The laughter made Erudit and Nathan flinch, sending shivers down their spines.

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  “So you didn’t know! I can’t wait to see you embracing intense betrayal just like how Lady Bella felt toward that man.”


  Callie continued as she slyly glanced past Rosalie. Rosalie’s eyes flickered with intent, making Callie flinch.


  “Get your eyes away from him and explain it properly.”


  “I hired an assassin, but it seems like you had no problem taking care of that.”


  “So you’re the unidentified person who the guild leader mentioned? I was already looking for you. I was planning to tear you apart.”


  Nathan stepped forward as he spoke. His posture seemed ready to attack at any moment, but Rosalie stood in his way.


  Rosalie looked at him with dissatisfaction, unhappy that he had already found the assassin’s guild without her knowledge and hadn’t told her. Seeing the clear displeasure in her eyes, Nathan averted his gaze.


  “Sending an assassin to me isn’t exactly an act of betrayal, is it?”


  “Hahaha! I was wandering around the store with no money when Lady Amins, a close friend of the Duchess, left some money in front of me.”


  Callie intentionally exaggerated her gestures and raised her voice. It seemed like she wanted to get even with Rosalie by getting her to react.


  “I thought it was a mistake or something, so I took the money and paid for the assassination. As I was stepping onto the main road, someone pushed me into a carriage. Who do you think it was?”


  “Are you trying to say it was Sonia?”


  Rosalie’s voice stiffened, and Callie nodded in satisfaction. Erudit adjusted his glasses and spoke up.


  “If Lady Amins really pushed the maid, that means that she wanted to keep something a secret. For example… the fact that the money she dropped in front of the maid wasn’t a mistake.”


  “It wasn’t a mistake.”


  “Why is that?”


  “Because when she pushed me… Lady Amins had a big smile on her face.”


  A heavy silence settled in the room.


  After a while, Rosalie stepped out of the room to find Moiron waiting for her.


  “Long time no see, Duchess.”


  “How have you been, Countess?”

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  “Hmm… I was going to offer you a cup of tea, but I don’t think you’re in the mood for that.”


  Rosalie made a perplexed expression. She had been shocked, but she didn’t think it showed on her face.


  Moiron smiled gently. 


  “Oh, no, it’s not because of your face, Duchess. It’s because of the two gentlemen standing behind you.”


  When Rosalie turned her head, Erudit and Nathan merely turned theirs.


  “What about that girl? Are you going to take her with you, Duchess?”


  “No. Just let her go. I told her to leave the Empire.”


  “Hmm… I heard she was a maid who committed a serious crime and ran away.”


  Moiron seemed a bit sympathetic. With her life nearly taken by a carriage and losing her legs, Callie won’t be able to work as a maid anymore. If she left the Empire with that body, she would have to live a harsh life.


  “She’s already paying for her crime. And from now on, she will live the rest of her life regretting her actions.”


  “Yes, you’re right. It’s really unfortunate.”


  Rosalie left Moiron behind, hoping to have tea time with her later, and returned to the Duchy’s mansion. As soon as she entered, she confronted Nathan.


  “Tell me everything that happened when you raided the assassination guild.”


  “Alright. I already figured you knew.”


  Nathan sighed helplessly. He recounted the story of when he and Derivis had ransacked the assassin’s guild and asked Rosalie, who seemed troubled.


  “What should we do now?”


  “First, we need to confirm the facts. We can’t entirely trust Callie’s words.”


  Callie harbored grudges towards the Duchy, so Rosalie couldn’t easily trust her words. Rosalie called for Joey, who soon appeared and respectfully lowered his head.


  “You called for me, Your Grace?”


  “Bring four knights, including Toronto, to the capital without anyone in the territory knowing.”


  “Yes, understood.”


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  Joey nodded and replied before leaving the room. Meanwhile, Erudit, who had been silently observing the situation, asked Rosalie.


  “Are you thinking of having someone tail Callie?”


  “Yes, if it was really Sonia who did this… I need to be prepared.”


  “Do you think she’ll admit it willingly?”


  Rosalie shook her head at Erudit’s question. If Callie’s words were true, then Sonia was someone who would go to such lengths to hide her secret. There was no way she would admit it easily.


  “Sonia isn’t used to confrontations. If we pressure her strongly enough, she’ll break. I’m counting on that.”


  At that moment, Nathan, who had been sprawled out on the sofa, sat up and casually twirled a strand of his crimson hair. His hands were running through his hair, but his eyes remained on her.


  “You’re not going to tell Devi?”


  “That’s right.”


  Rosalie replied firmly, and Nathan cocked his head.




  “…Because Sonia is still a good and precious friend to him.”


  She didn’t want to see him in a difficult or saddened state. Just thinking about it made her chest tighten uncomfortably.


