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This scandal continued to ferment in the evening. Netizens on Weibo satirized and criticized Shen Xingsui for being ungrateful for his ex-brother. In less than two hours, the person involved, Jian Zhi, posted a Weibo. 

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At first glance, there’s nothing controversial about this post. But if you read between the lines, there’s quite a lot of implication hidden within. After all, this was a post that Jian Zhi made with the help of his PR team.

: “Music is the transmission of the soul, regardless of time and place. Thank you for liking my songs, and I am very happy that someone can play my songs happily. I hope everyone will pay more attention to my future works.”

Simply put, Jian Zhi basically said, “This is my song, and it’s okay for you to do a cover for it. I don’t mind, I’m a generous person so I will forgive you.” 

The comment section of this post was flooded by positive comments from his fans:

[Zhi-ge is really kind.]

[Those plagiarists are really dogs.]     

[I’m looking forward for your next release!]

In comparison, Shen Xingsui was immediately judged as the guilty party by Jian Zhi’s fans. They were quickly full of performative policing as if they’re at the peak of morality. They bashed him, called him names, and some were even brazen enough to twist facts to dirty his reputation. 

However, beyond many people’s expectations, Shen Xingsui was also not silent this time. After Jian Zhi’s Weibo post was released, he also posted a Weibo soon, and even directly mentioned him:

[@ I agree that music is the transmission of the soul. Every soul is unique. This piece was given life by its creator, and so I must thank you for your effort to disseminate it to the public way ahead of me. I hope you can focus on your own work in the future.]

This post was very tough, cut directly to the point, and full of gunpowder1itching for a fight / provocative. 

And under the Weibo post, Shen Xingsui released the second half of the chorus, which he also played himself. The tune blends perfectly with the first half, which was elegant and beautiful. 

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This turn of event baffled the netizens. 

[Wait, what do you mean?]

[Didn’t Shen Xingsui copy Jian Zhi?]

[So, Jian Zhi copied Shen Xingsui instead?]

If this reversal was the truth, then it was beyond shocking. These two were brothers once upon a time, after all! 

Shen Xingsui’s fans have been scolded before. Many people say that their idol a plagiarizer and morally bankrupt. This, of course, made his fans uncomfortable as hell. Now, there’s a chance that everyone was going to change. They grasped this life-saving straw, then flooded their idol’s post with words of encouragement and defense. 

[I knew that Suisui would not do this kind of thing.]

[We have heard Suisui’s original composition and arrangement all the time, and even saw the process with our own eyes. He is very capable by himself, so why would he plagiarize something so well-known?]

[Think with your brain, people!]

[Yeah! He can even make an awesome arrangement of someone’s unpolished composition in one afternoon! Do you want a copy of this video?]

[Jian Zhi, as an older brother, you actually secretly copied your younger brother’s original work. Is the whole family bullying Suisui like this? Disgusting.] 

Of course Shen Xingsui’s loyal fans would fight for their idol once Shen Xingsui made that post. While they’re mostly a peaceful bunch, they’re not going to take any undeserved beatings lying down. Silence was only leading them to slaughter at this time. 

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However, Jian Zhi has been a popular star for many years, his spot in this industry was solid. After all, his fanbase was much larger than Shen Xingsui, and they’re more loyal. Of course they’re going to believe Jian Zhi’s words. So, when they read Shen Xingsui’s Weibo, it only added fuel to the fire. Their hatred intensified. 

[How did this become your song?]

[Where’s the evidence?]

[Don’t touch our gege!]

Then, Shen Xingsui released the second half of the song. Since this controversy was very hot, many netizens latched on to this the moment it was posted. 

[Not gonna lie… I prefer Shen Xingsui’s version of this continuation.]

[My favorite part of this song was actually the chorus. I always skipped the second half so I can immediately hear the chorus part again.] 

[Yup, I agree with that. It feels like two different songs stitched together.]

[Lol, so it’s not only me who skipped directly to the chorus?]

[Now that I hear this version, I do agree it feels like a complete song!] 

However, this is just the opinions of neutral netizens. Jian Zhi’s fans, however, said that Shen Xingsui’s version was shit, and continue their bashing. They couldn’t wait for the day that Shen Xingsui would be stricken down by karma.

They believed Jian Zhi would win in the end.

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The next day, in Hengtong Building. 

Shen Xingsui had originally made an appointment with the music team of “Mountains and Rivers”. He came in to continue the discussion about the theme song. 

He had pulled an all-nighter the day before, pouring his heart out to finish his image of the song. The story was a tragedy, and he knew how to amplify the anguish and the poignant emptiness of the movie’s ending. 

When the production music team saw him, their expression was a little weird.

Shen Xingsui gave them the music score he wrote and asked, “It’s probably like this. Do you think there is any problem? Anything to change?” 

The head producer hesitated, but still said, “Suisui, your composition is very good, and it meets our requirements. Thank you for your hard work. Even when something like this happens, you can still write the score. B-but… our director still has the final say. Because of this… controversy, he decided that hiring you might… affect the movie’s reputation. Although you are really talented, but we… dare not use your song.”


These people welcomed him warmly yesterday. But today, after that shitshow, they turned cold in just one day.

Shen Xingsui sighed a little and said, “Then the director doesn’t plan to use my song?” 

“…Sorry.” The producer was also very guilty. He didn’t want to see this talented young man’s dreams dashed like this. But he couldn’t do anything. “It’s not completely impossible. If you want, you can… leave the music score here. If there’s a hope in the future, we will contact you again?” 

Shen Xingsui saw the producer’s eyes and immediately understood. His heart froze, and his body felt numb. It wasn’t painful nor uncomfortable. Surprisingly, he accepted this result calmly. 

“Thank you for your kindness.” Shen Xingsui bowed as he took his music score. “I won’t trouble you any more, I wish you success in your work.” 

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The producer wanted to say something, but Shen Xingsui decisively turned and left. He even closed the door gently on the way out. There was no grievance or redundant explanation, as if they really had an ordinary chat and then said goodbye.

The person behind him said, “Actually, I think the director will be satisfied with the version he wrote. He is really a creative composer. I… personally don’t think we will find such a satisfactory song if we contact another composer in the future.” 

The producer silently nodded. 

In fact, he really didn’t want to let go of such a brilliant composer. However, Jian Zhi’s agent contacted him, saying that if he rejected Shen Xingsui, the singer’s younger brother Jian Anran would compose original music for them, and Jian Zhi himself would sing the theme song for free. The director saw this golden opportunity for publicity and he couldn’t refuse it. Compared with the far less famous Shen Xingsui; Jian Zhi, who was more popular, was of course the better choice. Even the producer had to agree that refusing Jian Zhi’s offer wasn’t profitable. 


Inexplicably, when he saw the closed door, regret rose in his heart. It’s as if he had missed something very important.

In another music room of this building, a middle-aged man who had been sleeping with a hat on raised his head. He glanced at the production team through the window. With a sarcastic smile, he scoffed. He recalled the brilliant composition of that disgraced young man.

The music sparked something inside of him.

That young man’s name was Shen Xingsui, yes?

Maybe… he could try cooperating with him.

Also, happy April’s Fools day! I’m too tired to create a fake chapter, honestly.

1itching for a fight / provocative

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