Derivis nodded as he stared intently at Erudit’s face. Erudit cautiously added a few words.

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  “I’m Your Highness’s academy junior. I’ve seen you a few times from afar.”


  “I know. You are quite famous for your academic achievements, junior.”


  Erudit adjusted his glasses in response to Derivis’s answer. Derivis had known of Erudit’s existence since he entered the Duchy’s mansion, and he was aware that Erudit was working as the General Administrator there.


  “But what are you doing here?”


  “I was worried about Her Grace.”


  Erudit’s calm response seemed to irritate Nathan, who spoke with a hint of annoyance.


  “You’re so cold when you’re talking to me!”


  Ignoring Nathan’s tantrum, Erudit continued to speak in his cold tone.


  “Her Grace might wake up. Be quiet.”


  Derivis, who had been paying them no mind, suddenly slumped to the ground and leaned against the wall. Nathan followed suit and sat down next to Derivis.


  Erudit tilted his head at their behavior.


  “Why are you here…?”


  “We’re waiting here until Rosalie wakes up. It surprised us too when we saw you here. Right, Devi?”


  Derivis, who was leaning against the wall with his eyes closed, nonchalantly nodded his head in response to Nathan’s question.


  Alternating his gaze between the two, Erudit also slumped to the ground. Leaning against the wall, Erudit glanced at Derivis. Derivis noticed his gaze and spoke up.


  “Do you have anything to say?”


  “…Do you like the Duchess, Your Highness?”


  Derivis, who had been closing his eyes in thought, opened them at Erudit’s question while Nathan, who had been leaning against the wall on the opposite side, quickly turned his head.


  “Why is my junior asking that?”


  Derivis’s gaze grew colder as he looked at Erudit. Sensing a tense atmosphere emanating from Derivis compared to during their academy days, Erudit adjusted his glasses.


  “…I apologize. That was a slip of the tongue.”


  “But you like Rosalie, too, Erudit.”


  “It’s only natural that I like the Duchess I serve, isn’t it?”

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  Embarrassed, Erudit adjusted his glasses and retorted in a fairly sharp tone. 


  With that, an endless silence descended upon them, and the three of them looked at each other with meaningful glances.


     ⊱⊱⊱────── {. ✧✧✧ .} ──────⊰⊰⊰


  Rosalie woke up in the morning feeling refreshed and got out of bed. She then noticed Emma sleeping beside her and gently covered her with a blanket.


  Quietly closing the door behind her, Rosalie muttered in astonishment at the sight that met her eyes.


  “What the…”


  In front of the doorway, Erudit, Nathan, and Derivis were asleep, each leaning against the wall. Rosalie walked between them, bewildered by the unexpected scene.




  Rosalie approached Derivis, who was the farthest away and crouched down, gently calling his name. His eyelids slowly lifted.


  “Good morning.”


  “Are you awake?”


  “How are you feeling?”


  Thanks to the antidote he had given her, there was no fever or pain. She didn’t know what kind of potion it was, but it had the efficacy of a panacea.


  “I’m fine. Thank you for your concern.”


  “I was also worried about you, Rosalie.”


  Nathan, who had woken up, approached Rosalie and spoke in a whiny voice. Rosalie reached out her hand and gently stroked Nathan’s head.


  “Yes, thank you.”


  Nathan smiled contentedly at the still-awkward yet gentle touch. 


  Meanwhile, the three of them looked at Erudit, who was still sound asleep. They felt sorry for having to wake him up, as he seemed to be sleeping so soundly.


  Nathan spoke with a cheerful expression.


  “I think he’s fast asleep.”


  “We should probably move him to his room.”


  Rosalie looked embarrassed and turned to Derivis. Sensing her gaze, Derivis pointed to himself with his index finger.

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  “…You want me to do that?”


  “Yes. Erudit might feel upset if Nathan moved him, and I don’t think he would be any more cooperative if I moved him. But we can’t just leave him lying on the cold floor.”


  When Derivis made a small groaning sound, Rosalie approached the sleeping Erudit and gently grabbed his arm.


  “If you don’t want to, I can take him to my room…”


  “Where is his room?”


  Derivis hurriedly interjected, blocking Rosalie’s path, and swiftly lifted Erudit.


  Once Erudit woke up from his slumber, he saw himself being held in Derivis’s arms, and he blinked in disbelief. He grabbed his cheek before touching his head, paling in color. Since then, Erudit had been awkward around Derivis.


  Meanwhile, Rosalie felt refreshed and tried to start training and go back to work right away. However, thanks to three people who stuck to her and nagged her, as well as Martin and Emma, she was forced to take a day off against her will, and could only leave her room the next day.


  ‘How did it end up like this?’


  Drinking fragrant black tea, Rosalie glanced at Derivis, Nathan, and Erudit, who were sitting around one table. It was an unexpectedly strange combination, but it didn’t feel too bad. 


