In fact, Actor Fu’s voice was not too loud, but because his microphone was attached to a loudspeaker, it was enough to transmit his voice clearly. 

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The little girl’s eyes widened in surprise, the people in the live broadcast room were very crazy.

Actor Fu has made his debut with zero peach-blossom1love affair. rumors, and in the years since his debut, he has almost never fried CP2hyping up a (fake) couple. with anyone. Occasionally he would be caught by the media, but he would soon clarify whether it’s not true or just marketing. Even if there’s no such clarification, when Actor Fu was interviewed, he would always give an affirmative answer: “It’s just a friend.” 

He has always been a person who didn’t hide things. 

So if he said that he has someone he likes, then he meant it. Fu Jinxiao wouldn’t lie like that, let alone engage in those vain things for the popularity of a show. But it was because of this, it sparked another round of debate in the comment section: 

[I don’t care, this must be a joke.]

[Who could it be? The paparazzi have never caught any news.]

[He will definitely protect his girlfriend very well.]

[No, this should be a lie to make the little girl give up.]

[Yes, yes, it must be so!]

No matter what, the majority of netizens were best at deceiving themselves – they often forget that idols are also people, and some of them do want to get married. And yet, the fans were deep in denial, thinking it was just a fake scandal to gain hype. 

But this didn’t matter to Fu Jinxiao. He smoothly started teaching the class. 

But other people’s work was obviously not going so smoothly, especially Tuya, whose “gardening” work was… cutting firewood for the kitchen. While Shen Xingchen was in charge of cooking. His level was at “not able to tell the difference between shallots and garlic”. 

Anran and Shen Xingsui were both janitors. When the two of them were picking up cleaning tools in the kitchen, they saw the chaos in the kitchen. It was really an eye-opener. It single-handedly made them glad for their lottery draw.

Tuya was trying to light a fire, but the fire in the stove refused to be lit no matter what.

Anran has always been a little angel with a considerate personality in public. He said to Tuya, “Instructor Tuya, don’t worry, just take your time. It’s your first time operating this kind of stove, so it’s normal to not be able to do it perfectly.” 

Tuya forced a smile in her frustration. “Thank you, Ranran.”

In fact, because Tuya was from Germany – although her Chinese is already fluent now – she never used this kind of Chinese earthen stove! 

In fact, there was also a gas stove in the kitchen, but the staff didn’t let them use it for the sake of views. They knew the earthen stove was much harder, and thus, would produce better content for the filming. 

The audience in the live broadcast room were also very emotional at this scene:

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[Ranran is really caring.]

[Anran is a good person, comforting Instructor Tuya.] 

After a while, Shen Xingsui also came over. When he stepped in, he choked because of the thick smoke there. Tuya was also ashamed, not only did she fail at her task, her delicate makeup was also ruined by the smoke and soot. 

Seeing this, Shen Xingsui hurriedly went near the teacher, “Instructor Tuya, are you okay?”

She dusted off her hands, then pointed at the stove, “I want to blow the fire once the ember starts but… it’s just all smoke…” 

Shen Xingsui found that Tuya used paper as the initial ignition to support the combustion. And from his experience, such material wasn’t very effective in lighting up a wood. 

“It’s all right.” Shen Xingsui smiled. He knew this, so he knelt down and said, “Come on, I’ll light the fire for you, and it will be much more convenient for you.”

During the show, Tuya had a good impression of Shen Xingsui. It was because he was a rare clean and sincere person in this muddy entertainment circle. He made her happy, but also worried. This worry also spilled over today. “Will this count as a foul on your part?”  

Shen Xingsui looked at the cameramen behind him.

One of the cameramen said, “As long as you finish your own cleaning work, there’s no foul if you help other guests.” 

Shen Xingsui smiled and said to Tuya, “Look, it’s all right.”

Helping her make a fire next to her was not an easy job. He first put those small branches together, and then took the flammable pile of dead leaves and lit them. After it burned, he stuffed them into the stove and waited for the ember to begin. After the fire burns brightly, the heat was so great that their foreheads began covered with sweat, soon, and dust. It was not a very flattering look. 

But Shen Xingsui still adjusted the fire with tongs, put all the wood in and lit it until it could burn normally. Then, he wiped his ashy face as he said to Tuya, “All right. It’s done.” 

Tuya’s eyes lit up and praised him, “Suisui, you are amazing, how can you do this?”

Shen Xingsui smiled shyly, “It’s not difficult, because I had practice. During my stay in the Zhang family’s house, they have this kind of stove too, and I had used it before.” 

Tuya saw that he just rubbed the ashes on his face because he wiped his face, and the two gray marks appeared on his fair cheeks, which looked a little hot and uncomfortable. She moved to give him a hug with enthusiasm, “Ahhh, I love you so much.”

Shen Xingsui took a step back and said, “No, I’m covered in sweat…”

Tuya didn’t care. “I don’t mind.”

The audience in the live broadcast room were also happy when they saw this ridiculous scene:

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[These two people are too cute.]

[Doing it and empty talk sure are a mile difference.] 

[Anran just… comfort Tuya for a long time and didn’t even offer his help?]

[Didn’t he stay in the Zhang family for more than ten years before, how could he not know how to use that stove?] 

[Suisui is really good. His words might be clumsy, but he is always sincere.]

[I feel like I understand him very much.]

[I am also a person with a stupid mouth. Seeing Suisui like this makes me very emotional.] 

[Yup, that is the epitome of “Shen Xingsui” I think. Optimistic and hardworking, I really stan the right person!] 

