Chasing the Light

Chapter 20: 20

In mid-May, Liang Xincheng went back to Beijing to shoot magazines and audition and at the same time, he also attended a private party hosted by a big fashion industry figure.

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He didn’t expect to meet Xia Yuanhang whom he hadn’t seen for more than two months at the party. Liang Xincheng saw him as soon as he walked in the door; Xia Yuanhang was tall and stood out in the crowd. He was wearing a bright-colored casual suit, looking very handsome, while talking to his party host Mei Lin with a smile at the corner of his mouth.

Sensing that someone was looking at him, Xia Yuanhang turned his gaze and was startled for a moment when he met Liang Xincheng’s gaze. Liang Xincheng smiled at him, walked over, and greeted Mei Lin first: “Thank you, Mei-jie, for your invitation. I am glad to have the honor to come to your party.”

Mei Lin smiled and patted him on the arm: “You are willing to come to give me face, just play casually, take it easy.”

These words were just her being polite. Liang Xincheng knew the status of the other party in the fashion circle. She had always been the only one who gave face to others. How could a small person like him with no background dare to make a mistake.

“I don’t dare to not come here to hold your hand and I’m counting on you to take care of me.” Liang Xincheng said half jokingly and half flatteringly. With this woman’s ability, if you were willing to connect with her, fashion resources were indeed easy to come by.

Mei Lin laughed more and more happily. She liked this sweet-mouthed and handsome little fresh meat. He was such an eye candy so she exchanged a few more greetings with Liang Xincheng and once again told him to have fun before entertaining other guests.

Xia Yuanhang listened to their conversation from the side the whole time and had to admit that Liang Xincheng was much more talkative than him, and he was more comfortable in pleasing people. This was actually also a kind of ability.

Only after there were two of them left, Liang Xincheng smiled at Xia Yuanhang again: “It’s been a long time since I saw you. I didn’t expect you to come today.”

Xia Yuanhang nodded: “I got the invitation card, it’s not good if I don’t come.”

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“How are you doing recently? I heard that you opened your own studio?”

“En, I’m just starting out, so I’m still busy. How about you? Is the filming going well on the set?”

Liang Xincheng smiled: “It’s pretty good.”

With a few simple greetings, the two of them went to greet other people they knew. In fact, there was really nothing to talk about between them. The relationship was too awkward. Pretending that nothing had happened did not mean that it really did not exist.

At ten o’clock in the evening, the party was over. When Xia Yuanhang left, he suddenly stopped Liang Xincheng, making Liang Xincheng look at him suspiciously. Xia Yuanhang coughed uncomfortably and asked Liang Xincheng, “Did you drop a bracelet?”

“What bracelet?” Liang Xincheng recalled after speaking, “You mean when we were in Macau? …It was indeed missing. I thought it was left in the hotel. Did you pick it up?”

Xia Yuanhang didn’t expect him to mention the word ‘Macau’ with such a big grin. On the contrary, he seemed too guilty, so he said calmly: “That’s it. It fell into my clothes. Do you want to leave me an address? I’ll ask someone to send it to you.”

With a thought in his mind, Liang Xincheng blurted out: “I’ll go get it with you now.”

After speaking, he quickly explained: “That one was given by a friend, it is quite meaningful, so you don’t have to ask someone to send it to me. I’ll go get it with you now…It shouldn’t be too much trouble for you, right?”

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Xia Yuanhang hesitated for a moment before agreeing: “…No trouble.”

So Liang Xincheng sent his assistant back with the car and got into Xia Yuanhang’s car. Xia Yuanhang drove here by himself.

He had a bad cold and drank lemonade all night. Fortunately, Mei Lin didn’t care about it.

Hearing him sneezing non-stop, Liang Xincheng didn’t hold back and asked him, “How many days have you had a cold? Didn’t you take your medicine?”

“It’s okay, I don’t like taking medicine. I will be fine in two days.””

“You can’t get through such a bad cold just by holding it up. You have to take medicine to avoid other problems.”