  ‘I’ll tell him when I’m sure… and when things have reached a certain point…’


  Part of Rosalie hoped that Callie’s words were false. Nathan and Erudit watched with a slightly bitter smile as she made her decision.


    ⊱⊱⊱────── {. ✧✧✧ .} ──────⊰⊰⊰


  Two days later, the bouquet of flowers Rosalie had ordered arrived. They were Chatina flowers from the desert, with red buds that hadn’t yet bloomed. She had to pay a hefty price for rushing to receive them within a short period of time.


  Rosalie peeled off the flower’s outer wrapping and cut only the long and thick leaves. Nathan looked at her actions with confusion.


  “What are you doing, Rosalie?”


  “Gathering supplies.”


  Nathan’s face remained puzzled, and Erudit stared at the clippings.


  “The leaves of the Chatina flowers are thick, sharp, and hard, so there are tales about them.”

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  Nathan’s interest was piqued as Erudit began to explain.


  “To put it simply, there’s a legend in a desert village that a wicked demon was tormenting the people, and a brave woman plucked the leaves of a flower and pierced the heart of the sleeping demon with them. Since then, the Chatina flower became known as a flower that eradicates evil.”


  “Hmm… interesting. So, what are you going to do with these leaves?”


  “It could be a customized auxiliary weapon.”


  Rosalie gathered the leaves together and placed them in a pretty paper box, placing one last flower bud on top.




  Muttering with satisfaction, Rosalie closed the lid of the box and tied a pretty pink ribbon on it.


  The next day, Rosalie opened the door while holding the box with the Chatina flowers in them.


  “Neither of you can go today.”


  Rosalie shook her head towards Nathan and Erudit, who were standing in the doorway. 


  She had a strong feeling that her conversation with Sonia today would turn into a mud fight. She didn’t want to show such a sight and, above all, she felt that Nathan and Erudit would likely get involved in that fight.


  For one thing, Sonia was a noblewoman. Besides, the Count of Amins were an influential family; they were not to be trifled with.


  “Why? If anything happens, I’ll handle it. If neither Devi nor Rosalie can interfere with that woman, I can do it.”


  “Yes, let Nathan take care of it.”


  However, Nathan didn’t seem to care about that fact, and neither did Erudit. Their opinions solidified Rosalie’s expectations and her decision not to bring them along became firmer.


  “For now, there’s nothing to handle. Even if there is, it’s something I have to take care of, so you two can play cards and wait for me.”


  With her firm attitude that seemed to have no intention of taking them with her, Nathan and Erudit seemed to give up their stubbornness and stepped back.


  Rosalie asked Emma to bring the cards and handed them to Erudit and Nathan before walking away without hesitation.


  “I’m off, then.”


  However, as Rosalie tried to leave the mansion, she was blocked by someone once again.


  “Are you going out without any escorts? It’s still risky, considering that the mastermind behind the assassination hasn’t been resolved yet.”

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  Rosalie sighed at Joey, who was blocking her way. For some reason, there seemed to be more people obstructing her today, more so than usual.


  “It’s okay.”


  “Please don’t turn the Duchy’s Knights into fools who missed the chance to protect Your Grace. Please let us guard you at least until the mastermind is revealed.”


  The earnest request shook Rosalie’s heart and made it impossible for her to pass by indifferently.


  “Everyone at the mansion including the knights was very worried when we learned that an assassin entered Your Grace’s room.”


  In addition, Joey’s worried demeanor made Rosalie raise a white flag. When he spoke like that, even she couldn’t resist.


  “Alright, then I’ll bring Whitney along.”


  “Yes, I understand.”


  Finally, after extracting the answer he wanted from Rosalie, Joey stepped back. And then, Nathan, who had been watching the situation from behind, slipped in.


  “Then we’ll go, too.”


  “Just Whitney. If you follow us secretly, you’ll be banned from having chocolate, Nathan.”


  Nathan began to grumble as if his joy in life was being taken away by her resolute words. Her gaze shifted to Erudit, who stood beside him.


  “Erudit… I believe you won’t follow.”


  “I won’t follow you.”


  Rosalie was satisfied with Erudit’s immediate response. Nathan, having regained his composure, turned to Erudit with an exasperated look on his face.


  “Erudit, how about playing a fun card game? Let’s have a lot of fun. How about a bet?”


  “Don’t regret it if you lose.”


  Leaving the two who were already getting excited about playing cards behind, Rosalie quickly strode away with Whitney, who had appeared after being summoned by Joey.


  ‘Let’s leave quickly.’


  Finally able to leave the mansion, Rosalie opened the door quickly, not wanting to be stopped again. As she opened the door and stepped out, she noticed Derivis getting off his horse after just arriving at the mansion.


  As the door to the mansion closed with a soft click, Rosalie called out to him.



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