Chasing the Light

Chapter 24: 24

In early July, Liang Xincheng attended an award ceremony held by a video website. This kind of event had no great significance aside from increasing the exposure a little. Liu Fan said he needed to go so he dressed up and walked on the red carpet, letting fans and media take enough pictures before going into the venue and taking the seat arranged by the organizer.

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The left side of the seat was still empty with Wei Xishuang’s name on it. Liang Xincheng glanced at it but not caring about it. He lowered his head to play with his phone.

Xia Yuanhang sent a WeChat message and asked if he would also participate in this event. Liang Xincheng replied with a smile: “I have already arrived at the scene. I just sat down. Will you come too? Can you leave the crews?”

Xia Yuanhang had been in the new crew for almost half a month. They occasionally contacted each other. Their relationship was no longer salty or cold, and was much better than before.

“I’m on leave, but I’m probably gonna be late.”

“That shouldn’t matter. If you can come, the organizers and sponsors would be smiling.”

This kind of event depended on them, the traffic stars, to support the scene. For the organizer, of course, the more people come, the better. Only when popular fresh meats were on the same stage could there be people talking.

“If you go, you can even win an award. Even though it’s useless, it’s not a loss.”

The corners of Liang Xincheng’s mouth rose unconsciously, and the person who was sitting down next to him suddenly approached. His gaze fell on his mobile phone screen as he read the last sentence sent by Xia Yuanhang in a low voice before letting out a laugh: “So you have a good relationship with Xia Yuanhang, right?”

Liang Xincheng quickly locked the screen and coldly glanced at Wei Xishuang who was sticking to him: “What does it have to do with you?”

Wei Xishuang smiled and curled his lips: “You are not interesting enough. The WeChat account you gave me is really not a private account. No wonder you don’t reply to my WeChat messages.”

“I’m too busy, maybe I didn’t see it.” Liang Xincheng avoided the question and didn’t want to explain too much.

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Wei Xishuang complained in a low voice: “Why are you always so cold? How long have you been holding a grudge?”

The host of the event had already taken the stage and the award ceremony had officially begun. Liang Xincheng sat up straight and stopped paying attention to him. Wei Xishuang liked to make appointments and he didn’t care about whether the partner would be man or woman so he didn’t want to get involved with him.

Xia Yuanhang came in halfway through the events and his seat was arranged on the side of the two rows back. Not long after he sat down, it was his turn to take the stage to receive the award. He won a so-called all-around artist award. Xia Yuanhang took the trophy and stood in front of the microphone to deliver a typical speech.

Wei Xishuang approached Liang Xincheng again, and sighed inexplicably: “Xia Yuanhang is very attractive. Don’t you think he has more light signboards than me in the fan area over there? I’m so jealous.”

Liang Xincheng scoffed coldly in a low voice: “You might be able to catch up with him when you get a whole plastic surgery.”

Wei Xishuang rolled his eyes: “Forget it. I’m actually pretty handsome, don’t you think?”

Liang Xincheng didn’t even give him a look. He listened carefully to Xia Yuanhang’s thank-you speech on the stage, and applauded vigorously when Xia Yuanhang bent over and bowed.

Xia Yuanhang walked off the podium, unconsciously glanced in the direction of Liang Xincheng. When the two pairs of eyes met, Liang Xincheng smiled slightly. Xia Yuanhang lowered his head to hide the corner of the mouth that unconsciously raised a smile.

This smile exchanged outside the spotlight was not recorded by any camera, only they who were involved knew it.

Liang Xincheng received a similar award and asked his assistant to take a photo of holding the trophy in the backstage. On the way back, while in the nanny car, he posted a Weibo for his fans. Xia Yuanhang sent another WeChat message, asking if he wanted to eat supper.

“Do you eat spicy crayfish?I bought it and took it back.”

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“You don’t need to go back to the crew?”

“It’s too late today so forget it. I’ll go back to the crew tomorrow morning.”

“Well, you can buy more.”


Liang Xincheng was holding his phone and giggling, when the assistant at the side coughed lightly and reminded him, “Wei Xishuang has liked your post.”

“Let him do whatever he wants.”

