Chasing the Light

Chapter 14: 14

Xia Yuanhang signed a contract with Shengxing for five years and had filmed more than a dozen movies and TV shows in total. In the past few years, the company didn’t pay much attention to him and his roles were limited in supporting roles. It wasn’t until two years ago that he started to get lucky and was casted in a low budget TV series with two male leads. Relying on selling rot, the journey to stardom finally became smooth.

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In all fairness, the company treated him very well. Since he became popular, they had been using all kinds of good resources to support him. Today’s Xia Yuanhang was already a top-level traffic actor sought after by countless fans wherever he went. With his own popularity and topics, he could be considered a leader among Shengxing’s new generation of artists.

But these were not worth mentioning in the eyes of Du Shen, the boss of Shengxing. They could create the first Xia Yuanhang, and naturally there would be a second one. The company needed people who would be obedient and didn’t cause trouble. If Xia Yuanhang couldn’t do it, there was no need to stay in the company anymore.

Although the things on the Internet were detrimental to Xia Yuanhang’s image, they were not a scandal of a bad nature after all. As long as the public relations were good, the problem was actually not big. The only reason why Xia Yuanhang was called back to the company urgently was because the incident involved Ding Yao.

The big boss personally asked that Ding Yao must not be dragged down in any way. The manager conveyed the meaning of the above to Xia Yuanhang: “You absolutely cannot mention that it is Ding Yao, even if it means you must admit that it is your girlfriend.”

Xia Yuanhang’s face was a little ugly. The agent patted him on the shoulder to comfort him: “In fact, it’s not that serious. Not to mention Ding Yao, there is no need to follow the anti fans thinking and say it’s your girlfriend. Just say it’s a joke between friends. As for the part about Liang Xincheng, there is no need to respond. Anyway, even if all the cp fans stop being your fans, your pure fans will be very happy. It’s not necessarily a bad thing.”

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Xia Yuanhang nodded in silence, and his manager reminded him again: “You have to understand what the big boss means. As long as you are obedient, the company will definitely not treat you badly. You have seen how the company has treated you in the past few years. Your contract will expire soon. If you are willing to renew your contract, you’ll definitely be given more preferential treatment. But there’s only one thing, don’t provoke some people who shouldn’t be provoked. That Ding Yao…You stay away from him.”

Xia Yuanhang frowned and asked impatiently: “Ding Yao and I are just friends, is that not okay?”

“Are you just a friend or something else? You know best in your heart. I didn’t bother to talk about it with you before, but what happened this time has already made the big boss very dissatisfied. You have to know that in the eyes of the big boss, you are not suitable to be a friend of the prince. People have to be self-aware. Ding Yao, he is a rich young master who comes to play in this circle. You are different from him. Your dad has come to you recently, right? How much did you give him this time? Of course, this is a matter between your father and son. I, as an outsider, can’t control it but your dad is like a ticking time bomb. Maybe one day it will cause you a lot of trouble. Do you think the big boss will be willing to let you get close to his precious nephew?”

Xia Yuanhang turned cold: “Did you tell Big Boss about my personal affairs?”

“I just said it because Big Boss asked about your family background. What’s more, this matter is not completely a private matter. If it is really exposed, it will definitely affect your image. At that time, you will have to rely on the company to help you with public relations.”

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Xia Yuanhang’s father, Xia Xiangzhou, was a bad gambler. Since the death of his mother, his father, who had always been honest in the past, had changed. He had repeatedly visited the casino and had long lost all his family’s savings and sold all his properties. Almost all the money Xia Yuanhang had made over the years has been used by Xia Xiangzhou to repay gambling debts, but his appetite was getting bigger and bigger. The bigger the bet, the more you lose. As his manager said, he was indeed a ticking time bomb around Xia Yuanhang. Xia Yuanhang couldn’t get rid of his entanglement, so he could only help him fill the bottomless pit again and again.

“Heh.” Xia Yuanhang gave a meaningful laugh and didn’t answer again.

He knew very well that for the company, one more of him was not much, and one less of him was not less. His value was there, but that was it. Now that something happened, the manager, on behalf of the company, took such an attitude of bullying and luring away from the focus, had made him a little disheartened. They even exposed his privacy to warn him. This was what chilled Xia Yuanhang the most.

He did have a good impression of Ding Yao, but it was just a good impression. And from beginning to end, except for that joke-like tease, he did not do anything out of line with Ding Yao. It turned out that even this was not allowed.

On the way back, Xia Yuanhang saw Liang Xincheng’s group interview with the media today. Liang Xincheng’s instant black face reaction and that almost impeccable answer have been intercepted by his fans, which had become the most favorable evidence to prove that it was only Xia Yuanhang’s unilateral hype.

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To add fuel to the fire, Liang Xincheng unfollowed him half an hour ago and cleaned up all interactions with him on Weibo, without a single explanation. The fans who had already fallen into madness became even crazier, rushing towards them with overwhelming curses and verbal abuse, especially him.

Xia Yuanhang smiled wryly, and was not surprised by Liang Xincheng’s counterattack. In fact, it was his own fault that things turned out like this. If Liang Xincheng was a hypocrite, he was probably a real villain.


At eight o’clock in the evening, Liang Xincheng made a cup of coffee and sat down in front of the TV and pressed the remote control. Tonight, ‘Raiders of Heaven’ would broadcast the episode he participated in. The timing was very coincidental.

The tearing and scolding war between fans on the Internet was continuing to escalate and the various performances of him and Xia Yuanhang in ‘Raiders of Heaven’ had undoubtedly added new material to the scolding war. His proactive provocation and Xia Yuanhang’s ungratefulness had all become arguments for fans on both sides to attack each other.

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Liang Xincheng was absent-mindedly watching the show while scrolling through Weibo to see the audience’s reaction. The real-time ratings of the show hit a new high, probably because of him and Xia Yuanhang.

Towards the end of the show, Liu Fan sent a WeChat message to remind him that Xia Yuanhang had responded, but he didn’t target them, so they didn’t have to pay any more attention.

Liang Xincheng clicked on Shengxing’s official blog to take a look at it. He did indeed send a lawyer’s letter, suing the paparazzi studio that broke the news for invasion of privacy, and the several marketing accounts that went with the rhythm that Xia Yuanhang was sending WeChat to his girlfriend for marketing slander and rumors.

The lawyer’s letter that shifted the focus without pain or itching did not have much deterrence, but Xia Yuanhang’s fans seemed to finally have the confidence and frantically forwarded it as a weapon for the next round of tearing. The CP fans who were waiting for the official statement were finally completely disappointed. Countless people blackened their heads and took off their fans badges, and more people cried and shouted that they felt sorry for Liang Xincheng. From now on, they would only protect him.

Liang Xincheng finished drinking the last sip of coffee in the cup, but his mouth felt dull.

He turned off the screen of his phone, stared at the empty cup in front of him in a daze for a moment. The overwhelming and complicated emotions finally calmed down, and all turned into a silent sigh.

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