Chasing the Light

Chapter 19: 19

After arriving in Beijing, many fans came to pick him up after hearing the news and Xia Yuanhang’s assistant also came. Liang Xincheng left the gate first.

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Xia Yuanhang got into the car only to find that there was a men’s bracelet in his coat pocket. It wasn’t his. The only possibility was that it fell from Liang Xincheng’s wrist during the entanglement last night and fell into his clothes.

Xia Yuanhang held the bracelet in a daze for a moment, shook his head and forced himself to delete those too charming images in his mind. After putting the bracelet back into his clothes, he stopped thinking about it.

Liu Fan personally came to the airport to pick Liang Xincheng up, and as soon as Liang Xincheng got in the car, he started to talk to him: “What the hell is going on with you and that Xia Yuanhang? Why didn’t you stay away from him, ah? Some people on the Internet are already suspecting that this one is actually a series of hype. What’s going on?”

Liang Xincheng was so dizzy that he leaned back in his seat and fell asleep. He hardly had the strength to speak. The assistant reluctantly reminded Liu Fan: “He has a high fever and probably needs to go to the hospital.”

Liu Fan was startled and raised his hand to touch Liang Xincheng’s forehead: “What’s going on? Didn’t you feel fine yesterday? How come you suddenly have a high fever? What exactly did you and Xia Yuanhang do in Macau?”

Having said that, he also really did not mean to be crooked. The little assistant recalled the scene she saw when she walked into the room early in the morning that she almost broke out in a cold sweat, but she didn’t dare to say it.

Liang Xincheng was impatient with Liu Fan’s nagging so he interrupted him with a hoarse voice and irritability: “Don’t ask, the matter between me and him is my private matter, so don’t ask in the future.”

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On the second day after returning from Macau, Liang Xincheng’s new film started filming and he started to join the crews. The set was out of town and the filming took another two months.

Everything that night was like a dream. After waking up from the dream, there was no trace of it. He and Xia Yuanhang were still two parallel lines that did not intersect, each with its own trajectory. Nothing had changed.

After Xia Yuanhang’s contract with Shengxing expired, he finally chose to terminate the contract. He found a new agent through a friend, reached a cooperation agreement and set up his own independent studio.

Before Xia Yuanhang, the new manager, Xiang Qiao, had brought out several artists with good achievements. He had a wide network of contacts in the circle, which would be a very good help.

For Xia Yuanhang, he only hoped to be less restrained. It was not easy to meet an agent with similar ideas. The success of his career made him somewhat relieved and the pressure on his body could finally be relieved.

After the team was tentatively built, Xiang Qiao took out several carefully selected scripts and selected them for Xia Yuanhang, who had been free for several months: “This, the Republic of China film, directed by Peng Lai. The original is very popular. There is still another person fighting for it, but it has not been finalized. There is still a lot of hope, you can take a look first.”

Xia Yuanhang flipped through the script and asked smoothly, “Which another person?”

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“Liang Xincheng.”

Hearing this name, Xia Yuanhang frowned subconsciously, but Xiang Qiao smiled instead: “Speaking of which, I’m still curious about your relationship with him. After all, this will also be one of my jobs in the future.”

Xia Yuanhang coughed softly: “So-so.”

“The WeChat voice from before was framed by someone?”

“It’s not…My friend also wasn’t doing it on purpose. Forget it, it’s all over. There’s nothing to say.”

Xiang Qiao nodded and said casually: “Liang Xincheng, I have been in contact with him. A few years ago, the person I brought starred in a film. He was not popular at the time, he was just a stand-in and had a small role. He was really able to endure hardship. I was quite impressed. In the high temperature of 40 degrees, he had to wear thick clothes and stand in the sun for several hours. Other extras wouldn’t do it for extra money, but he did it alone, and he was very serious. He gritted his teeth and insisted on not saying a word.”

Hearing this, Xia Yuanhang, who seemed to have a subtle touch in his heart for a moment, asked subconsciously: “Really?”

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“The main reason I am so impressed with him is that he looks really eye-catching, too prominent in a group of extras. At that time, I looked at him and thought that if this child would grow up hardworking like this, as long as someone supports him, he will definitely be popular in the future. If it weren’t for the fact that I had several people in my hand at that time, I might have signed him by myself.”

“He is really popular now and someone indeed supports him.”

Hearing Xia Yuanhang’s words, Xiang Qiao felt a little weird. He glanced at Xia Yuanhang and hesitated: “You mean the boss of their company? I have also heard those rumors, but it shouldn’t be. Yu Mingxiu is quite decent and doesn’t like to engage in this kind of thing, and Liang Xincheng…How to put it, it’s not that no one had tried to support him before, but he would rather offend people and continue acting as extra roles. I don’t think so.”

Xia Yuanhang pursed the corners of his lips lightly as his gaze fell on the cover of the script in his hand. He was in a daze. He really didn’t believe the rumors about Liang Xincheng’s sluttery private life and sleeping all over the set. At least Liang Xincheng’s innocent reaction under him that night couldn’t deceive people. As for the relationship with Yu Mingxiu, Liang Xincheng also said that they were just the relationship between the boss and the employees.

Perhaps he really had a big misunderstanding of Liang Xincheng. What kind of person Liang Xincheng was, he had never really understood.

Liang Xincheng, who was still filming on set, received a message from Liu Fan that he and Xia Yuanhang’s agent were fighting for the same role. The film party was currently more inclined towards Xia Yuanhang, but they were not completely without a chance.

Liang Xincheng replied without much hesitation: “Then forget it, I don’t want to argue with him, let them do it.”

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Liu Fan was very surprised: “What do you mean you don’t want to fight with him and give it to him? Are you serious?”

“You said that the film crew is more inclined to him, so there is nothing to argue about. Don’t make it like the Ding Yao incident last time. The gains are not worth the losses. It’s not that there is no other drama besides this film. Why focus on a fight?”

Liu Fan hated iron for not becoming steel:1to feel resentful towards sb for failing to meet expectations and impatient to see improvement “You are going to give up without even trying? Anyway, let’s go to the audition first, ba? And can Xia Yuanhang compare with Ding Yao? He has no such hard background as Ding Yao, so you have nothing to fear from fighting with Xia Yuanhang.”

Liang Xincheng had just finished work. After filming all day, he was so tired that he wanted to lie in bed and fall asleep. He really didn’t have the strength to say more: “Let’s talk about this later.”

Hanging up the phone, he stared at the chandelier above his head in a daze for a while. He heard the name that he hadn’t heard in two months. He still felt uncomfortable. He worked hard every day to force himself not to think about it. After that night, he was destined not to be able to face Xia Yuanhang calmly as before.

Hanging up the phone, he stared at the chandelier above his head in a daze for a while. Hearing the name that no one had mentioned for two months again, his heart still felt uncomfortable. He worked hard every day to force himself not to think about it. In fact, he was hiding his ears and stealing bells.2掩耳盗铃 (yǎn ěr dào líng): plug one’s ears while stealing a bell; deceive oneself After that night, he was destined to be unable to face Xia Yuanhang as calmly as before.

He desired more things and worried more about gains and losses. No matter how anxious and embarrassed he was in his heart, he had to hide it all and not show it in front of others. He really felt very tired.

Maybe his morbid persistence was wrong from the beginning, but now, it was harder to give up.

1to feel resentful towards sb for failing to meet expectations and impatient to see improvement2掩耳盗铃 (yǎn ěr dào líng): plug one’s ears while stealing a bell; deceive oneself

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