After exiting the Hengtong Building, Shen Xingsui returned to Fenghua Entertainment’s building. In the office, Wang Meican was waiting for him. The entire PR team was in operation. It really hasn’t been so lively here for a long time. The staff came in through the door in and out, the phone rang non-stop, and it was very hectic.

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Shen Xingsui was taken aback by this view, “They are… doing this for my matter?” 

Wang Meican smiled, “Yes, this is the PR team. Well, Jian Zhi bought a water army to suppress his own bad reviews. However, we do have some of his black materials, so we planned to fight fire with poison. The moment we spot his attempts, we will quash it with his scandal. I also need to contact an outside PR company to help you suppress this slander against you. I’m quite busy.” 

Shen Xingsui was stunned, and he hesitated, “Everything is… only for me?”

“Otherwise? Of course this is your team.” Wang Meican shrugged, she wasn’t angry at him, like he expected. If anything, she looked like she sympathized with him. “Oh, it’s been a long time since they got busy, actually. It’s too peaceful around here, so they whined because they have nothing to do. Now that they actually have a big job to do, they’re very energetic. After all, if they successfully turned things around, they’ll get quite a bonus paycheck.” 

This PR team was a professional and experienced one, because this was originally Fu Jinxiao’s. The actor’s PR team was in the top team in the industry, matching the might of the actor in question. 

Their job included swaying the public’s opinion, marketing strategy, and sometimes even helped the actor to package his celebrity image. 

In recent years, the status of Fu Jinxiao has risen and he had the backing of his family. Very few people dared to cause him trouble. His career was so smooth that he never had any scandal. Naturally, this PR team became idle as a result. 

“Let them be busy.” Wang Meican said with a smile, “They need to flex their muscle once in a while.” 

Shen Xingsui was originally worried that his affairs would cause trouble for everyone, or slow them down. He had already thought about how to help them or even take the blame. So, he didn’t expect this scene. He was very relieved and moved. “Thank you…” 

Wang Meican waved her hand, “No need to thank me. If you must, go thank Fu-ge. This is originally his PR team, but he has ordered them to support you instead. He also forbids us to do any sloppy job when it comes to you. Honestly, he cares more about your affairs than his own affairs.”

Shen Xingsui’s heart moved, and he murmured softly, “Really?”

Wang Meican smiled and nodded. “Why would I lie to you? But Suisui, I still want to ask about the whole plagiarism scandal. Do you have any evidence to back your claims?” 

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Shen Xingsui was also very worried when the agent mentioned this matter.

He never doubted his brother, so he didn’t have any precautions to defend against this kind of theft. When he left the Jian family’s house, he never thought that he would return to the entertainment industry, so he left the house without bringing anything. Those music scores, those merchandise… all stayed there. 

“I have always thought that I am very ordinary and mediocre.” Shen Xingsui said softly, “Those… compositions are my pride, yes, but I have always thought that they were worthless to others.” 

He continued after a brief moment of silence, “When I left Jian family’s house that day, I didn’t know what my future would look like. I… don’t dare to pursue any music-related career. So… I didn’t bring anything with me.” 

That day, he learned that he was just a cannon fodder in this world. When he was given a chance to live his life again, he never dared to think too idealistically. He just wanted to lead a peaceful life. 

That’s why he just… left. 

Wang Meican sighed. She patted Shen Xingsui’s shoulder as she said, “So you can’t find any evidence now, right? Is there only one copy of that score? You have never shown it to others, and you have no backup?” 

Shen Xingsui has no friends in the past. He didn’t think he had shown his work to others. And if he had, there’s no doubt they wouldn’t take his side. Just as he was about to nod, he suddenly hesitated and paused.

Agent Wang only looked at him, so of course she noticed such a subtle change immediately. “Why, did you remember something?

While there’s no copy of that music score and he never showed them to his real-life friend… he actually had sent them to one special person.

Fu Jinxiao.

Specifically, he sent them through his star-chasing account at that time. Back then, his family neglected him and he had no real friends. Fu Jinxiao was the only light he had. So, of course he was obsessed with this tiny spark of joy he had in his life. Every song he released, every show he attended, every drama he starred… he would always be up-to-date with everything. This account was his solace. 