  Rosalie glanced at Erudit, who was reading a book.


  “Why are you staying at the mansion when you were given a vacation, Erudit?”


  Erudit had taken a short vacation while he was in the capital. It was possible because he had always been diligent that he never fell behind on his work.


  “I like it here.”


  “If you say so, then…”


  In response, Rosalie took another sip of tea and shifted her gaze to Nathan.


  “Nathan, do you have any idea which guild the assassin who attacked us that night belongs to?”


  “Hmm… well…”


  Nathan replied, picking up a chocolate cookie from the table. Then, he sneaked a glance at Derivis. They decided to keep it a secret from Rosalie until they found the woman the bald man had spoken of, lest she do something reckless.


  “We should visit the information guild and check the belongings the assassin was carrying.”


  As Rosalie murmured, Derivis redirected the conversation with another question.


  “Rosalie. Do you have any plans for today?”


  “Yes. I’m planning to meet with Bianca.”


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  For some reason, Rosalie thought that the faces of the three men in front of her soured at her answer.


  “What are you doing with Lady Bright?”


  “She suggested that we have a social gathering with Count Heffdin, whom she is close with,” Rosalie replied.


  The words made everyone around the table flinch except for Rosalie. Erudit pretended to read his book, but his eyes behind his glasses were shaking, while Nathan put down the chocolate chip cookie he had been holding.


  “Rosalie~ why are you meeting with her? Can I come with you?” 


  “No, you can’t. I’m going with Whitney since I’m meeting Bianca.” 


  “What were you planning to do with Count Heffdin?”


  “Well, we’ll probably just have a cup of tea and chat.”


  Rosalie replied with a short shrug. Bianca said that the young master of Count Heffdin had the best personality of any of her friends and tried to introduce Rosalie to him.


  Rosalie originally wanted to refuse her request, but she changed her mind because Bianca had helped her with many things, starting from the hairpin to the salon.


  “I guess I should start preparing to leave soon.”


  The three pairs of eyes followed Rosalie as she rose to her feet and left the table, and once she was completely out of sight, Derivis got up from his chair. 


  Nathan asked him with a grin. 


  “Where are you going?”


  “…Count Heffdin is known for his good personality and is a favorite among noblewomen.”


  Nathan and Erudit both stood up abruptly at Derivis’s words. Erudit then asked him: 


  “Do you know where they’re meeting?”


  “It’s obvious where nobles meet these days.” 


  “We’re following Rosalie because we’re worried about her. It’s just in case there’s any potential threats.”


  Nathan spoke briskly, and the table was cleared of people, leaving only cold black tea and dry cookies.


  Rosalie and Whitney entered a luxurious-looking café in the center of the capital. The café, named “Le D’Orangerie,” had the most expensive drinks in the capital and was the largest in size.


  Furthermore, the spaces between the tables were adorned with elegant partitions and sculptures, ensuring the privacy of the guests. It was a favorite among nobles.


  Rosalie followed the staff’s guidance and headed towards a table by the window.


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  Bianca, who had arrived earlier, waved her hand. Rosalie recognized the voice and nodded as she approached, causing the man with bright lemon-colored curls at the table to bow politely.


  “Nice to meet you, Your Grace. I’m Sarnon Heffdin.”


  “It is a pleasure to meet you. I’m Rosalie Judeheart.”


  Rosalie also lowered her head while looking at Sarnon. Then, Bianca gestured for her to sit down, saying that she should stop with the formalities. Whitney naturally stepped back behind the sofa where Rosalie sat.


  “Sister! He’s my closest friend.”


  Sarnon spoke politely with a friendly smile.


  “Lately, Bianca keeps talking about Your Grace, so I wanted to meet you. Since Bianca can be a bit immature, I was worried she might inconvenience Your Grace.”


  Upon hearing this, Bianca pouted and exclaimed discontentedly.


  “I’m not immature!”


  “Not knowing that makes you immature. You got so excited and raised your voice just now.”


  “You’re the old one here!”


  “It’s because of you that I grew up so quickly, Bianca.”


  Rosalie smiled faintly at their cute bickering. Somehow, they made a very adorable pair.


  “It seems like Bianca has a really good friend, Lord Heffdin.”


  “You can call me Sarnon.”


  As the three of them chatted happily, the ears of a young man with fiery red hair sitting at a table far away perked up, and the two men sitting opposite him tried to hide their discomfort by sipping warm tea.


  Concentrating on the faint voice over the partition, Nathan spoke up.


  “He wants her to call him by his name.”


  A sharp crack appeared in the handle of the white teacup Derivis held, and he murmured in a hushed voice.


  “Lord Heffdin… we might find something if we investigate further.”


  “Then I’ll help you plan it out.”


  “That’s a good idea, my junior.”


  “Should I just kill him?”

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