The trio bonded over a conspiratorial conversation. Nathan continued to prick up his ears, eavesdropping on the conversation at Rosalie’s table and relaying it back to Derivis and Erudit.

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  “He said he saw her at the ball and was amazed at how elegant and beautiful she was. Let’s just kill him.”


  Then, Erudit quickly nodded.


  “We should brainstorm a way to deal with him without the Duchess finding out.”


  “In that case, we need to come up with a reasonable excuse to send her away to the territory.”


  “Hmm… I could make him disappear at night.”


  As the three of them were planning their absurd and eerie scheme, Bianca excused herself and went to the bathroom, leaving only Sarnon and Rosalie at the table. 


  Sarnon was the first to speak up.


  “To be honest… I asked to meet you because I was intrigued why Bianca followed Your Grace, who was rumored to have a scandalous relationship with the Crown Prince.”


  “…It’s not exactly a scandal. And Bianca seems to have lost interest in His Highness now.”


  “Yes, that’s a relief. You see, Bianca is so simple-minded and emotional that I was worried that she might have an unrequited love and cause trouble…”


  Rosalie couldn’t help but sympathize with Sarnon’s seemingly relieved attitude. She understood his feelings.


  ‘She’s already caused trouble, actually.’


  From the beginning, Bianca kidnapped her because she didn’t like her. Fortunately, he seemed unaware of the truth.


  “Is that so?”


  “Watching someone you like suffer from an unrequited love can be more painful than it seems.”


  Sarnon smiled bitterly and made a surprising statement, but Rosalie wasn’t shaken because she already knew this fact.


  Sarnon had been harboring a one-sided crush on Bianca for a long time, and despite being unequivocally rejected, he hadn’t given up on his feelings. 


  That was why Sarnon would occasionally assist her whenever Bianca did something wicked in the original story, pretending not to know the truth.


  “And I’m glad that she became close to someone as calm and wise as the Duchess.”


  “I’m flattered.”


  Rosalie tilted her head slightly and answered softly. And with that statement, Sarnon was able to save his life without even realizing that he had been threatened.


  “Sarnon, did you say something strange to sister?”


  “No, I didn’t. Sit down quickly.”


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  When Bianca returned from the restroom, the three of them continued their conversation until dusk. Rosalie, satisfied with the enjoyable conversation, rose from her seat first.


  “Whitney, let’s go.”


  “Yes, Your Grace.”


  Approaching Rosalie, Bianca whispered to her while glancing at Whitney.


  “Sister, is something wrong? Why did you take an escort?”


  “There’s something, but it’ll be resolved soon. Don’t worry.”


  Bianca’s worried face quickly turned to anger at the reassuring tone.


  “If you need my help later, just let me know.”


  Rosalie, who found it cute that Bianca was getting angry for her own good, asked with a hint of amusement in her voice.


  “What are you going to do?”


  “If anyone dares to go against you, I’ll kidnap or blackmail whoever it is and make them wish they’d never been born. And if it’s a noble, I can easily spread wicked rumors about them from my salon…”


  As she glanced at Bianca, who was fussing around, Rosalie once again remembered that she had a bulldozer-like personality.


  “…No, it’s okay.”


  Rosalie decided to minimize any help she would receive to prevent Bianca from becoming a criminal.


  When Whitney and Rosalie left the café, Rosalie didn’t go to the carriage immediately but stood at the door instead. When Whitney asked what was wrong, Rosalie stared at the door.


  “Let’s wait for a moment.”


  It wasn’t long before she heard the door open and the people she was waiting for came out.


  “What are you three doing?”


  Derivis smiled when he saw Rosalie outside the store, and Erudit avoided eye contact. Nathan, who knew that Rosalie was waiting outside, pretended not to know.


  “Rosalie~ What a coincidence~”


  “A coincidence? That you guys were here at this café until I came out?”


  As Rosalie pressed the three of them with her questions, Derivis smiled wryly in a relaxed manner.


  “I knew you’d notice. I’m impressed.”


  “That’s right. Rosalie is really remarkable.”

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  “How respectable, Your Grace.”


  Rosalie sighed at the sight of the three pretending to be innocent. She didn’t think they would answer even if she grabbed one of them and asked.


  Dinner was ready when they returned to the mansion, and the three of them acted as if nothing had happened and enjoyed their meal.


  Rosalie found their behavior both ridiculous and unbelievable but decided to let it go. She had already realized that they wouldn’t do anything to harm her.


  After dinner, Rosalie went out to see Derivis off. Derivis told her that she didn’t have to due to the cold weather, but Rosalie insisted.


  “I probably won’t be able to visit the mansion tomorrow.”


  “Is it because of the friction with the Lentil Kingdom?”


  “No. It’s almost settled, and the knights will be sent out soon. It won’t be a dangerous situation.”


  Rosalie looked relieved. Studying her face, Derivis blurted out an unplanned question.


  “Will you be disappointed if I can’t visit?”


  Rosalie answered his question with a faint smile.


  “I guess I will be a little disappointed.”


  Derivis’s eyes widened as he was caught off guard by the unexpected answer. He had expected her to respond with her usual nonchalant, ‘I won’t.’