Xia Yuanhang turned his head to look at Liang Xincheng, who spoke seriously, and laughed, “Thank you for your concern, I will take medicine when I go back.”

Liang Xincheng nodded casually, turned his head and looked out the window, without letting Xia Yuanhang notice his slightly blushing face in the night.

Xia Yuanhang drove the car into the underground parking garage of the community. When reversing the car, Liang Xincheng noticed the man who came out from behind the pillar not far away and was staring at them. His heart sank and he reminded Xia Yuanhang beside him: “Your dad…”

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Xia Yuanhang followed Liang Xincheng’s line of sight and looked over. It was indeed his gambling father who had disappeared for several months. After returning from Macau, he changed the locks of his residence in a fit of anger. Unexpectedly, Xia Xiangzhou would block him in the parking garage.

After parking the car, Xia Yuanhang got out of the car and walked towards Xia Xiangzhou. Knowing that there was no need for him to meddle in the matter between the father and son, Liang Xincheng sat in the car and watched.

After a few words, the father and son clashed. Xia Xiangzhou’s appearance was even more embarrassed and decadent than when he was in Macau before. His face was thin and sunken, while his muddy eyes were full of hostility. He was waving his hand and cursing Xia Yuanhang loudly.

Sitting in the car, Liang Xincheng couldn’t hear clearly and couldn’t help frowning.

A moment later, when he saw Xia Xiangzhou suddenly took out a dagger from his pocket and stabbed the unsuspecting Xia Yuanhang, Liang Xincheng’s heart jumped. He slammed the car door open and rushed over.

It was too late for Xia Yuanhang to dodge it and the sharp dagger passed through his arm. Instantly drawing a long bloody gash. He looked at Xia Xiangzhou in disbelief as the man roared with a pair of red eyes: “How could I give birth to such an unfilial thing as you! You make so much money but don’t give it to me! Are you happy to see me being beaten to death by a loan shark?!”

Xia Xiangzhou swung the knife for the second time and rushed forward. Liang Xincheng, who rushed over, kicked him hard on the knee, pulling Xia Yuanhang back.

Xia Xiangzhou fell to the ground because of pain. The dagger fell and was kicked away by Liang Xincheng, making the man shout angrily. Xia Yuanhang looked at his ugly father expressionlessly and the last bit of warmth in his eyes turned cold.

He didn’t care about his bleeding arm. Instead, he walked back to the car to take out his wallet, took out all the bank cards inside, and threw them in front of Xia Xiangzhou: “This is all my savings, all in these cards. There are only a few hundred thousand in total. I’m not as rich as you think, I’ve been squeezed out dry by you a long time ago. Only that much left, you can take it all. The password is my mother’s birthday. Don’t come to me again. It has nothing to do with me whether you are dead or alive in the future.”

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Xia Xiangzhou immediately picked up all the bank cards and put them in his pocket. He got up and looked at Xia Yuanhang without the slightest guilt in his eyes, only unsatisfied greed: “You want to send me away with such a little money. What do you take me for? Anyway, Laozi has raised you for more than ten or twenty years and you treat Laozi as a beggar? If you want to cut it off, bring me another two million!”

Xia Yuanhang clenched his fist hard, suppressing the anger in his voice: “There’s no more, I don’t have a single penny on me.”

“You don’t lie to me!”

Liang Xincheng really couldn’t bear it. He took out the checkbook he carried with him, tore a check after writing a few strokes and threw it to Xia Xiangzhou: “Two million for you, get lost as far away as possible. Remember what you said, don’t come back to Xia Yuanhang even if you die outside!”

Before Xia Yuanhang could stop him, Xia Xiangzhou had already snatched the cheque with an almost manic twisted smile on his face. He turned and ran away without looking at Xia Yuanhang again.

Xia Yuanhang closed his eyes. The pain from the wound and the reaction to the severe cold made him almost unable to stand. Liang Xincheng supported him with anxiety that could not be concealed in his voice: “You bear it, we will go to the hospital now.”

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