Shen Xingchen from behind came over and hurriedly pulled away and said, “Instructor, you have to stay away from my brother! He is still young, he is not suitable, not suitable! “

“How old do you think I am, huh?” Tuya was able to take a joke, and deliberately reached out and pulled Shen Xingsui’s clothes, saying: “I’m in my twenties, and I’ve reached the age to talk about marriage~” 

Shen Xingsui didn’t know what to say. 

Tuya also teased him as if she was addicted, “Does Suisui have someone he likes?”

Shen Xing Sui choked up when asked this question, blushing for the most part. The shyness and embarrassment of this cute little appearance made Tuya laugh loudly. “We all have that special someone in our hearts. Let this jiejie tell you, whoever you like in this entertainment industry, she can help you connect with them~” 

Shen Xingsui balked from embarrassment: “Tuya-jie!”

The staff at the back reminded them that it was time to continue their job. Only then this three-person conversation ended in high notes. There were obviously four people in the kitchen, but Anran was completely ignored.

In fact, not long ago, because of his unenthusiastic and shy personality, Shen Xingsui was an invisible presence in the entire program group. But gradually, as time passed, he became more and more open-minded for no reason. Like a dusty gem slowly revealing its luster, once it was polished, it’s something everyone coveted. 

This was a really bad situation for Anran. 

Anran took a deep breath, looked at Shen Xingsui who was cleaning the tree-lined path not far away, and decided to take the initiative to find Fu Jinxiao on the third floor.

The audience in the live broadcast room wondered about this move:

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[Both of them are the janitors, right? Why is Anran going without sweeping the floor?]

[He seems to be going to the teaching building.]

[Hey, can you not slack off?] 

However, despite the audience’s ire, Anran has already arrived at the teaching building upstairs. There, he wiped the floor in the corridor, and lurked around up until the students were out of class. He then arranged an “accidental” bumping into Fu Jinxiao who just finished his duty as a teacher. 

Anran smiled and leaned closer. “Fu-ge!”

Fu Jinxiao was a little surprised hearing this voice. He raised his eyebrow as he asked, “Why are you here?” 


‘What’s with that question? Otherwise, who do you want to be here instead?’

Anran complained in his heart, but he didn’t show it on his face. He still showed a sweet smile and said, “It’s me. I was cleaning around here just now, and then I ran into you.” 

Fu Jinxiao nodded casually and asked, “Since you’re cleaning… where’s Shen Xingsui? He should be a fellow janitor, right?” 


Shen Xingsui, Shen Xingsui, SHEN XINGSUI!

Why is it him again?

‘I stand in front of you and you still asked for Shen Xingsui! Argh. That bitch is so annoying!’ 

Anran was silent for a while before opening his mouth: “…I don’t know. I saw him before, I think he’s cleaning outside the building. But it’s been a while now, maybe he’s gone somewhere?” 

He replied: “Got it.”

Seeing that Actor Fu was about to leave, Anran panicked. He quickly chased after him with a little shout, “Fu-ge, wait!”

Fu Jinxiao stopped in his tracks and looked back at him, “What’s the matter?”

“Well, actually I want to ask you, have you found any hint cards during this time?” Anran found a reason for himself to talk, and continued this topic with a smile, “I think we can exchange hints. I actually want to find the assassin as soon as possible, because I think they’re going on a killing spree soon. We will all be in danger then.”

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Fu Jinxiao raised his eyebrows, “Why should I believe you?”

Anran immediately negotiated,  “I can tell you my hint first. Then, after you listen, you can decide to tell me your hint or not.” 

Fu Jinxiao: “Deal.”

Seeing that he agreed, Anran smiled, and said, “I have a mission card, and the hint on it are: [Tonight3FJX’s name, Jinxiao is 今宵, which means “tonight” is a good night]” 

This hint card was very straightforward and immediately cornered him in particular. People who didn’t know the truth will definitely focus on Fu Jinxiao. Plus, people in this kind of mystery game are generally very suspicious – and Anran was sure this was enough to fluster Fu Jinxiao too. 

But Fu Jinxiao only raised his eyebrows and smiled mysteriously, “Do you doubt me?”

“Don’t dare.” Anran stood obediently, “It’s just because the hint on the card is like this, so I want to share it with Fu-ge and see if you have any clues.” 

Fu Jinxiao nodded lightly. “I have… another card, and the clue is: [The events of that year were recorded by the old servant. It is stored at the study, in the manor’s old attic.]”

Anran’s eyes widened. 

Fu Jinxiao spoke slowly, “Shen Xingsui and I went to look for it, but we didn’t find that record. Shen Xingchen and the others went there too, but they didn’t find it. So this clue is the most difficult to decipher.” 

Anran seemed to be relieved. “Really?”

Fu Jinxiao nodded: “Yes, but I think that should be the key clue.” 

“I remember that the door to the attic is locked.” Anran asked, “How did you go inside?” 

Fu Jinxiao replied: “I asked for the key from the staff, but there is only one key. Because I haven’t found the record yet, I hid the key under the carpet next to the attic.” 

Anran nodded thoughtfully. 

Fu Jinxiao raised his eyelids to look at him, the man’s eyes were deep black, swirling with unfathomable thoughts. However, his aura was his usual – all polite and kind. “The clue you gave me is very important, Can you show me your card?”

Anran froze. He subconsciously answered, “What?”

“The hint card you mentioned.” Fu Jinxiao leaned against the railing of the stairs, and the tall and handsome man looked down at him. “Otherwise, how would I know if it’s true or not?”

1love affair.2hyping up a (fake) couple.3FJX’s name, Jinxiao is 今宵, which means “tonight”

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