Caught in My Own Trap

Chapter 27.06

Chapter 27.6: A quiet life

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Zheng Xie and Yang Wei Qi started preparing for their marriage step by step. Wedding customs, taking wedding photos and getting the wedding supplies. Most of these arrangement were prepared by Yan Wei Qi. Zheng Xie gave her full authorization.

On the day that they were taking their wedding photos, it was after a night of heavy snow. The location was in the outskirts of a manor. The sunlight from the clouds revealed and the ray reflected on the shiny silver snow. Indeed very beautiful and unusual.

That day, Yang Wei Qi’s main concern is about the long unhealed cold of Zheng Xie. Therefore, after each shot, she immediately attended to him getting him to dress warmly totally ignoring her own set of clothes that are thin and fully exposed to the cold. Zheng Xie has been particularly patience and co-operative with the photographer. The smile is in place to the envy of those younger assistants, saying that since they had joined this line of work, this couple is the most dazzling couple with good temperament that is also courteous. Even the photographer praised them.

Yang Wei Qi occasionally sigh as she turned the wedding album.

Zheng Xie asked: “These are not satisfactory? I felt that they are pretty good.” In fact, he only roughly had a few glances.

“No. Each photos are very good. Unable to find fault in any of these photos. Perfect to the max.” Looking over the hundreds of photos, almost no waste of the film. Each one can be use. In particular, those few outdoor shots in the snow, very dreamy.

“You women are really strange. If it is not up to expectation, becomes unhappy. If it is good, then feeling uncomfortable.”

“Yes ah. Maybe I have a little pre-marital fear. Don’t you have any?”

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Zheng Xie paused for a moment. “I don’t think so.”

“Haiz. Don’t want to see anymore. Do you want to give me some opinion on the wedding dress?” Yang Wei Qi handed him a pile of wedding gown design. “Which one do you think is nice?”

Zheng Xie casually looked: “All looks good.”

“Please do not be so casual about it.”

Zheng Xie quickly go through the pile of design and pulled out one. “This one is relatively pleasing to the eye.”

Yang Wei Qi took a look and laughed: “What a coincidence. I love this one. He He said that you certainly would not fancy her design.”


“He He ah. When I last met her, she gave the orphanage children illustrator class, showing them designs of women dresses. Very beautifully panted. I asked her to send me some copies for reference. So she very seriously re-draw me a set.”

Zheng Xie stay quiet for a while and then said: “Did you not wanted to go and get a dress from Paris?”

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“Love your motherland, boycott French goods.” Yang Wei Qi said while continued to turn the pile of designs. “I am tired of the foreign designs so I wanted a change of style. You look at my design and tell me if it is good or bad?” She handed one over to him.

“Oh. Not bad.”

Yang Wei Qi laughed. “Against your will.”

“If you don’t want the one from Paris. Then those from Milan should be good as well. I accompany you to go over to get them.”

“How come suddenly so active? You have never shown any interest in the preparations of this marriage.”

“Well, whatever you want.”

When Cen Shi needed to head to Y city for a three days’ work trip, He He took a ride with him to come back to settle a few things.

She plans to go to C City after the Spring Festival. She wanted a change of environment. Either to work there for a while or to continue her studies.

Back at home with mother for a while, unfortunately, the inland climate of A City still not suitable for He He. She had a very difficult few months. Epistaxis, pharyngitis attack, dry skin, dehydration, and even frostbite. Only a few hundreds of kilometers away, even after so many years, she could still not get accustomed to it.

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He He is a person that finds it difficult to adapt to any changes. Even a day tour to the neighboring tour, she will not be used to it.

Across the city, several provinces away, C City is the coastal city. She was schooling there before. There are many old classmates still residing there. And after Spring Festival, Cen Shi will conclude his work in the province and will be returning there. And so, He He thinks that she will not be lonely staying over there. He He’s mother also did not stop her decision.

This time, she learned her lesson so gave Zheng Xie a call after arriving, only to be told that he is currently away on a business trip but will be returning soon.

The next day, after having dinner with Cen Shi, she accompany him to the mall to buy some clothes.

“Tomorrow after my brother invited us both for a meal.”

Cen Shi asked: “Can I not go?”

“After Spring Festival, we will be heading to C City. Then you will be free. Now, let’s act to the end.

“Actually, I quite like the feeling of being bound.” Cen Shi have a hippie smile. “Hey, do you not really think that there is opportunity to make the fake become real?”

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“Didn’t you have a new girlfriend? Don’t think that I do not know.”

“Look….. that is my ex-girlfriend. Why? Jealous?”

“Pei, unrequited love.”

Cen Shi is very picky. They shopped around for over an hour but was not able to buy anything. Cen Shi try to find a topic of conversation: “He had returned today.”

“I know. He had given me a call. Wanted to make dinner meet up tonight. I said that I have a date with you, so change to tomorrow.”

“You actually choose me over ‘Prince’ Zheng? I really feel much honored, ah.”

“Please do not be so narcissistic. He just came back from his business trip today, so he should be having a good reunion with his fiancée. So I do not want to be a light bulb.”

“What a thoughtful sister. If I were your brother, I would definitely love you to death.”

“Hey, how you know that he came back today?” He He changed the subject.

“It’s complicated. Well, it is a long story. Not worth mentioning.”

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