Caught in My Own Trap

Chapter 27.07

Chapter 27.7: A quiet life

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Cen Shi was quite taken aback today. Although he refuses to accept Zheng Xie but he is actually very timid. He prefers not to have meet him. But he is always destined to meet with Zheng Xie. Just like a few hours ago.

Cen Shi was attending the annual meeting of the World Election Observation in a Grand Hotel. After the meeting, half-eaten the meal, he and another fellow member went up to the top floor viewing area to have a talk about something.

Ordinarily Zheng Xie has always been low-key with unpredictable whereabouts. It is difficult to meet him in person. However, as a result, in such a short time, Cen Shi actually met him. He thinks that he should have bought lottery today.

What makes it worst, it is a female colleague. And it is also the one that He He mentioned, his ex-girlfriend. At the moment when Zheng Xie saw them, they were tugging back and forth. The aggressive woman whispered: “Cen Shi, you give me an explanation. What exactly do you want?”

Cen Shi encountered her recently. And they have gotten involve again. So the woman’s feeling bloom again. But Cen Shi’s lukewarm attitude causes her desperation.

The woman said chokingly: “You cannot do this to me.”

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He cleared his throat, trying to persuade her with a few words. And then they heard someone say very politely: “Excuse me, please let me through.” They realized that they were blocking the door.

Cen Shi apologies, drag the woman and step aside. Although there were no indecent scene earlier, it is also not a good sight for the guests. Strange as obviously there were no one else there earlier.

But, just the voice earlier, though it is a bit hoarse, it is familiar.

When he looked up, he turned a little green. The guest whom asked him to step aside, although is pale but still the handsome Zheng Xie! Zheng Xie even say “Thank you” before leaving.

Where life does not meet……

Somewhat empty-handed, they went downstairs to the newly decorated famous area. Something caught He He’s eyes and she pulled Cen Shi’s sleeves and said: “Why not I gift you that shirt? I still owe you one from last time.”

A week ago, He He spilled a whole cup of coffee on Cen Shi’s shirt. Cen Shi clenched his teeth while saying that it was his most expensive shirt.

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Cen Shi said: “You are taking a joke too seriously.” He glanced at the brand that He He was pointing at and said: “Girl, after all these years, you are really not simple. You know such a popular yet low-key brand? This brand just arrived into the country.”

“Quick pick one. Don’t be such a nagging person. I feel that I have never got you any gift.”

“When I become as important as your brother Zheng Xie, then you buy this brand shirt for me as gift is not too late. We buy another brand.”

“Forget it if you don’t want. Once past, it is gone.”

“You sure turn your face very fast. Haiz, who wants to miss this opportunity, ah. Give you the chance.”

The result can really be unexpected. God once again confirmed that Cen Shi’s fate in meeting Zheng Xie.

The counter is large. When Cen Shi and He He were going through the colors available for the shirt, on the other end, Yang Wei Qi and Zheng Xie holding two paper bags were passing through.

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Yang Wei Qi said: “Today I bought a lot of things. You have nothing to buy?”

“Nothing that caught my attention. There is nothing that I required as well.”

She was glad to see the counter. “You see, this brand here is your favourite brand, right? I remember that you have at least two dozen of shirt in your closet that is this brand.”

“When I went to school, I bought my first shirt under this brand. Then it had become a habit. Cannot say that I like this brand.”

Yang Wei Qi gently squeezed his arms. “You do not have many pleasures in life. Buy a tie, okay?”

“Up to you.”

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He was dragged by Yang Wei Qi before the tie rack. She asked him which one of the tie are good, he shook his head. She brought him to a section. Zheng Xie either say ‘okay’ or ‘normal’ to her selections. The result, Yang Wei Qi took all the ones that he said ‘okay’ and asked for them to be packed up.

Zheng Xie could not help but laugh. “You are not copying the boring movie. Really troublesome.”

Yang Wei Qi laughed. “Isn’t it fun? You have also watched the ‘boring’ film.” She pulled his hand when Zheng Xie handed over his credit card. “This one let me get for you.”

“Whose money is the same, isn’t it? Is it necessary to divide so clearly?”

“Of course not. It is not the same still for now.” Yang Wei Qi insisted.

When they went over to the other end of the counter, they saw He He and Cen Shi.

Yang Wei Qi saw the little mood swing changes in Zheng Xie. She looked at He He again and took her own initiative. “Standing here to talk is not comfortable. Let’s go upstairs for a cup of tea, okay?”

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