  “Oh, and I feel like I’ve been receiving too many gifts from you, from jewelry to antidotes. I’d like to give you something in return.”


  “Well, in that case, I would like to receive the cord you made for the Demon Hunting Tournament this winter.”


  Rosalie tilted her head. The Demon Hunting Tournament was held every winter to prevent demonic beasts from descending from the mountains and attacking civilian homes due to lack of food.


  While it had turned into the noble’s annual event, ladies who awaited knights or lords who went hunting would make cords as gifts.


  “If I were to participate in the contest, I would participate as a hunter, and I believe the cords are usually made by the waiting ladies.”


  “Is it an unreasonable request?”


  “…I’m not really skilled in sewing, but if you need it, I’ll make it.”


  Derivis smiled at Rosalie’s answer. For some reason, Rosalie had the feeling that if he had a tail, she would see it wagging.


  “Just making it for me is enough. It’s getting cold, so go back inside.”


  At his urging, Rosalie turned to go first. He watched her go in and then turned to mount his own horse that the servants had already taken out.



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  However, he put his foot back on the ground after Nathan appeared from behind a tree, calling him. 


  Nathan smiled strangely when Derivis gestured for him to speak.


  “There’s something I need to tell you.”


  “Go ahead.”


  Derivis became puzzled by Nathan’s uncharacteristically calm demeanor and felt the atmosphere grow heavier.


  “I’ve been thinking about it for a while. Devi’s feelings for Rosalie seem heavier and more serious than I thought.”


  “What’s your point?”


  “Does Devi want to bring Rosalie to the palace?”


  Derivis’s expression stiffened as soon as he heard the question. It felt like a thumping noise was coming from inside his heart. He felt as though he had been forcibly dragged down into hellish reality in an instant.


  “You didn’t think of that, did you?”


  At Nathan’s question, which was more like a conviction, Derivis couldn’t move his head. Seeing him freeze up, Nathan realized that his expectations had been right. Derivis, who had always acted calculatively, had been completely consumed by his emotions and couldn’t see a single step ahead.


  “I like Rosalie, but I also care about Derivis, who saved me. That’s why I’m worried.”




  “You used to say the palace was like a prison for you. If you bring Rosalie there…”


  Derivis’s eyes darkened as Nathan trailed off. To him, the palace was not a home; it was a chaotic prison, a hellhole that kept prisoners driven mad by the emotion of greed and forced them to bite each other’s throats. 


  “You would probably feel more sorry, regretful, and self-loathing when it comes to her than anyone else.”


  Derivis couldn’t possibly argue. After losing his mother, he had been threatened with assassination every night and had to check for poison in every meal. He couldn’t easily trust anyone. 


  He couldn’t bring Rosalie to a place like that.


  “Think carefully, Devi.”


  Nathan cast a pitiful look at Derivis, who had his head lowered, then left.


  ⊱⊱⊱────── {. ✧✧✧ .} ──────⊰⊰⊰


  The next day, Martin came running to her in a hurry while Rosalie was warming up for her morning training.


  “Your Grace, Callie has been found.”


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  “Where is she?”


  “They say she’s currently at Countess Seth’s mansion in the capital. They contacted us and said that you can visit them today.”


  “Countess Seth’s mansion? Why is she there?”


  “I heard that… she was hit by the Countess’s carriage. The carriage was running quite fast and the strong horses were pulling it because of the luggage, so it took her a while to regain her senses.”


  “Get ready to leave.”


  Rosalie headed to her room to prepare for an immediate departure. She changed from her training attire into a simple dress suitable for going out. When she left her room, she found Nathan and Erudit standing outside.


  “Are you both coming with me?”


  “I’ll be your escort today.”


  “Yes. Will we be a hindrance?”


  “No, it should be fine with just the both of you.”


  Originally, she had planned to call Joey, but she changed her mind and decided to go with Nathan and Erudit. The three of them headed straight to Countess Seth’s mansion.


  Moiron had to leave temporarily due to an urgent matter, and the butler led Rosalie in her place.


  According to the butler, Callie had been staying in a small room in the back of the mansion, and since she had been run over by the Countess’s carriage, they had waited until she had recovered to inform the Duchess. 


  As they approached the door, the butler reached for the doorknob and caught Rosalie’s eye.


  “It’s here. Perhaps the Countess’s intention to be considerate of the patient…”


  “On the contrary, I am grateful that the Countess has informed us. Don’t worry about it.”


  Finally relieved, the butler slowly opened the door. He didn’t follow her into the room, but instead respectfully stepped aside.


  Rosalie went straight to Callie, who was sitting on the bed. When Erudit saw that she still hadn’t gotten out of bed, he expressed his displeasure.


  “The Duchess is here. Why aren’t you getting up?”


  “I would, but they say that I can’t move my legs anymore because of the carriage accident.”


  Callie looked at Rosalie defiantly as she spoke boldly.


  “You’re still alive.”


  “…If it was Bella’s poison, then it failed. Didn’t you know that and ran away?”


  After a moment of stunned silence, Callie suddenly burst out laughing.

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