Chasing the Light

Chapter 25: 25


Liang Xincheng’s new drama was filmed in Hengdian‘s Film and Television City. He joined the crew during the hottest time of August. When he arrived at Hengdian and got off the plane, he received a WeChat from Xia Yuanhang, wishing him a good start.

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“Thank you~”

“Give me your bank account number.”


“I’ll pay you back, I have received the pay.”

Xia Yuanhang didn’t tell Liang Xincheng that he almost forgot about it. Liang Xincheng sent him the account number, and within five minutes a text message from the bank came in. Xia Yuanhang paid off all the debts in one go, and even paid him the interest for the past few months.

“Received.” Liang Xincheng replied with a confirmation, feeling a little empty in his heart. Without this creditor relationship, it seemed that he and Xia Yuanhang would have less interaction.

“In any case, I still have to thank you again for this matter. Thanks to your help I can get through this difficult time.”

“You have already thanked me many times, don’t say it again.”

“Well, you can film with peace of mind. I’ll visit your place when I’m free.”

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“Okay.” Liang Xincheng smiled and locked his phone. He didn’t take Xia Yuanhang’s kind words seriously. Xia Yuanhang was filming in Beijing, where would he get the time and reason to come all the way to Hengdian to visit the crew?

After leaving the airport, a crew member came to pick him up and took Liang Xincheng to a hotel near Hengdian to settle in. Liang Xincheng would be the male lead of this movie so the whole crew attached a great importance to him. He was properly arranged in terms of life, and the hotel he stayed in was also the best. This was the first time Liang Xincheng had come to Hengdian to film after he became popular. Thinking about the days when he was running around here, he couldn’t help but sigh. It was really not easy for him to get to where he was today.


At the hotel, Liang Xincheng met the female lead of the movie. She was the permanent cast member of the variety show ‘Raiders of Heaven’ whom he had worked with before, the actress Gu Rong.

This movie focused more on the male protagonist so there were not many scenes of the female protagonist. The tragic ending of the love story between an older woman and a younger man separated forever was quite interesting. Gu Rong signed a special contract to make a special appearance in the movie, which could bring a lot of talks for the movie. It also would not cause any embarrassment in the battle for the position because of the differences in the seniority of the two.

Liang Xincheng was actually very surprised that Gu Rong was willing to come and carry the sedan chair for him. Even though he knew she was giving face because of her good relationship with director Peng Lai, Gu Rong had already taken the initiative to contact him before coming, saying that she was looking forward to the next cooperation, which also made Liang Xincheng very flattered.

After meeting Gu Rong, he greeted her formally and bowed solemnly with sincere words: “Sister Rong, please give me some advice.”

Gu Rong laughed helplessly: “Don’t be like this, take it easy. How can we ‘fall in love’ in the next few months if you’re like this?”

Liang Xincheng smiled: “Sister Rong is a senior when we’re not acting, I don’t dare to make a mistake. But when we’re acting, please forgive me.”

Gu Rong was a good person and a big-name senior with status. Liang Xincheng didn’t dare to lose the courtesy he should have. Moreover, whether it was a senior or a peer, every time before the shooting of a new drama, he would consciously draw the line between inside and outside the play with his co-actresses. This was his principle.

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Gu Rong had been in the business for more than twenty years, how could she not understand what he meant? In this circle, there were many co-star couples who became a couple while filming to cultivate their relationship. She herself did not mind developing an off-screen relationship when she met someone who got along well before. However, she really couldn’t do anything to a child like Liang Xincheng. Seeing the other side trembling and in fear, she felt very happy and felt that after several contacts, this child was indeed really different from the rumor: “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you. Don’t worry. But you still have to relax a little, so that you can get into the state. I just met Xiao Ding, he has a much better mentality than you. Only those who are laughing and joking have the vitality of young people.”


“Ding Yao?” Liang Xincheng was slightly surprised.

“Yes, you still don’t know that he’s also in the crew?”

Liang Xincheng really didn’t know. Except for the female lead, he didn’t know which other actors were in the crew and he didn’t care. What surprised him was that if Ding Yao was also in the crew, Liu Fan should have told him about it but he didn’t.

