Caught in My Own Trap

Chapter 22.07

Chapter 22.7: Two People’s Time Machine (两个人的时光机)

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She carefully organized her clothes and quietly returned to her room. In her confused stage, she sat for a long time in her room staring into space, until the gray dawn sky gradually turn bright. She felt extremely uncomfortable so head into the shower. After her bath, on her white towel, she found little red blots.

That little blood sobered her up. She put on her clothes and quietly returned to Zheng Xie’s room. Under the slowly brightening morning sky, she surreptitiously checked if she had left something on the bed. She checked again and again but could not find any evidence of what happen several hours ago apart from some hair.

Then she put on clothes for Zheng Xie. In his haste yesterday, he did not fully took off everything.

He He wants to gamble and keep it to herself. She recalled that in most common soap drama plot, the bad woman that want to destroy other people’s love, would always in the main male lead drunken, unconscious and naked state, lie down on his side and claim that both had been close the next morning. And the drunken male lead could always not remember what had exactly happen the night before.

So she wants to do the opposite. No matter what happen after Zheng Xie awakes, she will insist that nothing had happen between them. After all, she did not leave the most obvious evidence so Zheng Xie would not be able to even drag her for DNA check.

She wants to take the gamble that Zheng Xie is not like her, although is drunk, her mind is still sober.

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She knew that this is outrageous, but it is better than not having any way to continue to get along between her and Zheng Xie.

Xiao He He is at her end wit in nervousness and excitement. She not only worried about the arrival of the dawn but at the same time, hope that the moment arrives soon. Her heart is thumping hard, Bang Bang Bang…. Just like it is almost jumping out of her throat. She went into the yard to take a few minutes of fresh air.

He He sat in the chair and watched the sunrise in the garden. The bright and beautiful picture tattoo in her eyes, full of hope as well as despair. As it she is waiting for the final judgement of her death row. Her life and death is suspended on a thin line.

Almost sleepless the entire night He He, when the sun finally broke through the clouds, lay asleep until someone pushed her eagerly: “He He, how could you sleep here instead of going home? Knock if you do not have the key. Haiz, this child…. What do we do if you fall sick!”

She opened her eyes and saw the nanny.

The nanny without any explanation, hold her hand and she was dragged into the house. At the door, He He hesitated for a while and finally went in.

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Zheng Xie is dressed and sitting at the kitchen table reading the newspaper. His face is a little paled. He look like he is in a bad mood.

When He He walked in, he looked up and look at her calmly. He looked at her for a moment, seems like he is watching her while checking for something on her.

He He’s heart is thumping really hart. Holding her fist with her nails sunk deep into the flesh, she slightly bowed her head with her well prepared lines meditating in her heart. She prayed that she does not ended up with stage fright.

But Zheng Xie actually said something that was beyond her expectation. Zheng Xie said dismissively: “Sit down and eat. Next time if you are not coming home for the night, remember to call home.”

He He did not believe that today is her lucky day.

Zheng Xie really could not remember anything that happened during the early morning. More than how she wanted him to forget.

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The bet that she was betting one not only fully recovered, she is very fortunate in the whole incident.

Xiao He He bizarrely escaped the disaster that she had expected.

Everything is unexpected. Zheng Xie not only did not remember anything, he did not even investigate on the reason why she did not return overnight. She casually made up a reason. He nodded and motioned her to eat first and then did not say anything.

Later He He could not help but think that maybe Zheng Xie remember something but like her, he could not face with the messy embarrassment hence decided to keep cool about the whole thing.

In any case, she is happy with it.

At that time, Xiao He He began to believe the existence of Gods. She thought that it must be that she did half of the summer volunteering hence accumulate the virtue hence God is being kind to her.

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That day, after breakfast, Zheng Xie went upstairs to rest. She also slept for a while. Her body and brain are extremely tired but she could not sleep as her heart is anxious and fearful. She got up and searched the internet for a long time. Then with a pair of big sunglasses and a sun hat, she told the nanny that she is going out to buy something.

The kind nanny said that she did not rest well that night so will go and help her buy. After declining for a long time, she finally was able to escape. She walked a distance and managed to call a taxi to bring her to a pharmacy about two areas away. Wearing a sun hat and sunglasses, she secretly head to buy the medicine. The pharmacist gave her a little pill and in kindness reminded her: “This medicine is not good if taken too often.” Later Xiao He He avoided the street for the fear of someone recognizing her.

In short, that day after she took the pills, she finally felt at ease and was able to sleep. She woke up only when the sky turns dark.

Zheng Xie was leaving the next day, so did not go out that night but stayed at home for dinner. He seems to have slept all day too. His eyes are a little swollen, the eyes is not as sharp as previous and his appetite seems to be bad.

The nanny whom is half family, said: “I know the taste of being drunk is uncomfortable. It is strange that you drank so much yesterday. I have not seem you drunk so your face is saved but you had to suffer it.”

Zheng Xie kept silence while He He kept her head down, hoping that the plate could buried her.

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