This is the company of the Shen family!]

[Hope Primary School…]

[Oh yeah, it’s donated in the name of the Shen family’s dead son right?]

[According to known information, the Shen family didn’t just donate to one primary school, and such Hope Primary Schools are located in almost every province and town!]

It was because of this dead son, the Shen family began to hope all children across the nation can enjoy a good education at the least. Mainly it was because they have a hope in their heart – if their son was still alive somewhere… they hope he can have a proper education for his future. That’s why they built all sorts of schools in every corner of the country. 

The staff led everyone into the school and announced the rules for today’s tasks: “Everyone will draw lots in this box today, and the tasks drawn by the lottery determine what you will do today. There are teachers, janitors, canteen workers, security guards, and such. You need to do your job well, or you will lose points! Also, if your job is particularly excellent, you’ll be rewarded with extra points. The winner is the person with the most points, of course.”  

“In addition,” The director added, “There are several hint cards inside treasure boxes hidden all over the school. You can go and find it. Today is the third day, and the assassin has the means to kill you. Please find him as soon as possible and protect the prince and yourself!” 

After the announcement, everyone began to draw lots.

Shen Xingsui was a janitor, Fu Jinxiao was  a teacher, Shen Xingchen, a young master who never worked in a kitchen, actually got the job as a canteen worker. Ning Ze was a security guard, Tuya was a gardener… and such, and such.

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Then, the task started.

Shen Xingsui got the cleaning tools for sweeping and mopping the floor, and he had to work in empty classrooms and the corridors. While Fu Jinxiao got the textbooks, and went to teach in the third grade class. There were exclamations and screams, and smiles appeared on their faces. The children here are all relatively simple in appearance, but they all have a kind of cuteness. When they see big stars, their eyes are shining bright, absolutely starstruck. 

Fu Jinxiao stood on the podium and made a gesture for them to be silent.

Although he has never been a teacher, Actor Fu did not have the slightest stage fright. He stood at the top, with a refined smile on his face, and talked slowly, “Please keep quiet in class. I will introduce myself first. My surname is Fu, you can call me Teacher Fu, since this is the first time we meet, but let’s get to know each other first.” 

The children replied, “It’s not the first time we met~”

Fu Jinxiao looked very patient, and he agreed to play along, “When did you see me?”

“Inside the TV!”

“On the grocery bag where we eat at home.”

“On the wall of the canteen…”

These honest answers made people laugh. The netizens in the live broadcast room were also amused, these children are really honest and cute.

Another little boy patted his chest and said, “I’m still your fan! The God of War you played before is very handsome. When I grow up, I want to be like you. I want to be a hero and defeat those bad guys!”

Well, the children’s wishes have always been very simple. 

It was just a sci-fi movie, and there really weren’t any heroes with such superpowers at all.

Fu Jinxiao hooked his lips up and did not destroy his dream, “Good ambition! Work hard, and it will come true in the future.”

Because of his approachability, the children who were originally nervous and timid let go a lot. The little boy pointed to her deskmate, smiling as he said, “She’s your fan too!”

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Fu Jinxiao lowered his head unexpectedly, half-jokingly: “Is your dream also to be a superhero?”

The little girl shook her head shyly.

The little boy next to him laughed sullenly, and said, “She is not. Her dream is to grow up and marry you as your bride!” 

After hearing this, the whole class roared with laughter.

The little girl was even shyer than before. Her face was flushed, but she didn’t retort. She just timidly looked at the tall and handsome man in front of her, and at her idol.

Only Fu Jinxiao didn’t laugh at him, the man just looked at him calmly, then bent down slightly, and said in a gentle voice, “It’s good to have ideals, but you are still too young to be a bride.” 

The little girl was a little disappointed. Her small mouth pursed down, but she still responded obediently.


When she didn’t expect, Fu Jinxiao actually had something else to say. She raised her head in hope, and met the man’s amorous sharp eyes. There was a faint smile on his face, and he spoke slowly. “This teacher already has a bride he likes, so I can’t marry you.”

“!!!” The little girl’s eyes widened in shock.

Not only her, but the cameramen and all the netizens in the live broadcast room were also in total disbelief. 

[Wait, did I hear it wrong???]

[There’s someone you like?!]

[You are lying! Are you just saying that to make the little girl feel at ease?]

[Who is so capable of getting Fu Jinxiao?]

[Let me see who is the bride who saved the galaxy in her previous life.]

[Ahhh, it’s so early in the morning, why did this suddenly explode? I’m not sleepy anymore!!]

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