Liang Xincheng didn’t even bother to look at it. He plugged in his headphones and put the phone back in his pocket, leaning on the back of the chair and humming a song with his eyes closed.

When the assistant went to buy the supper, Xia Yuanhang also posted a Weibo. After refreshing it again, he saw that Liang Xincheng and Wei Xishuang’s names were ranked first in the hot search bar. He clicked on it and took a look, only to see marketing accounts and fans had posted about their interactions tonight.

The two people sitting together seemed to have been whispering and talking and laughing. After that, Wei Xishuang liked and commented on Liang Xincheng’s Weibo, and a lot of people shouted it was cute and wanted to invest in this CP.

Xia Yuanhang couldn’t help frowning when he looked at it. From him to Xie Qinfeng and now to Wei Xishuang, Liang Xincheng seemed to have a never ending of this kind of male-male scandal. But to say that Liang Xincheng deliberately hyped up before, Wei Xishuang was unilaterally interacting with his post from the beginning to the end. From the time they finished recording the variety show together until now, Wei Xishuang had interacted with Liang Xincheng on various occasions, but Liang Xincheng had never responded to him.

Thinking of the scene he bumped into him at the hotel when he was recording a variety show, Xia Yuanhang was inexplicably upset, even though he was eighty-nine percent knew it was another misunderstanding.

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When Xia Yuanhang came knocking on the door with two big pots of spicy crayfish, Liang Xincheng had just finished showering and taking off his makeup. He pulled open the door with a head of wet hair, showing a bright smile to Xia Yuanhang: “I can smell it, it smells so good.”

The neckline of his pajamas was wide open and the water dripping from his hair rolled down along his beautiful neck. His fair skin was still flushed with attractive pink after a hot bath, which made it easy for people to think crookedly.

Liang Xincheng, however, as if he was unaware, smilingly went to pick up the things in Xia Yuanhang’s hand. Xia Yuanhang uncomfortably looked away and reminded him, “You go and dry your hair first.”

“It’s really troublesome.” Liang Xincheng muttered in a small voice as he went back to the bathroom.

After he finished blow-drying his hair, Xia Yuanhang had already taken out all the food he bought and put it on the coffee table. Apart from the crayfish, there were also a few cans of beer. Once again they sat on the ground, eating and drinking while chatting.

“Are you familiar with Wei Xishuang?”

Xia Yuanhang tentatively asked this question. Liang Xincheng paused while holding the beer can and said amusedly, “Why did you mention him?”

“You guys are trending on Weibo together, didn’t you see it?”

Liang Xincheng shook his head indifferently: “I used to be on hot searches with you much more, so what’s the matter?”

Xia Yuanhang was somewhat speechless. Liang Xincheng threw the peeled shrimp meat into his mouth and answered the previous question frankly: “I have nothing to do with him. He wanted to make an appointment with me, but I refused.”

“Cough——” Xia Yuanhang instantly choked on the chili oil and bent down to cough desperately.

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Liang Xincheng went to the kitchen to pour him a glass of hot water: “Are you okay?”

Xia Yuanhang took the glass and drank a big gulp of water. He shook his head helplessly and asked Liang Xincheng: “Do you always say amusing things like this?”

Liang Xincheng laughed with a ‘pfft’ and was overwhelmed with joy: “Isn’t this kind of thing very normal in this circle? What’s the point of pretending to be pure?”

“What about you? Do you really think it’s normal?”

Xia Yuanhang stared straight at Liang Xincheng, with some strange emotions flashing in his gloomy pupils. Liang Xincheng looked away, took a sip of beer, and said vaguely: “I’m very picky.”


Liang Xincheng smiled: “There are too many people trying to get me into their bed. If I don’t like it, I won’t do it even for more money. If I like it, I will sleep for free.”

Xia Yuanhang frowned slightly. After a while, he silently peeled a shrimp meat and handed it to Liang Xincheng bowl: “What are you talking about? You are obviously not that kind of person, why do you always belittle yourself? Eat, ba.”

Liang Xincheng smiled again and said nothing more. He quietly ate the shrimp meat and sighed in his heart, who is pretending to be stupid?


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