Chasing the Light

Chapter 15: 15

Before the Spring Festival, a fashion magazine held an entertainment carnival event, inviting dozens of entertainment stars and fashion industry figures to attend. This was the first time that Liang Xincheng and Xia Yuanhang shared the same stage after half a month of the WeChat voice message incident. All media outlets had their focus on them, trying to dig up more gossip material.

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Unexpectedly, Liang Xincheng accompanied Yu Mingxiu, the chairman of their company and even walked the red carpet with Yu Mingxiu. It seemed that he did not care about the never-ending rumors about the ambiguity between him and Yu Mingxiu.

As for the voice message incident and the continuous controversy on the Internet over the past half month, neither Liang Xincheng nor Xia Yuanhang responded when asked by reporters.

Xia Yuanhang’s life during this time had not been easy. Not to mention the overwhelming criticism on the Internet, the renewal of the contract with the company had also been put on hold. The renewal conditions given by the company were very favorable, but there were also many restrictions. Long before the accident, he had already had the idea of going out alone, but it was not easy to find a suitable manager to partner with.

Plus, now that something had happened to him, whether it was big or not, it did have an impact on his image. At least it would give his partner an extra layer of consideration when evaluating his value.

After socializing for a while, Xia Yuanhang went to the bathroom after the toasts that should be toasted were all over. Compared with the hustle and bustle in the venue, the outside was much quieter and even the several lounges for guests were empty. Getting a little tipsy, Xia Yuanhang opened the door of one of the rooms casually, wanting to go in and rest for a while.

He didn’t expect that there were still people in the lounge and they were two big men who were hugging so close to each other. Xia Yuanhang, who was holding the door handle, didn’t even react. The man who was facing him raised his eyes and glanced over. There was a hint of warning in his cold eyes. Xia Yuanhang was startled, and immediately took a step back, closing the door again.

The person who warned him was Yu Mingxiu, and the man who was hugged by him only showed a side face. Xia Yuanhang thought that if he was not mistaken, it should be Du Shen, the boss of their company.

Breaking through a secret that shouldn’t be broken, Xia Yuanhang couldn’t help being a little terrified, but there was an untimely chuckle behind him.

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Xia Yuanhang turned around and met Liang Xincheng’s teasing gaze. He couldn’t help but frown: “How come you’re here?”

“You can be here, why can’t I?” Liang Xincheng pouted in the direction of the lounge, “Help the big boss guard the door.”

Xia Yuanhang immediately understood: “Do you know everything?”

Liang Xincheng shrugged: “I wanted to remind you, but you moved too fast.”

Well, he admitted that he did it on purpose. When he saw that it was Xia Yuanhang who came, he deliberately kept silent. He watched Xia Yuanhang open the door but was so frightened that he quickly backed out, before he then walked out from the corner to watch the fun.

Xia Yuanhang’s eyes darkened: “Did you do it on purpose?”

“You can think whatever you want, but if you broke the secret of the boss of the company, don’t you think he will bury you?”

“What about you? What’s your relationship with Yu Mingxiu? He’s making out with others inside and you’re here to guard the gate for him?”

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Liang Xincheng smiled again and blinked lightly: “Are you curious about my relationship with Director Yu?”

When Xia Yuanhang didn’t say anything, Liang Xincheng immediately said, “Do you believe me when I say that my relationship with him is just that of a boss and an employee?”

Xia Yuanhang glanced at him, obviously did not believe his words. Liang Xincheng helplessly said: “I know you don’t believe it, but I have a clean relationship with him, don’t wrong me, ah.”

“It has nothing to do with me.”

As Xia Yuanhang turned around and left, Liang Xincheng sighed, why didn’t he believe it? He was really not such a casual person.

It was already past eleven o’clock in the evening when the event ended, and Yu Mingxiu left early, taking Du Shen with him. Liang Xincheng, who came with him, was left behind. The nanny car that came to pick him up sent his unwell assistant away first more than half an hour ago. Liang Xincheng then was pulled by a senior to chat and the activity was over at the moment. He called the driver but the driver said that he was blocked by a car accident on his way.

Liang Xincheng sighed at the bad luck. He hung up the phone and raised his eyes to see Xia Yuanhang and his assistant walking out. Without any thought, he went over: “Can I get a ride? The driver who came to pick me up said he was stuck on the road and I might have to wait for a long time.”

Xia Yuanhang was slightly surprised. It seemed that he didn’t expect him to make such a request. Not to mention that they were not familiar with each other before, their relationship was even more awkward now. But Liang Xincheng didn’t feel embarrassed: “Please, it’s raining heavily outside. Do me a favor. I live near here.”

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Seeing that Xia Yuanhang was still hesitating, Liang Xincheng reminded him in a low voice: “There must be a lot of fans waiting outside whether it’s raining or not. If you ask the driver to drive the car over and I will get in the car with you, maybe the previous things will be over.”

No, it would definitely become more thrilling.

But Liang Xincheng’s words indeed did move Xia Yuanhang. He turned his head and motioned to his assistant, signing that he agreed.

As Liang Xincheng expected, the strong winds and heavy rains could not stop the enthusiasm of fans. When they came out, there were still many little girls in raincoats and umbrellas who had been waiting for them for hours. The sound of pressing the shutter keeps ringing. Liang Xincheng got into the car after Xia Yuanhang and vaguely heard screams mixed with unbelievable gasps. He raised the corners of his lips and calmly waved goodbye to the fans outside the car.

“Where do you live?”

After the car drove out, Xia Yuanhang asked about Liang Xincheng’s residence. Liang Xincheng reported the name of the community, and it was indeed nearby, not far from Xia Yuanhang’s residence. Xia Yuanhang nodded and asked the driver to see him off first.

Even if the car windows were closed tightly, the sound of heavy rain pouring outside the car could not be concealed. The air in the car became stuffier. Liang Xincheng coughed lightly and asked Xia Yuanhang without much words: “Do you also live around here?”

“Not far.”

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It was so cold and Liang Xincheng felt uncomfortable. He remembered the excitement when he knew that his drama’s partner would be Xia Yuanhang and the embarrassment of seeing him on the set for the first time and taking the initiative to say hello but being treated coldly by him. It seemed that from the beginning to the present, Xia Yuanhang had never really smiled at him outside the camera. He had always had this cold attitude of rejecting people from thousands of miles away.

Liang Xincheng stopped talking, lowered his head to start playing with his mobile phone. There were already fans on Weibo who posted pictures of them getting in the car together and naturally there was a new round of bloodshed. Liang Xincheng felt a little funny and felt that the fans who tried to guess what their relationship was like were pitiful. But who could say that he was not pitiful.

Because of the rain, the ten-minute drive took more than half an hour to arrive. Before getting out of the car, Liang Xincheng thanked Xia Yuanhang. Xia Yuanhang’s assistant handed him an umbrella. Liang Xincheng took it and smiled at Xia Yuanhang: “I’m leaving. I’ll return the umbrella to you next time I have a chance.”

Xia Yuanhang wanted to say no, but Liang Xincheng had already opened the door and got out of the car. He swiftly opened his umbrella and walked into the heavy rain.


T/N: I was so busy on Sunday and Monday so I forgot to update on the Monday. But another chapter is coming up tomorrow to make up for it. Happy reading everyone!


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