Caught in My Own Trap

Chapter 22.08

Chapter 22.8: Two People’s Time Machine (两个人的时光机)

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Later Zheng Xie finally spoke. He said to He He: “Tomorrow you go with me. I will take you to B City.”

He He quietly whispered: “I have two more classes to finish. My mother is not at home, she had taken her students to study in the south.”

Zheng Xie said: “The classes, even if you don’t attend, it does not matter. You cannot stay here. My mother is over there. I will take her to her place.”

And He He did not argue but acquiescence to his arrangements.

Zheng Xie is departing from B City to go abroad to study. So that day, there are a large group of people that come to his home to bid him farewell. Zheng Xie is bored and insist to go to the airport alone with the driver only. No one else is allowed to send him off at the airport. His reason is extremely simple: “I hate goodbye scene. I am afraid of people crying.”

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Everyone is noisy while gossiping. He He sat in the corner and was silent. Then the elders smiled and said: “He He is the most reluctant to let Ah Xie go. Once he is gone, she lack one big backer. Look at He He, sad before words.”

He He looked embarrassed and did not know how to answer. So she sat there quietly.

Zheng Xie laughed: “Two days ago, we argued till an awkward point. So she is still in a fit of anger.”

Zheng Xie’s mother soft rebuke: “Ah Xie, you are already an adult. And you even have the nerve to bully He He?”

He He became more embarrassed and laughed while suffered.

Aunty Qian gentle looked at He He and said to Zheng Xie: “I am also afraid of parting scene and saying goodbye. So I am not going to send you off at the airport. But you let He He send you off. There must be someone who personally send you off.”

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In the end, in additional to the driver, He He is the only person whom personally sent Zheng Xie at the airport. As she say goodbye to Zheng Xie, there were no tears. She obediently walked behind him with her head bowed in silence.

Before boarding the flight, Zheng Xie said to her: “Are you still upset with me? Even now you are still not willing to give me a smile.”

He He shook her head and then reluctantly give him a very bright smile.

A gush of wind blew her hair into her eyes. Zheng Xie wanted to use his hand to push it aside but halfway, close his hand and only said to her: “Once a week, write a letter to me. I will call you once a week. Anything, just leave me a message. Call my cell phone for anything urgent. Once I settle down, I will give you my contact details.”

He He obediently nodded.

After heading back to school, He He continue to be the law-abiding and good student. An ordinary student, she is also very popular with the teachers and students. Occasionally she will create one or two particularly stunning works. Every time they look forward for her to continue to glow in the art of life, she gradually change from a white swan into an ugly duckling.

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He He accordingly to Zheng Xie’s request wrote the letter weekly to him. Not much words in each letter, just reporting what she has been doing, such as: “I won second scholarship. I almost flunk a course. The flowers on the tree below the dormitory has already bloomed.” And sometimes it includes: “I went shopping today and bought six pieces of clothes, three of the same style but different colors. Very cheap.” Even when she is ill and was admitted to the hospital for a week, her letter was never late. Of course, she never share with him in the letter about being admitted to the hospital.

Zheng Xie’s reply to her are also very short, containing instruction to her not to learn anything like losing weight, do not play outside late into the night. Occasionally, he would also share and update her about things over on his side, usually only a word or two and then leaving her to imagine the rest.

Across the far distance, they get along calm and friendly. A little awkward at times but also seem very close.

Another holiday came and He He went home for New Year. She did not see Zheng Xie because he was participating in a project hence he did not go home. Then when he finally went home, He He had gone back to school.

Aunty Qian called He He to chat with her and shared with her about her missing Zheng Xie with a tone of regret.

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He He however was secretly relaxed.

Before when she was feeling awkward and looking abnormal, Zheng Xie only take it as she is throwing tantrum at him because she is upset with him. Now, if they meet, she cannot guarantee that they will be restored to the normal state. Of course, she is not willing to face him yet.

A new semester started. In the same dormitory filled with girls, there is a person that stay with her boyfriend. One person where every weekend, a car will pick her up on Sunday evening and then returning Monday morning. One person that changes boyfriend as often as changing clothes. One that had wanted but in trance while one that is in contact with a long-distance love. Sweet moments, quarrels, whether it is joy or sorrow, love and sharing, He He is always dragged along.

Only He He on a daily basis immersed in her own world. Reading, painting or do her hand-made items while occasionally participate in community activities. Living every day in a relaxing manner.

By comparison, the most distinctive Xiao He He became the campus most uncharacteristic individual.

Of course there are many temptations, on the campus and off the campus. But she was not the slightest interested. Seeing her roommates going through the sad, sorrows and joyful moments, her experience gradually faded away, only occasionally muddle her mind a little.

Fortunately, every time Zheng Xie returns from abroad, it is only for a few days. She hardly see him and even when they meet, there are a bunch of other people together.

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