However, Liu Fan was not to blame for this matter. Ding Yao’s role was only decided two days ago, so Liu Fan had not received any news yet.

After exchanging pleasantries with Gu Rong, Liang Xincheng went upstairs to his room. Just as he took out his luggage, someone knocked on the door and the person who came was none other than Ding Yao.

“Xincheng-ge, I haven’t seen you for a long time. I just heard that you are here so I came to say hello to you.”

“Long time no see.” Liang Xincheng nodded casually and let him in.

Ding Yao was smiling and chatting with Liang Xincheng, who was packing his things. Liang Xincheng casually asked him, “Why did you accept this film?”

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“I like the role of Tang Ran very much. It is full of tragedy and quite challenging.”

Liang Xincheng almost rolled his eyes when he heard the words. Ding Yao’s appearance here was really unexpected to him. This kid had Shengxing supported him with good resources and his popularity had slowly increased after the previous two movies were released. Now the man who was a male lead in a major production had come to him as a supporting role. Was this a joke?


Tang Ran was the second male in this film. He was the son of the enemy family of the male protagonist, Young Master Lin who would be played by Liang Xincheng. His father colluded with foreign enemies regardless of his life or death, and he was used by the protagonist again. Later, he found that he was a pawn in the game that everyone was holding in his hand. In the end, he died generously for justice. It was indeed tragic and his scenes were a lot, but after all, he was still a supporting role.

Hearing Gu Rong mention Ding Yao just now, Liang Xincheng even thought that his role had been replaced by him again.

He glanced at Ding Yao, twitched the corners of his mouth as he smiled meaningfully: “If you want to play a more challenging role, wouldn’t be able to get a challenging one, ba? I’ll think you’re secretly in love with me if you’re like this?”

Ding Yao raised his hand in a pleading manner: “Xincheng-ge, don’t joke. Okay, let me be honest. I don’t want to follow my uncle and Xie-ge’s arrangement, they are too annoying. I went to director Peng’s audition for this scene secretly without telling them. It’s really not easy for me to get into the crew, but I promise I won’t hold you back. Xincheng-ge, please be patient with me.”

It turned out to be a kid who had an awkward quarrel with his family and ran away from home. Liang Xincheng was quite speechless: “Did your family arrange it for you badly? Others are envious of you. You just played the male lead in a big production. Now you are here to be the supporting role for me. Aren’t you afraid of being laughed at?”

In fact, Liang Xincheng really wouldn’t bother to tell these truths if this was someone else, but Ding Yao was a naive and cute kid, so he wasted his lips here and said a few more words to him.

“I’m already a junior of you, so why does it matter if I get the supporting role? The position is not important, I think it’s more important to choose a good role. I didn’t lie to you. I really like this role.”

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Liang Xincheng was taken aback for a moment, then smiled again: “You are right.”

A few years ago, there was no such thing as a supporting role or male lead role for him. If he was given a role with lines, he could even wake up with a smile but now he even cared about these things.

After Ding Yao left, Liang Xincheng sent a WeChat, reporting Ding Yao’s matter to Liu Fan. When he exited, he saw Xia Yuanhang’s profile picture below, and unconsciously, he also told him that Ding Yao had joined the same crew as him.

Xia Yuanhang quickly replied, and seemed to have the same question as him: “He plays the supporting role in your movie?”

“Yes ah. You don’t know?”

“I don’t know…We haven’t been in touch for a long time.” When replying with this one line, Xia Yuanhang was a little embarrassed and confused. He and Ding Yao hadn’t contacted each other for a long time since the last incident. Suddenly, he got Ding Yao’s news from Liang Xincheng, which made him feel inexplicably guilty.

Liang Xincheng looked at the line of words that took a long time to be sent to him, bowed his head with a silent smile, thought about it and replied, “You’re right, he is indeed quite cute.”



T/N: hi everyone, sorry for being MIA again, no excuse to it this time. but i’ll try to update daily to make up for the past weeks.


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