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That’s why, when he composed this music… he actually photographed it and sent it to Fu Jinxiao with this account. He was seeking any type of validation. Plus, he knew his idol wouldn’t respond to him anyways, so he had no such burden of being perceived directly. 

It’s been several years, and he didn’t know if the chat history was still there. He hasn’t logged in to that account for a long time. 

But, he thought that Fu Jinxiao shouldn’t have seen it. He was popular after all, there’s no way he would be able to read every private message his fans sent him. 

Seeing Shen Xingsui fall into a contemplative silence,  Wang Meican tried to ask, “Suisui? What are you thinking?”

Shen Xingsui returned to his senses, he hesitated for a moment, and then replied, “I have a way to find evidence. I had a trumpet1side/secret account. Main account is tuba, btw. before that… had this music score uploaded. Will you let me try it?” 

Wang Meican of course agreed, she nodded in excitement. “Okay, as long as there is a way, then try it! However, don’t put too much pressure on yourself. If it doesn’t work, then forget it, we’ll find a way together.”

Shen Xingsui nodded.

Later, too many things happened, he could no longer stay in the trumpet for a long time to chase stars like before. The appearance of Anran disrupted all his life, this account was also slowly frozen and forgotten.

However, no matter how long the time has passed, he still remembered the password. When he had successfully logged in, Shen Xingsui felt very complicated emotions in his heart….

Then he saw his ID:


Shen Xingsui stared at his ID and snorted out loud.

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At that time, when he first became a fan, he saw the popular trend in the Fu Jinxiao’s supertopic of naming your account and like. So, he chose to follow this trend to attract attention. To top it off, he chose the most ostentatious ID of this ilk. 

Later, when he came to his senses, he was too lazy to change it. Plus, he had organized many fan activities online with this name, to the point the ID had become quite famous. 

So after going online, he actually received a lot of private messages.

[Madam, you’re actually online!]

[Ah, you’re finally back!!]

[Wuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwu I thought you were no longer a fan Q~Q] 

[We are all waiting for you to come back!]

[Nothing happened to you ?]

These messages came from his fellow fans, who he had befriended during his stay in this supertopic. 

Shen Xingsui felt warm in his heart when he saw everyone’s warm messages. He was about to reply when he heard Wang Meican from the opposite side say, “Which one is your trumpet? We also need to know the trumpet of the artist. So we can monitor it for your safety.” 

Shen Xingsui’s hands trembled, and he panicked. His voice was oddly robotic. “Ah? Ah? Do you want to know about my trumpet?”

Wang Meican was frightened by his reaction. She immediately thought that Shen Xingsui might perceive it as a breach of his privacy, so he hurriedly clarified her words, “That’s right, it’s for your own good. Well, but don’t worry, we usually just monitor it, but it won’t interfere with your freedom. You can use your trumpet to post and play whatever you want, just give me a nickname for your trumpet, and I’ll search for it “

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Shen Xingsui fell silent.

This was the first time Wang Meican saw that this good boy didn’t respond to him immediately, so she asked in full curiosity, “What’s the matter? Is your ID not… convenient to reveal?” 

Shen Xingsui’s face slowly turned crimson, and he was completely embarrassed. He really didn’t want to expose his identity as one of the main pillars of this fanclub. So he could only say, “My name and ID may be a little… indecent.” 

“How indecent can it be?” Wang Meican laughed it off. She thought that Shen Xingsui was just shy. “It’s not something criminal or lewd, right?” 

Shen Xingsui shook his head, “No, that’s not it.” 

Wang Meican didn’t realize that he was in dire straits at all, so she waved his hand and said, “That’s it, don’t worry. Who do you think your Wang-jie is? I have heard all sorts of ridiculous names in my long stint as a professional agent. No matter what name you choose today, I won’t panic. It’s okay, just say it.”

Shen Xingsui: “…”

Wang-jie, this is not necessarily the case.

The author has something to say: 

Wang Meican, after hearing it: Shocked my whole family.

1side/secret account. Main account is tuba, btw.2the original is 傅今宵正宫夫人 “Fù Jīnxiāo zhènggōng fūrén”. 正宫 is main palace, while 夫人 is Madam. So, Empress it is.

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